Croatia Airlines unveils new logo and A220 cabin

Croatia Airlines today unveiled its new logo design, which will be applied on its upcoming fleet of fifteen A220 aircraft, the first of which is set to arrive next month. The tail design of the airline’s livery has remained unchanged. The author of the new visual identity, which is based on the simplification and modernisation of the existing one, is the company's Head of Corporate Design, Ivana Ivanković. The new logo has a bolded typeface, while the colour is a shade darker than it was previously. The redesigned logo is a dynamic element that resembles the tail of an aircraft, while the new visual identity has also been carefully incorporated into the new cabin crew uniforms, which will be presented to the public in its entirety soon. "The new design, which is based on clear and simple forms, ensures even better visibility and recognition, while the tail of the aircraft is harmonised with the sign itself and becomes the most recognisable part of the company's visual identity. Not least, the sign and logo are compositionally balanced with the Star Alliance logo, through a modern design in which the squares on the logo are placed so as to form a tail of the aircraft, which certainly sends a clear message. In short, the new design is fully focused on the future, while Croatia Airlines remains, according to renowned experts, one of the best brands in world aviation", the company said.


Commenting on the timeline for the roll-out of the new branding, Croatia Airlines said, “Just as we pass kilometres one after the other, we will also go step by step with the application of the new visual identity, and in order to ensure sustainability in all phases, we will reduce costs to a minimum. In particular, with the arrival of new aircraft over the next three years, the new visual identity will be gradually implemented as they arrive, while we will apply the new identity to our promotional materials and points of sale when the stock of certain material expires. Thus, our passengers and stakeholders will continue to witness both the new and the old visual identity, reminding themselves of how it was, how it is and how it will be, in the time when together we are building an even better tomorrow for Croatia Airlines”.

Croatia Airlines added, "The design of the visual identity of the national airline is an important aspect of the country's national identity. The passenger’s first impression and interaction with the aircraft is extremely important because the aircraft of the national airline encourages the formation of the first impression about the country to which it belongs". The carrier also used the opportunity to present its new cabin interiors, which will feature the standard A220 layout of two by three seats. As previously reported, Croatia Airlines' A220s will feature WiFi connectivity, while each seat will boast USB ports type A and C and tablet/personal device holders. 


  1. Anonymous12:36

    The blue pixel between the first and the second window looks like me when I read an article about OU

    1. Anonymous15:01

      ne kužite da su avioni 3d, a ne 2d.

    2. Anonymous19:03

      Selo gori, baba se češlja

    3. Anonymous20:32

      Creating a curved surface shouldn't be a problem for an experienced head of design... Unbelievable level of ignorance and incompetence. It was probably done in MS Paint...

  2. Anonymous12:36

    Disappointed but not surprised, they could've done much much more.

    The logo at the end of the wing is a nice addition though, while the seats give me LCC vibes,, they look exactly like the ones on Slovenian Railways new Stadler trains.

    The cabin crew uniforms are dreadful

    1. Anonymous12:41

      They haven't presented the new uniforms. The ones that are splashed around everywhere were some uniforms they used for the first time in 2019 in promo materials (that are not the actual OU uniform). Whether they will use those ones now I don't know.

    2. Anonymous12:43

      They have

    3. Anonymous12:46

      Looks like something my mom would wear to the funeral :D

    4. Anonymous13:18

      Why didn't they just go for the uniforms Varteks designed for them a few years ago?

    5. Anonymous13:30

      To be honest the best uniforms were by Adria Airways when they revealed them in 2008 I think.

    6. Anonymous14:17

      Varteks would be a bargain :)

      SPRING10 - 10% popust na kolekciju proljeće/ljeto
      DOD15 - dodatnih 15% na kolekciju jesen/zima

    7. Anonymous14:30

      I think the seats look perfectly fine. Comfortable, yet modern.

