PHOTOS: Belgrade Airport construction update


Work on the expansion of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is continuing to advance. Several local food and beverage chains are in the process of developing their new facilities inside the airport. This includes a new landside restaurant inside the Terminal 1 building, which will also feature an outside balcony. Due to complicated bureaucratic procedures involved with third parties building inside the terminal, the opening of new shops and food outlets has been taking significantly longer than initially envisioned.

The airport is continuing to work on its 10.000-square metre new central plaza area, which will flow on from the duty free, while the remodelling of the baggage claim area is also ongoing. The airport recently opened a third new carousel. Work has also recently been completed on the upgrade of the airport’s Baggage Management System which increased its hourly handling capacity to 3.800 pieces of luggage.


  1. Anonymous10:36

    Nice, hopefully everything will be ready by the time China Southern launches flights.

    1. Anonymous13:40

      Why ? Is it so hard for 2 flights a week ???

    2. Anonymous13:46

      Four flights as they'll have a codeshare

    3. Anonymous13:51

      OMG. The airport will be overwhelmed. 4 A330s is the equivalent of 8 A320s a week. They will cope.

  2. Anonymous10:38

    Finally a big hleb & kifle 😀

    1. Anonymous10:42

      Hopefully they will open from 05.00 and not from 07.00 like they do now!!!

      Any information on the shops by the check-in desks?When will they open those guys?

    2. Anonymous10:43

      with the most delusional prices

    3. Anonymous10:44

      Well it's an airport, I am sure Vinci is ripping them off big time. Also H&K is not known to be a cheap bakery in the city but they do have good products.

    4. Anonymous12:14

      Funny how no one minds paying so much money at that one coffee shop by LH Group check-ins. There is a reason why they charge more at airpors than at bus stations. People who fly usually have more disposable income.

    5. Anonymous12:20

      It is call a captive audience. They have no where else to go. It has nothing to do with disposable income.

    6. Anonymous12:25

      Where is the Asian food for the Chinese travellers?

    7. Anonymous12:28

      I prefer Skroz Dobra Pekara.

    8. Anonymous12:38

      Nonsense, they are not captive as no one forces them to be in the deparures area 40' before take off.

    9. Anonymous12:59

      Wait, you mean Chinese food for Chinese tourists? Why would they come to BEG to eat Asian cuisine? They have that at home.

    10. Anonymous13:03

      Because they don't like Western food. Doh!

    11. Anonymous13:07

      Yeah that's why millions and millions of Euros in European delicacies are exported to China each year. Doh!

    12. Anonymous13:17

      Which isn't cevapi or kifle. It is champagne and wine.

    13. Anonymous13:27

      Hahh like this guy knows what Asian tourists like. People have no clue about that market but they feel like they need to post something negative. We do not need to have Asian food at the Europian airport to please Chines tourists. They are Gere to experience our culture and our food. Prices at the BEG airport are not bad compare to Westetn Europe and Noryh America .

    14. Anonymous13:42

      You probably don't know any Asian people.

  3. Anonymous10:44

    They need something like monument airside too.

  4. Anonymous10:51

    I was once in Hleb&kifle at the airport and felt ripped off considering the prices are, to put it mildly, obscenely high. Avoid it

    1. Anonymous11:14

      Just bring something with you, and AVOID airport shops at all costs. Thank me later.

    2. Anonymous12:14

      Why? I love getting stuff at the airport, like a coffee to go and then I walk with it around looking at people, shops, planes etc.

    3. Anonymous12:19

      And that is stale. Really bad if you are embarking on a long flight.

    4. Anonymous12:41

      What if you are going on a 35' minute flight to TGD?

    5. Anonymous12:42

      What I see as the biggest problem at Hleb & Kifle is that they do not show the prices of their products at the airport.

      You have no bloody idea what is the price of the food until you have to pay...and at that moment many regret that they decided to purchase anything there.

    6. Anonymous13:29

      I think the worst food has to be the Dufry run food outlets. They should stick to duty free. I had a guy telling me it is not "Kok Ziro" but "Kok Zero" like Ero.

    7. I just sit at Galeb 3 bar, when I check in and do passport control I usually just take a look at what's new at Dufry and then proceed to smell the toilets(thanks to this blog) to see if they are clean.

      What I just wonder how expensive is the Monument gonna be? They are one of the more expensive cafes in Belgrade.

    8. Anonymous13:54

      Seriously, BEG has to have the worst toilets of any airport in the world. Can't they hire people who actually want to clean toilets! They always seem to hire people who are allergic to it and probably see it as a stepping stone to working at checkin or a flight attendant. I just don't know.

    9. Anonymous13:57

      And in Switzerland, Germany and Austria, I see the Serbian people immaculately cleaning the toilets and being friendly. What gives! Are they are embarrassed to be working there in BEG?

    10. Last time a month ago the toilets at the entrance next to that Kafeterija were clean.

      The toilet next to C1 was a bit stuffy but it was clean and stocked with paper, soap and what not.

      Plus the cleaning lady was more then enthusiastic to work. My girlfriend said she literally knocked on all cubicles and told the ladies to hurry it up so she can clean.

  5. Anonymous11:57

    Walter or Boutique or something like that airside would be great!

    1. Anonymous12:06

      Walter has good prices, ten cevapi for around €6!

    2. Anonymous12:19

      Walter has bad cevapi.

    3. Anonymous12:39

      No they do not

    4. Anonymous13:31

      Yes they do, or you eat at MCDonalds then they are better.

