Air Serbia’s fourth A330 prepares for entry into service

The fourth Airbus A330-200 aircraft destined for Air Serbia is undergoing maintenance in Dusseldorf as part of preparations by the lessor to transfer the jet to the Serbian carrier. The airline anticipates taking delivery of the jet in October or November, depending on the pace of the maintenance. Similar to Air Serbia’s third incoming A330-200, the fourth, currently registered OE-LCL, is ten years old. It most recently operated on behalf of Air Belgium. It was delivered new to Etihad Airways in 2014 but was stored for several years. It has been with Air Belgium since October 2022. For most of 2024, the Belgian carrier wet-leased the jet to Sri Lankan Airlines.

The aircraft’s cabins, which feature the Etihad Airways layout, including a 1-2-1 seat configuration in business class and 2-4-2 in economy, are not expected to be significantly modified. The incoming jet has a total of 262 seats, including 22 in business and 240 in economy. Business class seats offer a privacy shell, a six feet one inch full flat bed and direct aisle access from every seat. Each seat has a 15-inch LCD screen, in-seat universal power sockets and an in-built massage function. Economy class offers a 31.5 to 33-inch seat pitch depending on where one sits. The cabin is fitted with cradle-style seats that slide forward and recline, as well as mood lighting that is adjusted to suit the time of day. Economy class seats also feature a 10.4-inch LCD screen, USB ports, and universal power sockets.

Air Serbia’s existing five-year plan, which can be subject to modifications, stipulates the operation of up to eight aircraft for long-haul operations and further growth of its long-haul network. The plan stresses that the introduction of additional far-away markets will become easier as the airline continues to grow its network of destinations. In recent years, Air Serbia has accelerated the introduction of long-haul routes to its network, starting with New York in 2016, Tianjin in 2022, Chicago in 2023, and Guangzhou and Shanghai set to launch in 2024. The airline is expected to further grow its long-haul network next year.


  1. Anonymous09:02

    Good news. Can we expect the third one to arrive by the end of this month?

    1. Anonymous01:19

      It should

    2. Anonymous01:25

      If it arrives by the end of the month (ie in the next ten days), the plane could be in service by mid September to JFK, ORD or TSN.

  2. Anonymous09:03

    Bravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

  3. Anonymous09:04

    With 8 A330s they could potentially have double the size of their long haul network.

    1. Anonymous09:08

      Hopefully they won't all be A330s.

    2. Anonymous09:11


    3. Anonymous09:27

      Would be nice to have some veriety.

    4. Anonymous09:27

      With such an extensive long haul fleet Air Serbia is going to be leader in the Balkans and grow significantly like Austrian Airlines up to 60 aircraft to feed the long haul fleet.

    5. Anonymous09:46

      Let's not get carried away.

    6. Anonymous09:54

      They already outlined some plans - extra destination in US/North America, new destination in South Korea, Japan and India.

    7. Anonymous09:57

      They need A330-300 or A330-900.

    8. Anonymous09:59

      Better A350-1000!

    9. Let's not use the word "leader"...ever

    10. Anonymous10:17

      Only A333 may come on radar. A339 has new problematic engines and for A350 you can’t use same crew

    11. For economies of scale the less different variant of aircraft the better, you dont need a Noahs ark of 2 of every type of aircraft

    12. Anonymous14:28

      @Anon 10:17: A330 and A350 have the same type rating for pilots. Cabin crew can fly on multiple types as well.

  4. Anonymous09:06

    What about E jets :(

    1. Anonymous09:56

      DCV still on vacation. Someone should deal with their negligence

    2. Anonymous10:04

      Two months on vacation? The government must react.

    3. ilijabgc10:45

      The last info I got, SX-RMA was sent in Africa..

    4. Anonymous10:47

      That aircraft is unrelated to Air Serbia's ERJs. There are two ERJs in Belgrade in Air Serbia livery awaiting to enter service.

    5. Anonymous11:09

      ERJs are Embraer Regional Jets and this is used for E135/140/145. Embraer 195 and others in the family are referred to as EJets :)

    6. Anonymous13:42

      Which ex Marathon planes are now in BEG and what will be done with the damaged one?

    7. Anonymous13:43

      Registrations are listed here

      Damaged one will be written off.

    8. Anonymous14:01

      SX-RMA was damaged and grounded in Africa since April, it's flying for the past few days now

    9. Anonymous14:03

      ^ it is irrelevant to JU.

    10. ilijabgc14:37

      Anon 14:01

      SX-RMA was present in gate now 3 weeks ago, it was sent in Africa 2 weeks now.

    11. Anonymous22:14


      Please don't write nonsense. SX-RMA has been in Cameroon since March

  5. Anonymous09:08

    Can they start Shanghai before the fourth aircraft arrives?

