Podgorica Airport eyes new terminal


Airports of Montenegro, the operator of Podgorica Airport, has unveiled plans to build a new terminal building. The value of the project is estimated to be between thirty and forty million euros. At a cabinet meeting of the Montenegrin Government, the President of the Board of Directors of Airports of Montenegro, Eldin Dobardžić, said, “We are seeking approval to begin the construction of a new passenger terminal at Podgorica Airport. We have part of the funds secured, while the other part would be financed through a bank loan”. The cabinet was divided on Mr Dobardžić’s proposal, with some approving of the plans while others were more critical. The outgoing Prime Minister, Dritan Abazović, said the new incoming government would deal with the proposal, as well as the potential concession of Montenegro’s two commercial airports. Podgorica Airport's eisting terminal was built in 2006.


  1. Anonymous10:57

    Montenegro keeps winning!

  2. Anonymous10:58

    Please correct me if I’m wrong but this current terminal looks to be similar size to new INI terminal?

  3. Anonymous14:28

    New terminal BADLY needed. Happy to read that plans are in the works.

    1. Извините, какви планови? Неко на влади ЦГ рекао да би требало градити нови терминал и то су већ планови. Неки чланови владе су подржали ИДЕЈУ, а неки секретар секретаријата за капиталне инвестиције каже да је неком та идеја пала на памет синоћ или прексиноћ. И још се позива на неки мастер план из 2011. у коме такво нешто не постоји.
      П.С. тај неко је Адмир Шахмановић са све тим звањем, титулом...

    2. Anonymous15:04

      ^да се гради

  4. Anonymous18:18

    Best idea is close Tivat airport. Make Podgorica large airport with more than 5 million travellers. Make highway from Podgorica to Tivat.

    1. Anonymous20:46

      Anonymous18:18 Copium... high dose.

  5. Anonymous20:44

    So, Tivat is going into a concession. Finally... the only thing that matters to Tivat is to separate from Podgorica!

  6. Anonymous22:25

    Only 30-40 million needed for new terminal. Private investor wants to invest 75 million into Berane airport.

  7. Anonymous00:01

    The one built in 2006 has major issues in meaning of not enough chairs for everyone, complicated cleaning of the structure from the inside (specially rooftop), etc. etc.


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