The Slovenian government last week adopted an initiative to secure a bilateral Air Service Agreement with Rwanda “The establishment of a scheduled air service between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Rwanda is in the economic interest of both countries. Representatives from the Slovenian aviation industry have expressed their interest in concluding a bilateral Air Service Agreement between the two countries, namely due to the possibility of operating cargo flights”, the Slovenian government said. It added it would consult the European Commission during the negotiating process but said it does not believe there would be any obstacles in concluding the deal with its Rwandan counterparts.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that a country that is trying to reestablish its self is getting still bad press ,yes it was bad but they are trying to move forward, don't forget ,Germany, France, UK, all had bad press but now look them ,doest Rwanda deserve the same ,all these people giving it bad press havnt even been there,the country is unrecognisable from 10 years ago
DeleteI'm sorry but I laughed out loud when I read this news.
ReplyDeleteMe to, honestly!!!
DeleteMy goodness...what's going to be next? Flights to Bolivia?
DeleteBut that one will not be from Ljubljana, it will be from Zagreb. Croatia has significant diaspora in Bolivia. Even consulate in Cochabamba 😃 Ideal opportunity for their "brand new shiny" A220 fleet. LOL!!!! 😃
Deletewhich fleet?
DeleteRwanda hust discovered 15 trilion dollar in gold…they know what they doing…rwanda capital is nr 1 capital most cleaned capital city in africa And low crime
ReplyDeleteExactly. #lostcause
DeleteIs this a joke?
ReplyDeleteYess because LJU needs to be connected to Kigali Go girl !!!!
ReplyDeletecargo wise it actually makes sense (i work in air freight logistics and I know the trends, routes, demand, ...).
ReplyDeleteCargo would make sense only if RwandaAir had a cargo plane, but they dont. They have a passenger A330, which would be empty, so flying that big plane just for cargo makes absolutely no sense
DeleteNot true Rwandair has Boeing 737-800SF (converted cargo) and will probably add a Airbus A330F next year.
DeleteLJU steaming ahead and BEG is still waiting for Lagos flights ;-)
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha good one!!
DeleteI know a lot of you will laugh but cargo demand is there
ReplyDeleteWhat is being shipped and in which direction?
DeleteBanana King Lobby in full swing, fresh bananas coming!!!!
DeleteGoodness... Lol.
ReplyDeleteAnd what about Lagos?
ReplyDeleteYup, this one should be priority, I have so many famous family that recently passed away in Nigeria, i need at least bi-weekly flight to get to all inheritance :):):)
DeleteI propose someone launch Lagos-Ljubljana-Toronto and JU can codeshare on all those flights. Like that we are all happy.
DeleteYou are right. Jasmin doesn't care anyway. He is having his coffee. So literally all happy 😃
DeleteMost of you laughed but Rwanda has a decent fleet of 12 aircraft including the A330 neo, something not even 1 sole ex-YU country has. It is nicknamed the Singapore of Africa for those who are not familiar. Also check their largest GDP per capita, which is 4 times higher during the last 20 years. Look at Kigali photos and you will be very surprised.
ReplyDeleteI mean Rwanda is pretty great, it’s just that there is like no demand for this route. Rwanda offers god connections to Africa, but that’s about it.
DeleteThere is a big demand to ship European arms to be used in wars in Rwanda's neighbouring countries
DeleteOh boy, nothing wrong with your ego. The president of Rwanda was invited to watch a Formula One race in Singapore a few months ago and all of a sudden Rwanda is the next Singapore? Haha. Have you been to Singapore?
DeleteIs it April 1st already?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you cruel and sulky? Kigali is connected to Brussels and London in Europe so what is the problem having a connection to Ljubljana? If Belgrade has Tanjin and Athens Singapore, why not Ljubljana Kigali?
DeleteIn Slovenian aviation every day is April 1st.
Delete14:21 read the article. It also related to cargo flights. A quick online search indicates that Rwanda is one of the world's largest producers of tin, tantalum, and tungsten (3Ts) and also exports gold and gemstones. Rwanda also possesses a variety of minerals such as silica sands, kaolin, vermiculite, diatomite, clays, limestone, talcum, gypsum, and pozzolan.
DeleteRemember that LJU has a cargo potential....
anon at 14:21, that kind of cargo, with the exception of gold and gemstones goes by sea freight. what's more potent for cargo is, that the country is centrally located, has increasingly better infrastructure, increasingly acting as a hub for the surrounding countries.