    1. Anonymous09:09


    2. Anonymous01:20

      They can. From first week of October they have 2 weekly Chicago, 3 weekly New York, 2 weekly Guangzhou and 1 weekly Tianjin. Can be done with two planes.

  6. Anonymous09:09

    Interesting that this A330 was hit by a ground handling vehicle a month and a half ago.

    1. Anonymous09:29

      That's why it will be in maintenace for three months.

    2. Anonymous09:32

      The issue from the aircraft being hit have already been fixed. The reason it will take slightly longer than the other A330 is because of more extensive landing gear work.

  7. Anonymous09:11

    When is the 3rd A330 expected to arrive in Belgrade and be put into service?

    1. Anonymous09:13

      In the next 2-3 weeks. Probably will be in service in time for Guangzhou launch.

    2. Anonymous09:17

      What if the third A330 doesn't make it on time, because the due is already very tight. Look how long it takes CAD to register any aircraft.

    3. Anonymous09:21

      Imagine your joy if something happened and they had to cancel something. But don't worry your pretty little head.

    4. Anonymous09:24


    5. Anonymous09:53

      Scheduled YU-ARC says hi

    6. Anonymous09:56

      What about scheduled YU-ARC? YU-ARC was in service less than 10 days after arrival, doing a flight to Zurich and a few days later flying to China.

    7. Anonymous09:59

      Since they put tickets on sale, airplane is practically ready. Expecting pictures in new livery this week. Only worries is about DCV and registration. They may take few years to finish their job

    8. Anonymous10:05

      Lisbon spotters needed :D

    9. Anonymous11:20

      Tjey can always wetlease Wamos Air A330 for a week or two.

    10. Anonymous13:25

      Problem with DCV is not registration itself which is needed for new A330, but introduction of new aircraft type in domestic registry, which is why it takes more time for Jets.

  8. Anonymous09:20

    So the seats are different to the current ex Aeroflot and ex South African planes? What is happening with the cabin consistency they wanted?

    1. Anonymous09:21

      They have already said that the first two A330s will be retrofitted with the same seats as the two that are coming.

    2. Anonymous09:56

      But when is it happening? The two older aircraft cabins badly need to be replaced.

    3. Anonymous10:10

      The next time the Tesla and Pupin go for their service they will probably change their cabin to match the two new a330.
      But they have to wait for the 3rd and 4th to arrive and enter service so they can maintain routes while the other two get serviced

    4. Anonymous23:55

      I really hope it happens sooner rather than later. Not only their long-haul service falls behind the ones of competition, but the cabin condition is very bad and IFE lacks content and does not function properly for a great deal of seating. This is by far the most urgent investment they will need to do and I hope that this can be or has been factored into leasing costs of the aircrafts.

    5. Опет?00:53

      You have sat in all seats and tested IFE in both A330s so you know it does not function properly for a great deal of seating?

      What competition offers BEG nonstop to JFK, ORD and TSN?

  9. Anonymous09:28

    So this one should have the expo livery?

    1. Anonymous09:40

      The third one will also have expo livery most likely.

    2. Anonymous09:41

      I really hope not!

    3. Anonymous09:45

      I've heard the same thing unfortunately.

  10. Anonymous09:29

    These planes have a good hard product and can be competative against the likes of China Southern.

    1. Anonymous09:31

      My guess is that they won't put YU-ARC on CAN route. Or they would be crazy to do so as that product is completely uncompetitive against China Southern. Agree with you about these incoming birds.

    2. Anonymous09:37


    3. Anonymous09:41

      They put ARC on TCN route and they don't seem to be bothered that they indirectly compete with Hainan Airlines. In fact the first flight to CAN is currently scheduled with YU-ARC based on seat layout being offered when purchasing ticket. Of course they can change it but I don't think they care about coemption on these routes much.

    4. Anonymous13:53

      Maybe that's why they fly only 1pw to TCN?

    5. Anonymous14:33

      JU doesn't fly to TCN.

    6. Anonymous01:21

      They obviously meant Tianjin - TSN.

    7. Anonymous09:20


  11. Anonymous09:37

    Great news

  12. Anonymous09:44

    I wonder how big the cargo compartments are on these two. I have heard YU-ARC has bigger cargo compartment and that is why they always use it to Tianjin. Can anyone confirm? And how come this is the case if true?

    1. Anonymous09:57

      How can it be bigger? It is not an A330-300.

    2. Anonymous10:02

      I mean bigger compared to YU-ARB. I think it has something to do with crew rest area.

  13. Anonymous09:56

    Add wifi!

    1. Anonymous10:02


    2. Anonymous19:26

      Agree. But they won't unfortunately

    3. Anonymous01:22

      They said they would look into Starlink.

  14. Anonymous09:57

    they are still missing India, which is biggest source market now in the world leaving china behind.

