Culprits in Skopje air traffic incident get suspended sentences


Seven people who were involved in an assault on an on-duty air traffic controller at Skopje Airport earlier this year have received suspended jail sentences. Six of the seven were sentenced to six months in prison, which is suspended if they do not commit a new crime within the next year and a half. A seventh person, who has a prior conviction, received a suspended two-year jail sentence under supervision if he does not commit a crime within the next five years. Charges against an eighth person have been dropped. The incident, which took place on January 4, occurred as the on-duty air traffic controller was supervising flights within Macedonia's airspace. It was the culmination of months of tensions at Macedonia’s air traffic provider M-NAV involving accusations of nepotism, corruption, and political interference.


  1. Anonymous14:11

    Well done, Macedonia. These guys sure learned their lesson.

  2. Anonymous14:12

    What a joke of sentences.

    1. Anonymous14:55

      Indeed, assault, 2-3 years custodial at least.

  3. Anonymous19:06

    Balkans at its worst...

  4. Anonymous19:46

    I dont know what they were thinking in the first place. Planning to enter into a very strict area and assult an air traffic controller while doing his job should be very serious crime. Obviously something worse then this should happen so that they realise how important and hard that role is. The plan for doing such a crime should be the first thing that the cord should give sentence, then comes the things that happend there, god knows what happend. Six months for this serious accident is funny!

    1. Anonymous23:04

      What they were thinking? That they could obviously get away with it.

    2. Anonymous11:38

      @23:04 +1000

    3. Anonymous20:17

      I meant what they were thinking when they planned it. About what you said, yes i agree, ofc they were sure that nothing will happen cause they are used to that, getting away with everything they do to everyone every single day.


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