Deleteso you should look at it as an entry and exit point for all the surrounding countries and LJU the same way. consolidated cargo through the week at LJU from across the region and bringing it 1/week to Kigali and vice versa.
Placem. Komentari su vrh 😂
Delete15:21 Yes. LJU can act as a cargo starting point for those raw materials. Every airport can find a possible point where it can benefit from it. LJU is possibly considering becoming a cargo hub similar to Zaragoza and Luxembourg or Liège in BE.
DeleteAnd we want to see gorillas. Isn't that so Mrs. Urška?
ReplyDeleteNa povabilo predsednice Parlamenta Republike Ugande Anite Annet Among in predsednice Poslanske zbornice Republike Ruande Donatille Mukabalisa bo predsednica Državnega zbora mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič z delegacijo med 3. in 7. aprilom 2023 na uradnem obisku v Republiki Ugandi in Republiki Ruandi. V delegaciji predsednice Državnega zbora bo poslanka Mojca Šetinc Pašek.
DeleteV ponedeljek, 3. aprila 2023, bo predsednico Državnega zbora z delegacijo v Parlamentu Republike Ugande sprejela gostiteljica, predsednica Parlamenta Republike Ugande Anita Annet Among. Uradnemu fototerminu in vpisu predsednice Državnega zbora v Knjigo gostov bo najprej sledil pogovor na štiri oči med predsednicama obeh parlamentov, nato pa še pogovor med obema parlamentarnima delegacijama. V ponedeljek se bo predsednica Državnega zbora z delegacijo srečala tudi s predstavniki UWONET.
V torek, 4. aprila 2023, bo predsednico Državnega zbora z delegacijo sprejel minister za zunanje zadeve Republike Ugande Odongo Jeje Abubakha, v Predsedniški palači Republike Ugande pa je predvideno srečanje s predsednikom Republike Ugande Yoweri-em Kaguta Museveni-em.
V sredo, 5. aprila 2023, bo predsednica Državnega zbora mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič z delegacijo začela uradni obisk v Republiki Ruandi. V Kigaliju jo bo sprejela gostiteljica, predsednica Poslanske zbornice Republike Ruande Donatille Mukabalisa. V Parlamentu Republike Ruande bosta predsednici obeh parlamentov imeli najprej pogovor na štiri oči, nato pa bodo sledili plenarni pogovori med parlamentarnima delegacijama Republike Slovenije in Republike Ruande. Ob koncu pogovorov bo sledil uradni fototermin in nato še izjava predsednice Državnega zbora za predstavnike medijev Republike Ruande. V spremstvu predsednice Poslanske zbornice Republike Ruande bo predsednica Državnega zbora z delegacijo isti dan obiskala tudi "Kigali Genocide Memorial", kjer se bo vpisala v knjigo gostov in položila venec.
V četrtek, 6. aprila 2023, se bo predsednica Državnega zbora z delegacijo na Ministrstvu za enakost spolov in družino Republike Ruande srečala z ministrico za enakost spolov in družino Republike Ruande prof. Jeannette Bayisenge in vodjo Urada za spremljanje enakosti spolov (GMO) Republike Ruande. Na Ministrstvu za okolje Republike Ruande se bo slovenska delegacija srečala z ministrico za okolje Republike Ruande dr. Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, predstavnikom ruandskega organa za upravljanje okolja (REMA) in predstavnikom ruandskega sklada za okolje in podnebne spremembe (FONERWA). V nadaljevanju uradnega obiska bo potekalo še srečanje s predsednico Nacionalne komisije za človekove pravice Republike Ruande Marie Claire Mukasine. Obisk se bo nadaljeval v Parlamentu Republike Ruande, kjer bo predsednica Državnega zbora z delegacijo v spremstvu predsednice Poslanske zbornice Republike Ruande Donatille Mukabalisa obiskala muzej "Campaign Against Genocide". V četrtek popoldan bo potekalo še srečanje predsednice Državnega zbora in delegacije z ministrom za zunanje zadeve in mednarodno sodelovanje Republike Ruande dr. Vincent-om Biruta-om, predviden pa je tudi ločen sprejem pri predsedniku Republike Ruande Paul-u Kagame-ju in pri predsedniku Vlade Republike Ruande dr. Edouard-u Ngirente-ju.
