Air Serbia wins Niš, Kraljevo PSO subsidy tender


The tender for subsidized flights considered to be of public interest from both Niš Constantine the Great Airport and Kraljevo’s Morava Airport saw only Air Serbia applying. The Serbian airline, having held the contract for the past two years, is now set to extend its operations on the same routes for an additional four years. Under the Public Service Obligation (PSO) contracts, Air Serbia will maintain year-round flights from Niš to Belgrade, Cologne, Hahn, Istanbul, and Ljubljana, along with seasonal services to Athens and Tivat. From Kraljevo, the airline will operate year-round flights to Istanbul and seasonal operations to Thessaloniki and Tivat. The total value of the contracts awarded to Air Serbia for the four-year period is just under 34 million euros. PSOs allocate funds for routes that may be economically unprofitable but are considered crucial for the public and the economic development of the region they serve. Consequently, fares for the mentioned routes from Niš and Kraljevo are notably less expensive than those from Belgrade. Serbia's Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, noted, "In the coming period, the introduction of commercial flights from Niš and Kraljevo will also be considered in order to improve connectivity and aid economic development". 


  1. Anonymous13:31

    Surprise, surprise

  2. Anonymous13:34

    No new routes ? Disappointing

    1. Anonymous13:39

      It was announced over a month ago that it would be the same routes.

    2. Anonymous21:28

      The government should of added CDG and ZRH to the list of routes in the new package.

      ZRH has been on and off for over a decade, so demand is obviously there but not adequate for profitability. CDG as a major European hub would open alot of new one stop destinations for INI.

    3. Перица00:00

      Nis should be better connected to the right hub in Belgrade.

      There is no sense in connecting Nis to some other hubs.

    4. Anonymous00:14

      Very tru. I wonder what the LF of BEG-INI is nowadays.

    5. Nemjee08:04

      BEG-INI is developing quite nicely and there are many flights with a LF over 50%. I think this route has long-term potential.

      Issue is that JU is focused on BEG where it is somewhat struggling to keep its expansion. Pilot shortage is becoming a real issue and I hope their hiring spree will be successful. That said, some should ask themselves why so many pilots left in the first place. If you don't find a solution to that problem then you will just keep on hiring new people once old ones leave.

  3. Anonymous13:42

    "economically unprofitable but are considered crucial for the public" does this mean cheap flights to Tivat in order to buy votes?

    1. Anonymous13:44

      What are you going on about? Tivat has been part of the PSO for two years now. What does it have to do with elections. Not to mention that Tivat flights are seasonal starting in June!

    2. Anonymous13:52

      How is Hahn crucial for anybody in ExYu?

    3. Anonymous14:02

      Many gastos

    4. Anonymous15:09

      I'm surprised Tivat route would need to be subsidised. I would have thought it would have been a route with demand that could at least break even with ATR's especially over the summer period.

    5. Anonymous15:16

      Tivat is subsidized so there can be low fares otherwise literally no one would use it. People would just go by car.

    6. Anonymous20:43

      It needs subsidies because not that many people go to MNE. Just look at the number of charters from INI

  4. Anonymous13:48

    What a surprise !!

    1. Anonymous14:14

      If they are to give to sone foren airline then you would complain how "your tax payer money" is go8ng to them. You are just negative no matrer what they do

    2. Nemjee08:06

      Serbia gave billions to foreign investors since 05.10.2000 and that resulted in us still being one of the poorest countries in Europe. So obviously throwing money at Western companies is not the way forward.
      Giving subsidies to JU is a good way to regenerate Serbian aviation which can have positive macroeconomic effects.

  5. Anonymous13:49

    wow thats 8m€ per year

    1. Anonymous14:08

      Around 4 million less than PSO to Croatia Airlines.

    2. Anonymous14:18

      Croatian PSO is 20 million per year. So Serbian is way cheaper!

    3. Anonymous14:21

      Not to mention that the associated costs for this PSO is much higher than the Croatian one considering the distance of the routes compared to the domestic ones in Croatia.

    4. Anonymous14:37

      Yes but Croatian PSO has much more frequencies. In the end I guess they are same.

    5. Anonymous16:27

      И онда помножите 20 милиона са 4 и упоредите са 34 милиона за 4 године. То Вам дође на исто, по Вама.

  6. Anonymous14:07

    So no Air Pink, thank goodness!

  7. Anonymous15:15

    What's going on around Air Pink? They don't seem to have applied. Does that mean their plan is Belgrade?

    1. Anonymous15:55

      ne prizivaj ih...

