Lufthansa Group hikes fares with environment fee


The Lufthansa Group, which includes Lufthansa, Swiss, Austrian Airlines, Brussels Airlines, Eurowings, Air Dolomiti, Discover Airlines, Edelweiss Air, Lufthansa City, and Lufthansa CityLine, will add an Environmental Cost Surcharge of up to 72 euros to its fares to cover the cost of new European Union rules on reducing emissions. The hike in fares will be felt by all Lufthansa Group passengers departing from European Union member states, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and Norway. Among the states of the former Yugoslavia, only passengers flying Lufthansa Group airlines with one-way tickets to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland from Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Ohrid, and Tivat will be exempt from the fee. Fares will go up between one and 72 euros, depending on the type of ticket, class of travel and route. Lufthansa said the charge would "cover part of the steadily rising additional costs due to regulatory environmental requirements" such as sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) made from bio-based materials - regarded as crucial to making flying less polluting. Various carriers, including Croatia Airlines, have warned for years that regulations requiring them to use more expensive sustainable jet fuel could drive up costs. The new surcharge applies to all fares issued from today onwards for travel from January 1, 2025.


  1. Anonymous10:31


  2. Anonymous10:38

    Joke of a carrier

    1. Anonymous10:44

      Oh, it is 5* airline....

    2. Vlad11:11

      Actually, it is not, they lost the fifth star some years ago 😎

    3. Anonymous19:55

      No, no it's not a joke. We've accepted the CO2 narrative. Now the only question is how far will it go. Maybe tomorrow you will pay a surcharge for breathing. Since CO2 is a pollutant.

    4. Nemjee21:24

      Well starting from 2030 Denmark will start charging taxes on cattle for producing methane. I can only imagine what they will do with aviation. I think these governments will get a reality check when they get less income as a result of their silly policies. Aviation is and always will be an easy target.

    5. Anonymous09:03

      Anonymous19:55 and Nemjee,

      You are both correct. The game (is. War) is on, in fact its been on for few years ago. How are you going to fight, is up to you.

  3. Anonymous10:56

    Society going woke.
    Waking up in a nightmare..

  4. Anonymous11:17

    All these governments saying it won’t cost us extra to go green… not this will cause fare increases and in turn result in inflationary pressures… well done, well done!

  5. Anonymous11:47

    The world has gone mad with wokeness. It's amazing how paying money saves the planet.

    1. Anonymous14:47

      Being rich saves the planet -
      From the poor people.

  6. Anonymous12:24

    They were already overpriced as hell

    1. Anonymous05:55

      It’s only 1 to 5€ more! Overpriced? Have you seen FR prices from Memmingen to Sarajevo?!

  7. Miroslav NY14:01

    Horrible airline. And it gets worse every day. On a recent trip from Frankfurt to BEG they didn't even serve a beverage.

    1. Anonymous15:57

      Es gibt nur wasser so wie bei air Serbia

    2. Nemjee16:13

      Just that with JU you also get a sandwich a wet wipe and I think a cookie. But hey, at least you will get free coffee and tea on LH during their trial period. Oh the joy!

      Long are gone the days when Lufthansa was a great airline. Now they are a mere shadow of their former glory. Recently I was on a three hour flight from LCA to VIE and the crew doesn't even give you water, you have to ask for it.

      Only thing that is saving LH Group is their size and that they are still the most convenient option when flying.

    3. Anonymous17:09

      Keep in mind nothing is's included in your ticket price. Totally agree with Lufthansa cutting things, flew with em ewr to Frankfurt and besides the ife, air serbia food/service was better when i flew jfk to beg.

    4. Nemjee17:32

      I know it's all included in the price but at the same time LH pricing has gotten more expensive while their onboard product keeps on getting worse and worse. There is definitely no value for money.
      When it comes to JU long-haul, one thing that sets them apart from the rest is their legroom. They offer 32 inches which is great.

  8. Anonymous17:10

    What about other airlines,? Will they also add to their prices, '...or is it just LH?

    1. It is an excuse to hike fares. LH is not worth the money they ask.

  9. Anonymous17:10

    They are slowly turning into Frontier Airlines 😆

  10. Anonymous22:47

    I am fine with paying 72 EUR more when I fly First class. Not a big deal. Anyway people fly Lufthansa because of their safety records, not because they give free Ayran like Turkish Airlines.

    1. Anonymous23:28

      TK is Emirates or Qatar comparing to Lufthansa

    2. Anonymous00:47

      Germans prefer safety and proper maintenance and training rather than average bakery sandwich. On longer routes LH offers full service.

    3. Anonymous19:31

      O jeee.. left LH after 2 decades as status pasenger. No thanks LH.

  11. Anonymous22:53

    The prices are anyway for quite some time dynamic and it does not matter much how they calculate it, but rather on the supply and demand and the competition. This is only the new line in the final price calculation.

  12. Anonymous05:53

    It’s 1 to 5€ for Economy !!!!!!!!!!

  13. Anonymous09:08

    If you thought they were mad about intro carbon tax, wait till you read this article.

    You, mad is an understatement. But I love how that wrap it in a bow tie so that it actually looks like a good deal 😬

  14. Anonymous09:39

    I love how an airline that had profits of 2.7 billion euros last year, and is significantly overachieving its economic targets << The return on capital employed (Adjusted ROCE) rose by 5.5 percentage points to 13.1 percent (previous year: 7.6 percent). Adjusted ROCE thereby exceeded the 2024 target value of ten percent already one year ahead of time. >> is unwilling to take its responsibility in profiting of global pollution and climate change... rather is passing on all of that on passengers.. and then, everyone here gets on train of "government bad"..


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