Air Serbia to grow Prague capacity


Air Serbia will double its capacity on flights between Belgrade and Prague on select dates next month amid strong demand. The carrier, which maintains operations to the Czech capital with its 72-seat ATR72 turboprop aircraft, will deploy its 144-seat Airbus A319 jet on services on March 8, 14, 15, 17, 22 and March 24. This summer, the airline plans to increase frequencies on its Prague route to eleven weekly.


  1. Nemjee13:37

    I already said that not thriving in Prague with a Czech CEO would be an embarrassment. If anyone knows market dynamics then it's him.

    Good to see them do well. If NUE, TIA or SKG can fill the A319 then so should Prague. Hopefully they keep on upgrading more flights in the summer.

    1. Anonymous13:40


    2. Anonymous14:32

      Was in Prague last week for business, it was packed with Serbs

    3. Anonymous20:05


    4. Slav Man22:01

      Just because he is Czech it doesnt mean he can manipulate and create demand. The damand from travel has to come from leiusure and business. This is something that has to come from the citizens of Serbia and Czechia. Looking at the future it doesnt seem that routes to EU nations will be functional for Air Serbia.

    5. Anonymous06:44

      "it doesnt seem that routes to EU nations will be functional for Air Serbia".
      You da man!

    6. Anonymous08:12

      @Slav Man
      Maybe the airline should focus on Caracas, Tehran and Minsk instead?

    7. Nemjee08:59

      Slav Man, luckily for him, demand is there. It's only a matter of capturing it for themselves. Prague is a big and rich city without a strong national carrier (which Marek knows very well). Furthermore, Czech aviation is centralized around PRG meaning JU is covering the whole country with their flights.

      A successful CEO gives direction to his subordinates. His job is to instruct his sales team what to do on the Czech market and what their expectations are and how these are to be met.

      Let's be honest, BEG-PRG was one of the most successful Air Serbia routes. It was also the first they increased. What we are reading today is a natural progression which started almost a decade ago.

      I can see JU operate BEG-PRG double daily on the A319 down the road.

  2. Anonymous13:39

    Bravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

    1. Anonymous22:53

      the day with empty seats is here

    2. Anonymous09:22

      The day of neighbourhood haters masquerading behind local tax-payer disguises and spreading their envious “concerns” is here too. And here to stay.

      Bravo JU. Samo napred!

  3. Anonymous16:04

    This route is ideal for Wizzair, 2 or 3 times per week, i still wait on wizzair ,not any chance to use AS with expensive ticket price.

    1. Anonymous17:05

      200e za sat i po putovanja je bukvalno previše.I ja se nadam da će neko drugi ući sa nekom manjom cenom,ali teška priča.

    2. Anonymous17:37

      Pa imaš bus ako ti se ne žuri za nekih 100€ i 10+ sati njakanja.
      Ili 200€ avionom i tu di za 2 sata.

    3. Anonymous18:19

      It's their longest ATR route right? I wonder if the prices are that high because the economics for ATR flights are not optimised for those lengths. Venice is a bit closer but the prices are also quite high

    4. Vlad18:21

      The prices are that high because they have a nice captive market. That's it :)

    5. Anonymous18:41

      Literate people read the article and realized A319 is replacing ATR on some days to Prague. For those who are "waiting" for Wizz to start the route, you really have no urgency at all to fly to Prague. It might be 5 years, 10 year or never. You will get there faster and cheaper on a bike.

    6. Anonymous18:57

      The days of cheap flights are over!

    7. Anonymous22:55

      the days of empty seats is here

    8. Anonymous23:03

      Anonymous17:37 200 eura sa rancem , obicne drzavne derikoze.Za te pare imas sa Wizz-om Abu Dhabi kad hoces ....6 sati avionom i torbom 20 kg.Ima Air Serbia da nestane kao Malev . Samo gledajte

    9. JATBEGMEL23:53


      Why doesn't Wizz launch BEG-PRG it's ideal for them?


      Tickets at those prices indicate that the flights are full or have at least a decent CLF, which is why they're upgrading some flights over to the A319 on top of frequency increases. In other words strong demand. You can find cheaper fares on different dates.


      You are absolutely right. There are soo many empty seats that JU want to be even more generous and add in more empty seats.


      Wizz BEG-AUH is not 60€ with luggage, that price is barely with cabin baggage. BEG-AUH with luggage starts at 110€ one way. Return flight with luggage starts at around 250€. You also have the comfort and pleasure to have the Wizz experience to fly on a 6 hour sector on an aircraft fitted with maximum amount of seats and seats that don't recline.

      Lufthansa charging 450€ one way BEG-MUC on an economy light fare is normal, but 200€ with JU is absolutely unacceptable I guess. 110€ one way with Wizz to Memmingen (my apologies, Munich West as Wizz also calls it) with no luggage and barely cabin luggage must be a steal. But hey, it's a Serbian company so it must be bad and expensive. Let's also not forget that JU is not an ultra low cost airline.