    1. Anonymous10:23

      India is not that premium market yet

    2. Anonymous10:30

      I often think the same of India but it seems despite the numbers its not a profitable market, if you look at airlines that struggle to make money from it and also the Indian carriers making large losses as well. At some point I am sure this will change with the population size.

    3. Anonymous13:34

      This isn't true. India has for the past several years had a growing number of ULR routes to the US and Canada to start despite challenges with Russian airspace closures to US and Canadian airlines. These flights need excellent yield and premium demand to be run successfully. American carriers are quick to pull flights if the adequate yield isn't there despite profitability on the route. Delhi and Mumbai aren't the only cities seeing long haul routes, other secondary hubs such as Chennai and Hyderabad are seeing long haul routes to Europe. India has quite restrictive bilaterals that has slowed competition to India and this could be an opportunity for JU to jump in. Indigo has previously expressed interest in partnering with JU.

    4. Anonymous19:26

      India would have been launched by Indigo if visas were not introduced. Indigo CEO even came to BEG in 2021

  15. Anonymous10:32

    Good timing with Both US and European Carriers reducing their flights to China. With the US carriers lobbying for restrictions on amount of flights Chinese carriers can fly to US and I am guessing European Airlines will do the same, so Air Serbia is well placed to benefit.

    1. Anonymous12:05

      As I already said long time ago, JU is manically looking for A330s (at least 8 birds) so they can start as many Chinese routes as possible due to market conditions. 5th and 6th are already in signing phase and 7th and 8th are in search phase.
      After 8 A330s two A350s are scheduled

    2. Anonymous12:15

      Anon 12:05 , can you please share your source , because some of us ( including me ) are not so gullible .

    3. Anonymous12:22

      Marek said just recently in an interview that they do not plan to add more routes to China after Shanghai because of bilateral restrictions but that they plan to grow frequencies.

    4. Anonymous16:14

      Restrictions will be removed soon

    5. Anonymous16:40

      You can fly literally everywhere in China. More than 15 cities with 10+mil inhabitants. And they all want to see Europe, where Serbia is only without visas.

      anon 12:05

      With 8-10 widebodies, you will have 12-16 long haul routes. To feed them, you need at least 30-40 short haul routes, for which you need 15-20 narrowbodies more. Total 60-70 planes. In that case, waves would be significantly larger. Does BEG have capacity for those waves?

    6. Anonymous19:25

      In that case a completely new airport in Belgrade would make sense.

    7. Anonymous19:44

      They don’t need a new airport but a new terminal for more widebodies. Current one is largely for narrowbodies.

    8. Anonymous18:30

      There is a nice airport (BJY) just a few kilometers from BEG that can be used if there are too many airplanes at the airport.

  16. Anonymous13:08

    Fantastic news

  17. Anonymous13:32

    If JU will have up to 8 A332 in near future I wonder how Vinci will manage to handle all that traffic especially as it will mean that short haul routes will be increased too.

    Is there enough gates on Belgrade airport for 8 JU wide body planes + HU + CZ?

    1. Anonymous13:48

      You are implying that all these flights will arrive and depart at the same time, which isn't the case.

      HU arrives after the entire morning wave has finished and departs prior to the arrival of the European wave. They have all the gate space the want as the airport is practically empty at this period. The same is for the new CZ flights.

      JU's CAN flights depart in the midnight wave which is the lighter departure bank of 4 for JU, while the arrival at 5am is also a lighter arrival bank. Plenty of gate space at this time.

      By the time JU take on 8 A330, BEG should have well completed the second phase of terminal expansion which has additional air bridges and remote stand gates planned.

    2. Anonymous15:43

      They didn't say when wil they have 8 A330 ...

    3. Anonymous19:24

      True, they say up to 8 and they say it's a 5 year plan which they have already said they have had to modify several times.

  18. Anonymous17:06

    I hope this one will have Isidora Sekulic on its tail :-)

    1. Anonymous19:23


    2. Anonymous19:27

      Unfortunately it looks like both planes will have special expo livery :(

    3. Anonymous01:23

      One would be more than enough for expo. They should keep one of the two incoming planes with the face. To be honest I would prefer if they were all just in regular JU livery.

  19. Anonymous19:23

    These seem to be much better choices of aircraft than ARB and ARC

    1. Anonymous19:28

      And YU-ARB for that matter

    2. Anonymous19:28

      *meant YU-ARA

  20. Anonymous22:43

    A380 wet lease 3 months for marketing purpose?

  21. Anonymous22:52

    I'm pretty sure the plane shown in this video is the one this article is about.

    1. Anonymous01:23

      Yes, that is the one

    2. Anonymous23:02

      Thanks 👍🏼

  22. Anonymous01:25

    I wonder if they will put the third and fourth on a couple of European routes before they deploy them long haul.

  23. ilijabgc15:55

    Interesting here :


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