V petek, 7. aprila 2023, se bo predsednica Državnega zbora mag. Urška Klakočar Zupančič z delegacijo v Kigaliju udeležila komemoracije ob Dnevu genocida.
Uradni obisk Republike Ugande in Republike Ruande bo potekal v luči prizadevanj za krepitev odnosov z afriškimi državami. Srečanja z visokimi predstavniki obeh držav bodo lahko prispevala k boljšemu poznavanju izzivov in priložnosti afriškega kontinenta, hkrati pa predstavljajo možnost za boljšo predstavitev Slovenije in njenih aktivnosti v Afriki. Slednje je še zlasti pomembno v času pridobivanja podpore za članstvo Republike Slovenije v Varnostnem svetu OZN.
There was flight BUD-LJU-KGL today :)
ReplyDeleteIt was flying to the FIFA Congress in Kigali
DeleteLju airport is just incredible with those kinds of things. Instead of having regular flights to Amsterdam and Copenhagen, we will have flights to Kigali. By the way I am still waiting for that Uzbekistan air deal which was talked about last month.
ReplyDeleteSome people fly more to Asia than u think. I am looking for Samarkand.
DeleteI'm sure Ljubljana-Samarkand flights will be very viable
DeleteAn 20:52 I am sure they do but I would rather see regular Ljubljana- Amsterdam and Madrid flights and then we can start looking further out of Europe.
DeleteThis is crazy. Don't they understand that Malawi has a far greater potential!?
ReplyDeleteOvo je dolijevanje ulja na vatru svim Fanaticima LJU aerodroma s idejom kako Ljubljana treba povezanost sa svakim gradom na ovoj kugli jer eto tolika je potraznja. Jednom rijecju smijurija 🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteNe treba sa svakim gradom ali ocigledno nesto se ne radi dobro kad je 42% putnika manje nego u 2019.
DeleteJa se cudim da Ljubljana ima toliko koliko ima. Bez uvrede ali kad se maknes iz centra doslovno 3 minute voznje autom pocinje suma i nestane grad tako da meni nije jasno.
DeleteNo one said this would be to Ljubljana, maybe they're planning Maribor to Kigali
ReplyDeleteNah I think thet will operate to Portoroz and maybe even Celje with grass runway
DeleteBut Slovenia aviation sector is so small, where is the demand coming from?
ReplyDeleteHub to load aircraft.
ReplyDeletecargo flights smh
ReplyDeleteHow about flights to North Korea?
ReplyDeleteExcellent idea! Due to the prevalent Yugo-communist nostalgia in Slovenia the planes are going to be full. And comrades from NK could come to Slovenia to learn that you can steal much more from relatively rich people than from completely poor and downtrodden. Cheers!
DeleteThere is alot of lack of knowledge and misinformation coupled with lack the aviation business sector in some comments. People don't seem to know about Aviation Hubs and Aviation Connecting Points...
ReplyDeleteThese political jokers intentionally killed Adria to support their mafia in Slovenija. But they were not capable to go with their plans and now creating these dramas and making our country's infrastructure a joke
ReplyDeleteEh, a bili uzor svima nekad...
ReplyDeleteFoll all those pure patriotic Slovenians, if I may leave you with something to think about today here it goes. Is it possible that the Banana Republic is Slovenia? Without National Airline ( Rwanda has one ) and with the airport belonging to Fraport ( Rwanda owns the Airport ), not mentioning how many of the worth mentioning Companies based is Slovenia are not in hands of Slovenians. Lep dan! 😉
ReplyDelete+10000 So many ignorant kids here. They just need to look into the very recent history of Rwanda. It managed to also built a pretty decent fleet for an African country. Which ex-Yu has a 330 neo? Some airports like SKP are even dreaming of AMS, CDG or LHR as destinations and they dare to laugh. I hope LJU succeeds with Air Rwanda.
DeleteI get your comments and I partly agree with them but I don't think that in general Rwanda is a better and more developed country than Slovenia. But as for aviation I completely agree.
DeleteThis must be due to the massive Balkan diaspora in Rwanda. But more likely, it's an early April fool's joke.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who said he needed Lagos because of the death of family members gets the prize for funniest comment this year.
ReplyDeleteThe amount of entertainment this airport provides is just incredible. It was Uzbekistan flights last month, its Rwanda flights in March...I wonder what are they going to come up with in April, maybe North Korea or Fiji? And still no regular AMS and CPH flights
From a Rwandan just so you know what you are talking about next time