    10. Anonymous06:21

      Anon @23:30 Sta kazes, samo gledajte kako Air Serbia nestaje? Vec 10 godina gledam suprotno: vidim da je Air Serbia sve veca i jaca. Da se kladimo u sve pare koje imas da Air Serbia nece propasti ove godine? Da malo zaradim na tvojoj zavisti.

    11. Nemjee09:04

      BEG-PRG can't be cheap because Prague airport is expensive. It's one of the pricier airports on the European continent.
      Obviously the local market can pay those prices because they are rich enough. At the end of the day €200 for someone might be a lot while for someone else it's next to nothing. Airlines prefer the second category which,anyway, seems to be the clientele using these Prague flights. Adding more seats on the market should help in putting out there a lot more cheaper flights.

      As for Wizz Air, I am sure Ljubljana and Prague are coming in the future. Both seem to be healthy markets from Belgrade.

    12. Anonymous13:01

      Anonymous06:21 kao prvo uvek bih izabrao domacu kompaniju da je barem cenovno priblizna inostranoj,kako mogu da lete za Atinu za 100-120 eura povratna, tako mogu i za Prag.Jednostavno imaju trenutno monopol na liniji i diktiraju cenu, cim se pojavi neki konkurent bice povoljnije.Linija za Prag je idealna za turiste od strane wizzaira, pod uslovima da ponudi duplo jeftinije karte.Biznis korisnici bi trebalo da preferiraju Air Serbia, ne zbog komfora toliko koliko zbog pouzdanosti letova,bez otkazivanja,brza resenja ako slucajno dodje do nekog poremecaja na liniji.Air Serbia ce nestati sa odlaskom velikog vodje, i da klasican je LCC po pitanju usluge.Uzivaj uz Iva vodu,chips Cacak ,i noblice uz 200,300 eura kartu.Prijatno

    13. Vlad13:20

      Air Serbia offers exactly the same on-board service as all major EU carriers. They are also a for-profit business, which means they should charge as much as they can while keeping the planes full. They are not a social service for bitter leisure flyers who can't afford their ticket prices.

    14. Anonymous13:39

      Anon 13:01

      Eh koliko vas se nada da ce se Air Serbia ugasiti. I ne samo u Srbiji nego malo i zapadnije preko Dunava i Drine.

      Da, uzivamo i uzivacemo u letovima od 200-300€ jer mozemo to sebi da priustimo dok neki poput vas mole boga za propast domace kompanije misleci da ce leteti avionom preko sveta za 20€.

      Dovoljno je samo pogledati cene W6 u Beogradu. Ali indikativno da niko ne kuka kakve cene ima Swiss ili Lufthansa iz Beograda. To je sasvim ok. Ono za Frankfurt kao iz topa mogu da se daju 300-400€ kao i za Minhen. Isto za bus karte gde se kao pseta gurate i vozite 25h tipa do Frankfurta i tad nije problem dati 200€ za povratnu kartu. Realno isplati se. Premijum sedista imate sa pogledom “Horgos” i tako par sati dok se neko ne smiluje da vam pogleda pasos.

    15. Anonymous14:48

      Anon 13:01 Air Serbia ce nestati sa odlaskom velikog vodje

      Zar nije Tito bio jos veci vodja? Pa JU nije nestala. Milosevic kazu bio veliki vodja pa nije nestala. Ajde stavi pare na sto.

    16. Anonymous00:22

      Anon13:39 kupi kartu za biznis klasu 800 do 1000 eura , i putuj kao gospodin.Ja sam stoka koja putuje avionom za 10,20 max 100 eura.I putujem zahvaljujuci LCC i putovacu .Kad AS ima dobru akciju idem i sa njima,eto bio sam do Atine povratna 10500 din economy light.

    17. Anonymous00:32

      Anonymous14:48 evo dajem 1 dinar i to mi je mnogo

    18. Anonymous00:48

      Anonymous13:39 ma srećno ti bilo ,ti putuj ne za 400 uzmi ko covek nesto za 1000 eura.Eto ja sam se vratio iz Abu Dhabia za 20 eura povratna ,bio spec popust za dan drzavnosti emirata.Air Serbia za dan drzavnosti je dao veliki Q..c
      Idem za 20 eur povratna Malta sad u martu i u julu Krit 90 eura povratna,jbg malo je skuplja zbog vece torbe ,ipak se ide na letovanje.Pratio sam i AS lete za iste aerodrome al to su vec neke tvoje cene ko iz topa 300 eura Krit,Malta 150.Uživajte u komforu AS,ja im te pare ne dam ni njima niti bilo kome.Ako putujete poslovno sa njima razumem Vas ja sam patriota koji radi u Srbiji,a preko samo kao turista i postujem svoj novac .Želim Vam ugodan let.

