Air Montenegro issues call for new CEO


Air Montenegro has issued a public call for the post of Chief Executive Officer after Mark Anžur was dismissed by the carrier’s founder, the Montenegrin government. In the pursuit for its sixth CEO since the company was established in 2021, the airline is seeking an individual with prior managerial experience and knowledge of English. Both Montenegrin and foreign nationals are eligible to apply. The deadline for the submission of applications has been set for August 7. Further details can be found here.


  1. Anonymous15:20

    6 CEOs in 4 years. Crazy

    1. Anonymous15:53

      Nema boljeg kandidata za to mesto i za pare koje placaju od Dragane Frantov. Treba da je mole da se vrati.

    2. Anonymous16:01

      Pick me, pick me

  2. Anonymous16:57

    This reminds me of a job application-related comment years ago(ie at the expense of the previous post's holders):

    My qualifications:
    - A pulse
    - Common sense

  3. Anonymous22:13

    I'll apply.


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