    2. Anonymous16:45

      They are transferring planes to their new airline Air Emeralds. They already have 4-5 aircraft in their AOC . It is possible that Air Pink will take over the LCC model and Air Emeralds will take over the VIP charters.

    3. Anonymous16:47

      BTW what is the Emeralds logo, do you have a social network, website?

    4. Anonymous17:53

      How many airlines are there in Serbia, why doesn't anyone take anything bigger than the C560?

    5. Anonymous18:01

      Air Serbia
      Air Pink
      Prince Aviation
      MPC Air
      Air Emeralds
      United Eagle
      Eagle Express
      Air Posh
      Tinadar Jets
      Ivoy Jets
      Sky Bridge
      Adriatic Airways
      Air Swisslion
      Balkan Helicopters
      Ikar Air
      And more.....
      There are also opertors of helicopters. Sky Bridge is operator of 737BBJ.

    6. Anonymous18:02

      YU-EAG Let410? What is the operator?

    7. Anonymous18:36

      there is another plane Let 410 YU-MAE, marked Kin Avia?

    8. Anonymous19:18

      GAS Aviation, Smederevska Palanka

  8. Anonymous15:38

    Bravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

    1. Anonymous16:51


    2. Anonymous16:53

      Bravo for getting peoples tax money in order to be 'profitable'.

    3. Anonymous17:34

      Anon 16:53 your behaviour was described in comment 14:47 above.

    4. Anonymous21:17

      Looking at last years financial report, even if you remove the subsidies received for PSO flights, JU is still profitable.

      Serbian tax payer funds staying in Serbia to employ Serbian nationals (who also pay taxes and spend their salary in Serbia) in a Serbian airline serving Serbian products isn't something to criticise. In the end, that money stays (mostly) in Serbia. The alternative is to have a foreign company receiving Serbian tax payer funds only to pack up and leave when ever they feel like it, with which there is many examples of this in the region and not just Serbia. Money made by foreign companies doesn't stay in Serbia, significantly less taxes are paid in Serbia, 0 Serbian products are used while it would be questionable as to how many Serbian nationals would be employed for Serbian PSO routes.

    5. Anonymous06:23


  9. Nemjee18:54

    This is absolutely fine. JU is a Serbian carrier so better to fund them than some foreign conglomerate. If only the government would encourage them to improve work conditions.

    1. Anonymous21:00

      Totally agreed with you. Boosting the local economy while improving connectivity. Eventually they will open additional routes. But it won’t happen overnight.

  10. Anonymous22:58

    Niko da spomene najvaznije: linija BEG-INI makar u letnjoj sezoni treba da ide sa ATR dva puta dnevno, svaki ili skoro svaki dan, kad je vec PSO. To bi omogucilo Nisu solidnu povezanost sa mnogim destinacijama koje nisu realne za direktan let, od Njujorka do Kine.

    1. Nemjee08:12

      А са којим АТР-овима да возе два пута на дан? Ер Србија ту исправно поступа јер даје предност линијама попут Будимпеште, Беча, Букурешта, Прага, Кракова... где могу зарадити много више.

      Држава се овако и онако разбацује са нашим парама. Паметније би им било да додатно уложе у Ер Србију и да им набаве 15 потпуно нових АТР-ова. На крају крајева, та иста држава ће прва профитирати од тог потеза. Па зар им ЈУ није недавно вратила кредит? Не памтим да је икада у историји Србије неко јавно предузеће вратило држави позајмицу. У овом случају та иста држава је повратила из ЈУ 20 милиона евра. Плашим се да држава очекује повраћај уложеног капитала са минималним додатним улагањима. Свако ко се бави бизнисом зна да фаза развоја захтева додатна улагања како би се тренд органског раста одржао/наставио.

    2. Anonymous12:25

      Slažem se potpuno Nemjee, naročito kad se ima u vidu koja količina novca se deli stranim investitorima koji se pokupe i odu posle par godina. On što me brine svakako je odijum koji je stvoren u medijima i na društvenim mrežama protiv Air Serbia, a zbog cele priče o iznosu sredstava koja su uložena od 2013. godine. Uz priču o lošim uslovima za zaposlene, mislim da bi dodatno ulaganje države u Air Serbia u ovom trenutku tek napravilo PR haos... Samo molim Boga da ako dođe do nekih političkih promena na izborima Air Serbia ne plati ceh u postupku raskrštanja sa prethodnom vlašću...

  11. Anonymous23:45

    Air Litvanija

  12. Anonymous09:32

    Flights for January are not listed on the website yet and I need to book in early January a flight to INI

    1. Anonymous09:34

      It will be loaded in a few days. They have to sign the contract first


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