    19. Nemjee08:23

      Анон 00.48
      Да ли реално мислите да сте ви исплатив путник било којој од тих компанија? Вероватно уграбите те најјефтиније карте јер купите доста раније али верујте ми, све авио-компаније најмање воле путнике попут вас.
      Такође, мислим да се нелогично издваја Ер Србија. Они нису јефтини али нису ни скупи. Њихове цене су негде мало испод европског просека, барем на основу мог искуства. Како очекујете да летите за 20 или 30 ојра када су аеродромске таксе толико? По вама авио-компаније не би требало да праве профит?

      Управо сам бацио поглед на BEG-AUH за април. Просечна карта у овом тренутку износи 10.006 динара и то у једном смеру. Супер што сте ви платили 20 евра али ви сте створили Визеру губитак. Они не опстају због вас већ због оних који им на крају дана плате 20.000 без кофера да би ишли доле у пустињу.

    20. Anonymous10:44

      Nemjee slažem se sa tobom ,ništa ne brini za wizzair to im je marketing i jedinstvena ponuda povodom dana drzavnosti 2 decembra bila,ipak su uspeli popraviti skor samnom ,kabinska torba 25 eur po smeru, trosak u avionu pice ,sendvic itd.Izvukli su ipak 100 eura,malo je to ali tih karti je bilo samo 10 po letu .Meni smeta sto tradicionalne kompanije nemaju sluha za tržište,drze visoke cene konstantno.Jedno je kad bih ja morao za 3 dana da putujem npr za London,pa bio bih srecan da nadjem za 300,400 eura kartu.Jednostavno za Prag su skupi ,sto ne ponude za letove 6 meseci unapred bez ilakve fleksibilnosti barem za 100 eur povratna.Nece propasti za toliko.

    21. Anonymous13:53

      Anonimus 10:44
      +100 000 za to što ne ponude 6 meseci unapred makar 10 karata na dnevnim letovima po ceni od max 100-110 ojra,neće propasti za nekih 100 karata nedeljno po toj ceni,a imaće 11 letova nedeljno.

    22. Anonymous22:13

      Anonymous 10:44

      Evo ja sam nasao povratne karte izmedju Beograda i Londona sa JU za 54 funte. Inace znaju da budu dosta skuplje, ali vecinom budu oko 200 sto je realna cena za tako dug let

    23. Anonymous20:18

      I would forbid the 20 EUR passengers, their impact is terrible, both on the economy but especially on the climate. They do not travel somewhere because they need or because they need vacation, they fly because it is 20 EUR.

  4. Anonymous20:05

    Danas dva leta:
    1. 12.00 JU612 70pax
    2. 17.55 JU614 61pax

    Takodje u nedelju je dodat jos jedan let pa ce ih biti ukupno dva tog dana.

    1. Anonymous21:37

      These flights 612/613 are new. PRG was always going either in the morning or in the evening, never in the midday.

  5. Anonymous08:59

    200 euros is not expensive for a round trip flight anywhere. But if someone wants to save money then I suggest flying out of Nis

    1. Nemjee09:05

      €200 seems to be the new norm, people tend to forget that a large chunk of the fare is made up of taxes. Airlines are blamed for it because they are the ones collecting it.

    2. Anonymous15:32

      200 eur today is what 150 eur was last year (or even less in aviation due its cost structure run by fuel) so I don't find that price high. It could be with A319 as a norm though.

    3. Anonymous04:09


  6. Anonymous12:55

    Still waiting for flights to Bratislava. Many Serbs work in western Slovakia. Maybe instead of Route to Budapest.

    1. Vlad13:21

      Flying to BTS while there's fierce competition on the VIE route makes little sense.

    2. Flying to BTS while there's fierce competition on the VIE route makes perfect sense.
      BTS is a good and much cheaper alternative to VIE.

    3. Anonymous15:49

      Almost from any place in western Slovakia is good connection to Bratislava, but not so to Vienna. So airline which will first take advenfage of BTS airport can eat big cake alone. People will buy ticket from BTS rather then from VIE. Ryanair has many flights from both airports and its working for them.

  7. Jasmineeeeeee!!!! Dje si? Cujes li? Aj' sto ne meres, ne znas i ne smijes NYC, ok, al' vako nesto bar probat, PRG, il' tako nesto, a?

    1. Anonymous13:51

      Ma ne moj Boga ti dirati Jasmina dok spava! )))

    2. Uu, izvini jarane, imas pravo, ja zaboravio da je subota. Doduse isto bi bilo i ponedjeljak, utorak, srijedu.... 😃

    3. Anonymous15:34


    4. Anonymous16:01

      A četvrtak? Valjda je to neki radni dan.


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