Airlines get reprieve as Amsterdam flight cap shelved


The Dutch government has reversed its decision on a controversial plan to cut flights at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport, a decision that allows airlines to maintain their planned schedules at the airport during the 2024 summer season. In the first phase of the Dutch government’s plan, which was to come into effect in late March of next year, 84 airlines holding historic rights at the airport, among which are Air Serbia and Croatia Airlines, were required to reduce that portfolio by 3%. The Dutch flag carrier KLM, which would have been most affected, would be required to significantly cut operations and has already halved its planned 2024 summer schedule to both Belgrade and Zagreb from double daily to daily flights in anticipation of the cap. The U-turn represents a blow to one of the most high-profile efforts to limit flying on environmental grounds and came after the Dutch government said the US threatened “countermeasures” against restrictions on its carriers landing at the hub airport. The push to limit flights was based on the impact of flying on the local community, including aircraft noise and nitrogen dioxide emissions, rather than the wider contribution of flying to global warming. Airlines had lobbied furiously against the proposals to reduce the number of flights at the airport by 8% per year. 


  1. Rising Sun13:52

    NL government on par to ours in the Balkan. Made such an irreversible damage to KML 2024 schedule, only to be suptly reminded, that they are USA´s poodle. Just LoL

    1. Anonymous14:02

      The funniest thing is that AMS expressed "disappointment" that the cap won't be introduced. Of course the CEO of the airport is a political apointee from D66 party that has been pushing this disaster so he is sad now the airport won't shrink.

    2. Anonymous14:25

      That will be changed soon! Elections are coming!

    3. Anonymous17:36

      Nothing will change, Dutch will always be Dutch! Subtle protection of its own market and companies and green washing in abuse for local Dutch politics. Nothing new unfortunately!

    4. Anonymous10:15

      Liberalism at its best.

    5. Anonymous03:58

      Capping passenger numbers and slots will only damage Dutch economy, AMS and at the most KLM revenue and profits. Other European hubs will be more then happy to take the traffic from AMS. Only issue is that it will start trend and open doors for negative growth in aviation sector in EU (flight shaming), thus making tickets more expensive for common people making travelling a privilege. Dutch can always shrink their economy, thus lower energy consumption and save the planet!

  2. Anonymous13:52

    Fortunately logic prevailed. I wonder if the government would have supported redundancy payouts for the staff that would have lost their jobs over this?

    1. Anonymous14:01

      No, logic did not prevail. Schiphol has expanded beyond its agreed limits over the last 13 years, so the government-mandated cap on flights was put in place to rectify the issue. The multinational corporations and big airline groups (the kind of "Western" capitalist stuff that people in the Balkans normally hate) lobbied, pressured, campaigned and eventually won against a sovereign government.

    2. Vlad18:08

      "beyond its agreed limits"

      There should be no limits to an airport's expansion in a healthy capitalist society.

    3. Anonymous20:37

      A healthy capitalist society does not exist. A healthy capitalist society of the 1800s had child labour, no working time directive, no weekend, no maternity leave, no pensions, no sickness insurance, no disability insurance etc etc

    4. Anonymous10:16

      +1 million

    5. Anonymous15:38

      And 50 years ago we had centrally planned economies with food rationing, scarcity of basic consumer goods, 10+ year waiting periods to buy a Trabant, etc.

      Even Yugoslavia, perhaps the socialist country with the highest living standard, was artificially propped up by massive debts which partially caused the collapse of the country.

      Market economy is the ONLY method of widespread prosperity, high living standard, and economic stability.

  3. Anonymous13:58

    Now finally OU can sell his slots and make money 😅

    1. Anonymous14:16


    2. Anonymous16:20

      Wow, you're so funny... not.

  4. Nederlander14:31

    The government here is just ridiculous. They are so concerned about the environment yet 80% of our electricity comes from coal! Surely putting a cap on flight will repair the environmental damage.

    1. Anonymous16:05

      We do you openly misinform?
      The top five energy sources in the Netherlands were as follows: natural gas (47%), wind (15%), coal (14%), solar (10%), and biomass (8%).

    2. Anonymous17:00

      Some people lie to prove their point. It's actually sad and desperate.

    3. Anonymous04:06

      Biomass is typical greenwashing (burning emits greenhouse gases), so only carbon positive sources are wind 15% and solar 10% thus making 75% of Dutch energy sources from burning thus emitting Co2. Worse then most Balkan countries.

  5. Anonymous17:15

    Well I use to fly with KLM, guess what next 3 flight's are with Lufthansa after long time.

    1. Anonymous17:32


  6. Anonymous19:32

    Netherlands? No, thanks. Lunatic leftist measures. An airport with 6 runways, historic routes but let us "think green". They can hire Greta as a CEO. It became the joke of Europe and they tell us how important bicycles are and not aeroplanes because they "pollute" the air and are so "noisy".

    1. Anonymous22:33

      I know bro, aeroplanes don't "pollute" the air and are not so "noisy".

  7. What I find deplorable and disgusting, but typical American, is the action of the US. If they don't get it their way, they threaten with “countermeasures”.

    1. Anonymous02:37

      It may be American as you say, but they are right, there are treaties signed that cannot just be ignored. There were also rumors that not only the Americans but also China and India made it clear that countermeasures will follow. And last but not least, the EU pressured as well, there is a whole procedure they have to follow and not apply an “experimental ruling” and just do as they please 🤷🏼‍♂️


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