    8. Anonymous16:03

      Must admit, it is bit of a let down, they could have extended logo across the entire body of the aircraft and made it at least that way more interesting if they didn't plan to change it, well what can you do, i mean this logo isn't bad, it is just not redesign we were all lead to believe would. A person that has entire corporate design, should no doubt be looking for a new job now, not in creative sector, more in catering tending local pubs and bars cause that is all she is good for.

  3. The way logo goes through the windows is absolutely terrible, what were they thinking? :D

  4. Anonymous12:40

    Photo 8....the blue pixel is not even fully on the did they release this as a promo material?

    1. Anonymous12:43

      Noticed that too :D

    2. Anonymous12:51

      Anonymous 12:40

      This is part of the design manual describing where exactly are they located, it's more of a manual than anything else.

    3. Anonymous15:09

      Anon 12:40 i Anon 12:43, da nesto znate, kao sto ne znate, znali bi da avioni nisu 2d. 3d su. Naime, ovo sto viri ide sipod aviona. Stvarno svako ima danas pravo glasa, ljudi pišu svakave gluposti. Da mi je znati samo cime se to vi bavite. Sugurno u Emiratesu ili Cathay Pacificu vodite marketing, pa znate sve fore iz industrije, pa vam je pixel odmah upao u oko.

    4. Anonymous23:44

      @15:09: Bode oči, ne izgleda kao da tu pripada, deluje neprofesionalno.

  5. Anonymous12:40

    Beautiful! Nice, brand new birds, it will be amazing to fly in them! Well done Croatia!!

    1. Anonymous13:21


    2. Anonymous13:21

      Hah if we are joking. Looks cheap and not attractive. Uniforms are super bad.

    3. Anonymous14:31

      Uniforms are super bad? Why?

    4. Anonymous17:20

      Agree the cabin looks very good

    5. Anonymous11:49

      Redesign is beautiful. As well as new uniforms (with red shoes!).

  6. Anonymous12:53

    "In short, the new design is fully focused on the future, while Croatia Airlines remains, according to renowned experts, one of the best brands in world aviation", the company said.

    I literally laughed out loud.

    1. Anonymous12:57


    2. Anonymous12:57

      It is like some of the comments I read here. Now we know who has been writing them

    3. Anonymous12:57

      It goes 1. Emirates, 2. Croatia Airlines :D

    4. Vlad13:08

      The renowned experts: Bajic's mentor at Banja Luka University

    5. Anonymous13:15

      You can mock OU all they long, but the facts are: 1) We Croats an easily afford it, and 2) Haters are just jelious.

    6. Anonymous13:19

      ^ You really think Croatia Airlines is "one of the best brands in the world aviaton, according to experts"?

    7. Anonymous13:24

      Yes, you can afford to have stagnating air company with losses producing every single year.


    8. Anonymous15:27

      Why are the planes empty all the time then? :D

    9. Anonymous16:00

      1324,yes,we sure can! It's all part of a bigger picture. The coast, Dubrovnik, OU, the national football team, kulem, rakija, graševina, štrukle... Most are profitable, some are not. At the end of the day, 15 billion euros...

    10. Anonymous18:01

      Yes, you can afford it. That's why nobody's flying them because they are so cheap compering to Ryan and Wizz. If you guys have so much money you would be traveling more and keep those airplanes full. Plus you should learn how to spell before you start writing something.

    11. Anonymous09:13

      1801, nobody's?? And you tell other people how to spell??

  7. Anonymous12:55

    So underwhelming and predictable.

    1. Anonymous14:52

      To be honest, it’s definitely not a well established brand, some people are delulu here

  8. Anonymous13:03

    No major difference tbh

    1. Anonymous13:17

      The livery is a well established Croatian brand, why change something that makes Croatia easily reconginible word-wide?

    2. Anonymous17:50

      Worldwide? You mean to those dozen of destinations they fly to?!

  9. Anonymous13:06

    It's ok, nothing spectacular. I do like the cabin tones.

  10. Anonymous13:10

    The only part that I think is nice are the winglets.

    1. Anonymous15:03

      Agree, that's a nice touch.

  11. Anonymous13:10

    Could have done better. More of the same.

