Air Serbia has added a third Embraer aircraft to its fleet wet-leased from Greece’s Marathon Airlines. The 88-seat Embraer E175 jet is expected to operate on Air Serbia’s behalf until October 15, after which it will be replaced by a 118-seat E195 aircraft. The jet complements the E190 and E195 already operating on the Serbian carrier’s behalf. Based on Global Distribution System availability, the second E195 is tentatively scheduled to join the fleet on October 16 during the morning wave of departures on either the Dusseldorf or Rome service, however, changes remain possible. Marathon Airlines has previously indicated the second E195 would join Air Serbia’s fleet sometime in September, although the smaller E175 aircraft seems to be a temporary replacement until the larger version arrives.
Air Serbia’s growing Embraer operations are in line with its plans to bridge the gap between its ATR72-600 and Airbus A320-family fleet. The E190 and E195 aircraft feature either Air Serbia titles or livery, with the second E195 expected to as well. The Serbian carrier is likely to eventually transition the wet-leases into dry-leases if it is satisfied with their performance. “We'll see how these planes perform. If it turns out that they perfectly fill the gap between ATRs and Airbuses, we will keep them”, Air Serbia’s CEO, Jiri Marek, said recently. The E175, which is set to operate on Air Serbia’s behalf until mid-October, is eleven years old and registered SX-ASK.
Speaking to EX-YU Aviation News recently, Pawel Skuteli, Embraer’s Regional Director for Airline Marketing EMEA, said, “Air Serbia launched over twenty new routes this year. Adding Embraer E-Jets to the fleet will help to further fuel this growth. Efficient regional jets offer more flexibility and can serve as route-openers on markets that would be too thin for a larger narrow-body or too far away for a turboprop aircraft. E-Jets also help to tackle seasonality, one of the key challenges for airlines in the region. Historically, capacity in January has been at only 40% of what it is in August. Efficient regional jets are a perfect tool to maintain connectivity by replacing larger aircraft in low-demand months”.

Together with renewing the ATRs, this is their best fleet decision so far.
ReplyDeleteEmbraer addition on JU’s fleet is succesfull and changed a lot !
DeleteThey need around 5 E195
DeleteThey have the time to evaluate another airplane, and my guess is that Marathon is doing it for peanuts as the 2nd E195 is late.
ReplyDeleteE175 is something Air Montenegro should be looking for in the future as well
E175 is maybe there for free as contracted E195 has not arrived yet.
DeleteFor sure plus don't forget that we are almost in October so demand in Europe has dropped so Marathon has spare capacity for JU. I am surprised it's used to Zurich though, the E75.
ReplyDeleteBravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
ReplyDeleteBravo Marathon airlines too!
DeleteAir Serbia seemingly found perfect partner in Marathon
DeleteAnd Marathon in Air Serbia.
DeleteHope to see them in ljubljana as much as possible
ReplyDeleteA319 is becoming obsolete in JU's fleet and it's good they are no longer adding them. Long-term transition to a mix of E95 and A320 is the best combination.
ReplyDeleteI also think their plans to add A321 is not bad actually.
DeleteAbsolutely routes like Barcelona are ready for the A321. Lots of O&D plus transfers flying between BEG and BCN. Also the A321 could be much more economical on flights to Russia compared to the A330.
DeleteI believe they should have at least 2xA321.
DeleteThis additional flexibility is a good thing for the airline. They can switch from atr to embraer when it make sense.
DeleteThey will have.
DeleteSo basically the Embraers are a precursor to phasing out A319's.
It's more likely for EMB to be link between lines that struggle with capacity, for what ATR has become too small, and for A319 are still to thin.
DeleteSo the plan is to have 2 E195s and 1 E190 from the middle of October?
DeleteI have a feeling they'll be keeping e75 as well... Depends on how they see the plane preform - but there is a reason why LOT loves it so much
DeleteIt is reasonable thinking.
DeleteDon't think so. They said from the start it will be 2 E195s and 1 E190 and this is obviously just a tempprary replacement.
DeleteE175 is a good replacement for atr on some longer routes. Krakow, Prague, etc. Would all benefit from it, and since the dry-leased planes are getting delayed again and again maybe it would be good for them to keep one E175 on standby amd relax the ATR fleet usage a bit
DeleteIt probably is more comfy for the passengers but the way I see things from recent flights with new ATRs, they really are OK in terms of being comfy. Also, in my opinion, gap between ATRs and E90 is not too big, and my logic for not keeping E75 would be that E90 probably has similar (fuel and other) costs per flight and load factor of let's say 80% is not bad. On the other hand I am pretty sure that cost per flight is much more in favor of ATRs than E75... So, if I was the one making decision, I would keep ATR / E90 / E95 combo.