    5. Anonymous14:58

      What's wrong with McDonald's??? Best taste ever

  6. Anonymous12:10

    Thank goodness the usual US trash-food outlets are not rearing their ugly head at BEG.

    1. Anonymous12:18

      Better than Hleb and Kifle which foreigners won't know. It is an international airport after all. That's what international transit passengers expect, ie McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC, Pizza Hut etc

    2. Anonymous12:29

      How does stuffing a Serbian airport with solely US brands of subpar food products make it international? I'm very glad they are sticking to local brands. If international transit passengers don't know them, then they can get to know them. Broadening one's horizons beyond deep-fried chicken, GMO soya burgers and pizza that no Italian would ever eat is really beneficial. Trust me.

    3. Anonymous12:39

      Coffee Cake is a Greek brand, not Serbian

    4. Anonymous12:46

      I don't see any problems with good quality regional brands on top of the local ones. We should promote the region. Not some zero-nutritional, obesity-inducing fast food from across the globe just because their self-imposition is the "cool" thing to do.

    5. Anonymous12:53

      Yeah that is really going to sell well when an American or Chinese person types in Google Translate because they cannot pronounce "Hleb" and see that means Bread and Bread

    6. Anonymous13:01

      Why would anyone Google Hleb to know what's going on there? All he has to do is take a look inside. Also it doesn't mean bread and bread but rather bread and croissant.

    7. Anonymous13:05

      Yes, Hleb really rolls off the tongue of an American. And Kifle are not croissant, they are bread rolls.

    8. Anonymous13:06

      A croissant is a kroasan. It is not called Hleb i Kroasan.

    9. Anonymous13:08

      Кифла is the Serbian word for croissant which is an Austrian invention anyway. Кифла is anyway NOT (!!!!!) bread as you implied, that's хлеб.

    10. Anonymous13:12

      Keeping to the topic, the shop's name is really inconsequential. You go in, look at the menu or display, and choose what you want. This is exciting for foreigners trying out something new.

    11. Anonymous13:14

      Kifla is the Serbian word for Kipfl. A Kipfl is not a croissant. It is a type of bread. But I guess you don't go to Austria much.

    12. Anonymous13:24

      They do have Subway in America. So they are familiar with long sandwiches filled with meat.

    13. Anonymous13:27

      Some of you guys need help. Maybe BEG should open a therpist's office.

    14. Anonymous13:30

      Good idea. They really should have one because all international airports have one. But perhaps we can have a Balkan/Regional version where you wait for days to be seen.

  7. Anonymous12:23

    I hate how they are ruining the heritage feel of Terminal 1.

    1. Anonymous12:40

      T1's time is gone, it's occupying space that can be better used. Plus the building is rather ugly, looks like the inside of a swimming pool

    2. Anonymous12:56

      Its an architectural masterpiece. If they want to expand, they should demolish the cargo centre which really should not be there where the new carpark is.

    3. Anonymous12:59

      That is, they should have put the Cargo Center near the Parking 11 Tesla

    4. Anonymous13:01

      It is Serbia's version of the TWA Terminal/Hotel in JFK.

    5. Anonymous13:02

      What is a masterpiece about it? Those childish mosaics with planes? Ancient Greeks did a better job 3000 years ago. They should demolish it and expand the retail area.

    6. Anonymous13:08

      Yes, demolish anything that is actually worthwhile and keep the cheap Vinci additions.

    7. Anonymous13:24

      Sooner than later they will need new cargo center. It’s logical to expend or build new terminal at that direction. Also oil depo next to museum needs to be relocated.

    8. Anonymous13:37

      13:02: Those mosaics are art. They are part of history and the brutalism direction in architecture and that part always felt so spacious, well lit and it should not be demolished. The authorities would just demolish everything worthwhile and replace it with cheap stuff that lasts a couple of years, and is just an eyesore, like the Belgrade waterfront.

    9. Anonymous13:40


    10. Anonymous14:07

      I will write once again, Terminal 1 has architectual value which has to be preserved with high ceiling and pillars, with new greenish windows, and yes with tiles. And Monument has bad coffee.

    11. Anonymous14:13

      You can't convince ignorant people.

    12. Anonymous14:13

      Bring back the fountain in the middle of Terminal 1. We had a water feature in the 1960s before Singapore had the Jewel!

    13. Anonymous14:14

      @14:13, study some architecture. It will enlighten you!

    14. Anonymous14:20

      Preserving original terminal function just because building has architectual value is wrong. TWA JFK terminal is case in point, simply unusable as a modern terminal. Decision to keep using Terminal 1 at Belgrade was completely wrong. It should have been restored to original state with fountain in the middle and then used for some other function, just like TWA.

    15. Anonymous14:25

      Well it works just fine as departure point for low cost airlines. At least you can see sunlight unlike in the old pre Vinci Terminal 2 checkin

  8. Anonymous13:30

    What about rent-a-car agencies? Will they stay in barracks forever???

    1. Anonymous13:35

      They should be in the arrivals area but who knows. The kiosks really send a good sign that we are a modern airport, especially when it is raining.

    2. Anonymous14:21

      I haven’t saw any room for rent a car at arrivals. Just wondering if they thought about them at all

    3. Anonymous14:27

      Well we have had them in arrivals since the 1970s so I would think that Vinci must have remembered to put them back somewhere in the terminal

  9. Anonymous13:34

    What's up with the inconsistent flooring and ceiling in the arrivals area? Looks bad.

    1. Anonymous13:36

      Vinci collected the unused floor tiles from all its airports across the world and sent them to Serbia.

    2. Anonymous14:09

      Well, it's an international airport, right? :)