  12. Anonymous13:11

    Some other ideas

    1. Anonymous13:19

      This is even worse.

    2. Anonymous13:25

      The tail design on the first one isn't so bad actually. But the logo is horrible.

    3. Anonymous14:18

      The first design is pretty good. The second looks too much like what they used to have.

    4. Anonymous23:49

      The first is actually nice, getting rid of the tacky checkerboard would have been refreshing.

    5. Anonymous09:15

      Tacky to who, to you? You have some issues obviously...

  13. Anonymous13:14

    The way the checkers come up to the word Croatia doesn't make sense. It looks like someone desined a plane with the tail at the front. Would have been better if that was at the end of the word Croatia. Bit of a fail but so is the entire airline now sadly!

  14. Anonymous13:15

    I see almost no difference

  15. Anonymous13:15

    Should have kept the original;

  16. Anonymous13:17

    This is horrible design at its best. However, it paints a nice picture of the company culture. Nepotism, incompetence...

  17. Anonymous13:20

    Concerned travelers from other countries are disappointed.
    Which means it is a fantastic up[date by the airline to its visual identity!

    1. Anonymous13:22

      You really need to calm down. Just because someone does not think the livery is anything special does not mean they are from other countries. Look at the comments when Air Serbia revealed its crew uniforms last year. 99% were negative and no one said it is from concerned neighbors. It has been over 30 years, so it is time for you to move on with your hatred and time to understand that someone in your own country can have a different opinion than your own.

  18. Anonymous13:26

    Stunning! Bravo Hrvatska!

    1. Anonymous13:27

      Are you paid to write this BS?

    2. Anonymous13:31

      It is likely a 12 year old kid. Or at least I hope so.

  19. Anonymous13:31

    Bravo OU!

  20. Anonymous13:33

    This is just adapting the livery and logo on the new jets, not unveiling new logo and livery and concept like they are talking about. They made us think that something new and different is coming when they said that, just like they were saying that they will be single-type fleet operator. Where does this end?

    1. Anonymous13:35

      To be fair, in the article from a few days ago, ex-Yu said that the main emphasis is on the logo. Although even that didn't really change.

  21. Anonymous13:34

    To be honest, I am really disappointed in this "New" brand. The way they were announcing it and all...does not meet my expectations. I am okay with the checkboard theme and the colors, but bigger and maybe different font would make such a good difference on these new airplanes!

  22. Anonymous13:53

    In my opinion it would look best if they just made the "Croatia" letters bigger, without any visual next to it (squares) and leave the squares on the tail as is.

  23. Anonymous13:59

    Nevjerovatno kolika količina hatera i ljubomore. Najžešći komentari dolaze od onih koji najmanje znaju. Koliko negative i komentara o tome kako bi trebalo biti, kako je puno bolje drugačije.. ovakvi komentari su vise publika analitičara i njegovog pamfleta.

    1. Anonymous14:19


    2. Anonymous14:33

      It's the Balkan way, sadly. Hate, hate, hate yet never do anything productive about it.

    3. Anonymous14:55


  24. Anonymous14:06

    This now logo, much like the company announces the vision for their future.

    Much of same old.

  25. Anonymous14:43

    A dot between two windows is a miss, it is too busy in the front and it creates confusion what is what. I am glad they kept the back the same, as it is a recognizable moment, but then again what exactly did head of design do?

    Overall, it is OK, it is more important what will they do with the network and capacity concerns once planes are here.

  26. Anonymous14:45

    I am pretty sure the original squares took inspiration from the winner of the Jat Airways competition which introduced the dots. When implemented, it was only 3 dots but the original winning design had the whole tail covered in blue and red dots. I just can't seem to find it online anymore.

    1. Anonymous08:42

  27. Anonymous14:54

    Svaka Cast

    Simple, Clean, Elegant, Beautiful... not a color clutter like other airlines....

    Bravo Domovino!!

  28. Anonymous14:55

    Overheard some chatter about intercontinental lines. Egypt, Israel or Dubai are all intercontinental from Zagreb. Or was it transatlantic?