DeleteI agree ann 10:02, but if they aren't able to find 8th ATR soon, wet leasing E75 is a good choice
DeletePrague doesn't need the E75 as there is enough demand to upgrade the route from ATR to E95 like today.
DeleteThe relation between E175 and E190 somehow reminds me on relation between A318 and A320 - almost the same costs of maintenance but in A320 company sells cca 40 seats more.
DeleteSome days PRG is good enough for A320 some days it's good enough for ATR42, same as Ljubljana., Maybe E75 would be good base aircraft for NIŠ
DeleteНиш does ok with the A319 because for gasto routes they need larger capacity to lower their CASM.
DeleteAs JU's network grows so will the need for small planes get smaller. Just look at LO which is dropping E70 and E75 from its fleet.
Ниш 😎
DeleteGreat to see the fleet keeps growing.
ReplyDeleteTheir fleet is not growing. They just wet-lease aircraft.
DeleteRead the article. They also added ATRs and A320 this year.
Delete@Anon 10:08 Yes, you are right. They transported around 2 million people in their dry-leased planes, and the 1 million on top of that were fired with a long range canons to destinations of their choosing... Some people here...
DeleteThe point anonymoys 10:14 is no matter how many passengers they will carry, 9 airplanes are not serbian registered , they are wet leased and do not considered as Air Serbia fleet ! The same goes for all the airlines in the world that wet leases airpkanes.
DeleteMarathon Airlines' aircraft are considered as JU fleet. Therefore, JU fleet consists of 24 aircraft now, 25 when second E195 arrives.
DeleteNo , Marathon airlines airplanes are not considered part of Air Serbia fleet, until they dry leased take serbian registration and serbian speaking crew.
DeleteMost of the crew is Serbian speaking as several Air Montenegro pilots and crew were poached to work for Marathon Airlines after the Air Serbia deal.
DeleteAlso, Marathon hired Belgrade based pilots.
DeleteHow many planes does JU have now?
ReplyDeleteLike a lot!
DeleteMy calculation is 31 aircraft.
DeleteDry leased 22:
10x a319
3x a320
2x a330
7x ATR
Wet leased 9:
3x Embraer by Marathon
2x b737 by KlasJet
1x a319 by Dan Air
2x a320 by Dan Air (YR-JUL full time + YR-DSE on weekends)
1x Atr 500 DAT (
Seems like it may stay 31 over the winter. DAT is leaving at the end of the month but YU-ASD is replacing it. I just hope they start adding new dry leases from spring so that there are no delays when summer comes. This year Dane made huge problems for them.
DeleteMaybe they will paint the other half of the winglet on this one. That seems to be our biggest concern atm
DeleteDon't return it, and ask the government to pay a bit more and base it in Niš
ReplyDeleteI don't think the government is interested in giving more money for Ниш at least not before the new terminal is completed.
Deletewhat a mistake...they should have taken A220, the newest, the best, the shiniest aircraft on the market. Ask OU if you don't believe it!
ReplyDeleteA220 is a very good aircraft. How does it fit within some airline's network, is it expensive, is it the best fit for some routes, are the engines reliable etc - those are questions for a separate discussion. But there is no question A220 is a good aircraft.
Deletewhen is your birthday Anon 17:55? I will get you sarcasm detector.
DeleteEmbraer E175 bi mogao da se koristi i sa Aerodroma Morava Kraljevo. Povecanjem broja destinacija u toku sezone i van nje sa ovog aerodroma. Postojeca pista bi mogla da prima ovaj avion. Bio bi to prvi putnicki avion koji bi leteo sa trenutno dostupne piste. Zbog nosivosti same piste. Gradnjom nove piste bi se oslobodila postojeca za vojnu namenu. Zasta je i pravljena. Na pocetku izgradnje ove piste, poceo sam da radim prvog septembra 1961 godine. Tada sam poceo da izucavam mehanicarski zanat, radeci u G.P Ibar. Koji je medju ostalima izvodio radove na V.B Ladjevci.
ReplyDeleteZivot tece sa verom da ce se i ovaj aerodrom dograditi.
If you ask me in order to replace A-319 Air Serbia needs mix about 5 E-190 and about 10 E-195 planes?
ReplyDeleteMore good news for LJU passengers. Air Serbia just upgraded JU195 on 31st October. So on top of that Monday the Embraer will operate on Tuesday evening as well.
ReplyDeletePlease go triple daily in summer 2024!
How does Marathon Airlines benefit from this? Does Air Serbia pay them for the planes and the crew? How does Serbia make money paying another airline? Just curious I don't know how this works.