Air Serbia appoints GSA in Japan


Air Serbia has appointed APG as its General Sales Agent (GSA) in Japan. The carrier has previously said that following its network expansion in China and North America, it sees potential in serving Japan and South Korea, as part of its long-term long-haul development plans. In a statement, APG said, “APG will lead sales efforts and deliver strategic marketing support to enhance Air Serbia's presence in the Japanese market”. APG acts as a GSA for another thirteen airlines on the Japanese market, although its only other European client is TAP Air Portugal. The Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Yoko Kamikawa, visited Serbia last month following a visit to Japan by Serbia’s Minister for Internal and External Trade together with a large business delegation in June, as the two countries look to bolster economic ties.


  1. APG is the best choice for a GSA.

    1. Anonymous10:47

      Once when 5th and 6th A330 arrive JU will introduce flights to Haneda

    2. Vlado10:55

      Don't think that people would fly from Belgrade to Haneda. If you can fly from Munich, Istanbul, Helsinki or Frankfurt, why opt for expensive Belgrade?

      Maybe I am wrong. Belgrade is the ideal airport for China and Russia, but Japan seems quite odd.

    3. Anonymous11:03

      Thank you Vlado, I was just wondering what those guys from JU thinking… Instead of simply asking you, they are doing constant researching and finding out wrong conclusions…

    4. Vlado11:21

      Thank you Anon for your reply.

      As you can see, I put the part "maybe I am wrong" in my comment.

      Why to comment if we cannot discuss it?

      Those Bravo OU, Serbia wins and other similar comments are also pleasant, but discussion is always good and enriches the communication.

      I suppose, you know much more about the route than I do. Could you please gove me further info?

      I love both Serbia and Japan, so it would be cool

      Thanks mate!

    5. Anonymous11:57

      Vlado why would you think beg is expensive compared to helsinki,istanbul,munich and frankfurt? Has anything showed that? Is beg more expensive
      To china and us aswell?

    6. Anonymous11:59

      Why Haneda over Narita? Its slots are far more expensive

    7. А Ви Владо знате које ће цене карата бити и да ће бити прескупе у односу на аеродроме које сте навели? Или можда грешим у вези ваших сазнања/претпоставки?

    8. Anonymous12:08

      Well Vlado, as I ponited, there’s a whole department in Air Serbia dealing with new routes and expansion. If they are appointing GSA before planes are even announced, there must be a reason, don’t you think? I think demand is very high and they’re speeding up the process

    9. Anonymous12:21

      Serbians can travel visa free to both Japan and S. Korea and Japanese & Korean tourists can reach the region from Belgrade hub, so it makes sense.

    10. Anonymous17:48

      Japan is an opportunity mainly because it's positioned behind Russia and it's costing more to fly to Japan from Europe.
      2nd reason is Japan has no connection to the region and it's an opportunity for JU to take that market share from Istanbul and frankfurt

    11. Anonymous20:45

      They won’t get Haneda slots. They are restricted. All new operators have to go to Narita.

  2. Anonymous10:46

    This seems like the next long haul expansion will be in this direction.

  3. Anonymous11:01

    Very interesting.

  4. Anonymous12:03

    Would be cool to see if they can get some of the Japan - Croatia traffic. Overflying Russia is certainly an advantage to use.

  5. Anonymous12:07

    Nice development, I think they're trying a similar thing as LOT.

  6. Anonymous12:24

    I have asked before. I will ask again. Please Air Serbia can you consider Australia?

    1. ilijabgc12:39

      They will probably, but not now, maybe in the future, who knows ? In A332 is impossible, maybe with a stop in Dubai..

    2. Anonymous13:35

      Air Serbia will not consider Australia as they do not have aircraft capable of flying that far, and even if they had those flights would not be economically logical due to the length.

      Flying with one stop in Dubai/Singapore makes no sense as it would rise expenses.

    3. Anonymous13:50

      Well, flying with QR or EK is extremely expensive these days. I think you can’t buy ticket below 2000 usd. With that price, JU may consider entering the market, just like TK did. I think A350 could reach Perth easily, maybe Sydney, not sure

    4. Anonymous15:36

      I thought A330-200 has enough range to reach Perth. So they could potentially do BEG-PER-SYD.

    5. Anonymous15:41

      Maybe when Riyadh Air launches an opportunity there. I mean enough Serbian footballers in Saudi Pro league to need the flights and then codeshare on to Australia. Riyadh Air as late to the party will need to be creative and also will be more Saudi investment in the region so that may make most sense.

    6. Anonymous15:42

      BKK or MLE would make more sense as a stopover to SYD. The demand from BEG is pretty high, especially during the winter months. It would be a perfect combination with SYD to balance out the seasonality on the route.

    7. Anonymous16:01

      New extra range A350 is certified now, with extra tanks added for Europe -Australia direct flights. Europeans want to cut ME3 (middle east big three companies; Quatar, Etihad and Emirates) from buisness. But it’s extremely expensive for JU or similar small companies

    8. Anonymous20:49

      Beg to Perth is not evonomical because of restrictions on range to Perth and because no passengers can be carried domestically. It only works for Qantas. Stop raising suggestions repeatedly which have already been discussed at length in previous posts.

    9. Anonymous22:44

      Actualy, it is great idea (from Anon 15:42) to fly to Australia with stop in Maldives. There is a potential to arrange a good business case.

    10. Anonymous23:31

      A330-800 could make it from beg to adelaide.
      Or in the a350's. The a350-900 ulr and a350-100 can make it from beg to Sydney and Melbourne without the special modification 1000

    11. Let them launch SIN first if they want and continue this discussion after it.

    12. Anonymous11:28

      Australia would make sense only if something could be done with visas for Serbian citizens for that country and that's not something any airline can solve.

    13. Anonymous16:57

      @Anonymous 20:49 - you should stop saying nonsense that passengers cannot be carried domestically. I doubt that all the passengers flying on EK and QR A380s choose Perth as their final destination. There are other airlines than Qantas that connect Perth domestically such as Virgin and Skywest. In fact, JU and Virgin used to codeshare, so I am sure they could partner again to carry passengers from PER onwards to SYD, MEL and other destinations.

    14. Anonymous17:08

      You are the one talking non-sense. No foreign airline has domestic traffic rights in Australia. Passengers would need to be on same plane from Belgrade so domestic Australian sector would be half empty like it use to be MEL-SYD and SYD-MEL when JAT flew the route. PER-SYD would be terrible as crew change would be required for 12 hour turnaround. Same rule applies in the US and Canada Stop fantasazing about JU to Perth and buy a ticket with Qatar or Emirates.

    15. Anonymous17:11

      No one flies to Perth unless they are going to Perth for reasons listed on previous ocassions including distance between domestic Qantas and international terminal being 4 km.

    16. Anonymous17:16

      And clearing customs, rechecking baggage in Perth. That’s why everyone from Australian east coast flies via Asia or Middle East.

  7. Anonymous15:57

    Not gonna happen, at least not in the foreseeable future...

  8. Anonymous08:05

    SIN is too premium. I think they could do BKK. But again, winter BKK will be busier than ever.


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