    1. Anonymous14:57

      Bajic ruled out transatlantic flights just days ago in some statement. And A220s don't have the range from Croatia to fly to either US or Canada.

    2. Anonymous17:29

      A220 could probably reach the East Coast with a refueling stop at Shannon or Reykjavik, but they said they're not interested in long haul atm, which is a shame

  29. Anonymous15:27

    I don't mind what they attempted here, especially the tail design just could have been better. Still too much of a white plane. Not a fan of the new logo. It kind of looks like a tail plane or something in flight *wings) but its aslo easy to miss this detail.

  30. Anonymous16:46

    Same old, same old.

  31. Observer17:40

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    The rebrand gets 10 out of 10 from me.

    It definitely align with the overall Croatia brand, and it's not overdone.

    None of this will matter though if the airline doesn't do well commercially. So here's to them surviving and expanding.

  32. Anonymous20:28

    It would be better if they focused on their route network, the fact that you can't buy connecting tickets to 80% of their network, and improving on board service, especially in premium cabins where it is well below average of almost all airlines in Europe, let alone Star Alliance.

  33. Anonymous22:48

    I am in favour of the design of the seats equipped with USB ports. Looks much better the the shabby JU's basic Recaro seats..which are horrible. That is my own opinion.

    1. Anonymous23:34

      Good for the end the most important thing is that over two million more people sit on those shabby seats.

  34. Anonymous23:13


  35. Anonymous23:54

    Ok but boring. Todays cost cutting focused managers are so boring. No excitement at all. Cabin looks good. Livery is a good night session.

  36. Anonymous00:32

    I mean it is ok. They just added the squares at the end of the logo right? Nothing major.

  37. Anonymous07:47

    Where can we order one of those new “Remove before flight” keychains?? I’m not flying OU this year but would love to add one to my collection of avgeek merchandise

    1. Anonymous08:24

      Go to the website or app. In in-flight services there is an email where you can pre-order merchandise. Maybe see if they can help you out.

  38. Anonymous09:30

    The new visual identity is beyond all expectations. Let pause for effect...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    To enhance the age old CA livery with such creative prowess fully utilizing all potential of the "Bold" tab, it is true design genius - defying concept of "time", whilst enhancing visibility, and impact to decades established CA identity that just refuses to go out of style. 🥳

    🔝🔝🔝 stuff. 😜😉😅🤯😱

    1. Anonymous03:54

      CA is Air China.

  39. notLufthansa10:12

    Uhljeb(tm) designer displayed all her might

  40. notLufthansa22:53

    You can actually see which anon she is, as the reaction is one of offended person thinking of herself as of genious. This rebrand is utter crap, you had opportunity to depart from Brussels airways look-a-like, but you did minimal changes to already boring and uninspiring design. Whoever gave you diploma should have his/her head checked. I’m sure ton of better proposals would be better if the rebranding was done via international tender, but then it would become painfully obvious that the DesigUhljeb is utterly obsolete.

    1. notLufthansa22:54

      Edit: tons of better proposals resulting from international tender….

  41. Anonymous00:18

    I like it. It is clean and fresh. Also like the cabin. But I’m all into minimalistic design. I only don’t like the solution in social media.

    1. notLufthansa08:42

      It’s almost no change from before. And they have an employed corporate designer. I’m pretty sure the only one in the whole aviation world

    2. Same. Anything more would be kitsch to me, but this is totally subjective of course.

  42. Anonymous06:28

    Seat colors ripped off JU economy Recaro seats which are also navy and light blue.

  43. Anonymous12:09

    Very nice!

  44. Anonymous12:32

    I like it a lot. <3

  45. Anonymous19:06

    It's ok, but in my opinion not really renewing. I don't know if that light blue color was a good add on, because with the other color, it reminds or relates to the old Montengrin tricolor flag, that container the same light blue as well. Or even the old "RTCG" 4 four dots logo.

  46. Anonymous18:11

    Someone once said to me: “It is easier to be critical than constructive.” If the refresh is that egregiously bad, then offer a better design concept.


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