Delta, Croatia object to jetBlue-Air Serbia intra-Europe codeshare


Delta along with Croatia and Italy have objected to a planned codeshare by US carrier jetBlue on Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and these two European countries. In a filing to the US Department of Transportation (DOT), Delta, Croatia and Italy have argued that the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA) agreement does not allow such codesharing. jetBlue has responded, indicating that Delta, along with many other US and EU airlines, successfully codeshare in Serbia and similar ECAA countries. It has now requested for the DOT to delay a decision on the approval of a planned codeshare agreement between Delta and SAS Scandinavian Airlines on intra-European flights between SAS hubs and Croatia, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Albania, until it deals with Delta’s objections. The Delta objection is unrelated to a wide-ranging codeshare agreement Air Serbia has in place with jetBlue on routes within North America, with no complaint filed against the codeshare when it was approved last summer. It has since been in use. Recently, jetBlue began codesharing on a number of Air Serbia operated flights within Europe. US carriers often engage in objecting to codeshare agreements. In 2014, Delta objected to Air Serbia's planned codeshare on Etihad Airways flights between Abu Dhabi and the United States. 


  1. Anonymous10:31


  2. Anonymous10:40

    Wow indeed literally the worst bunch. Delta is well just Delta big and unimaginative airline that only has to offer US styled twisting of others arms. Croatia, country with beautiful coast and dubious national airline that is failing to profit on that fact and Italy even massive tourist destination that had Alitalia and ran it successfully into ground only to create mickey mouse ITA and hand it to LH again arm twisting business model airline.

    1. Slav.Man10:52

      Seems like a Lufthansa driven sabotage.
      The more JU grows the less influence and share Lufthansa will have in the region.

    2. Anonymous11:01

      This is all driven by Lufthansa which is trying to protect its two cash-cows: Italy and Croatia.

    3. Master Yoda11:28

      Delulu is strong with these two...

    4. Anonymous11:35

      I'm sure Delta Airlines, a Sky team carrier is following Lufthansa's orders.

    5. Anonymous15:27

      No one's talking about giving orders to Delta, they can have aligned interests with Lufthansa and defend them with same means that doesn't mean they're working together. The two countries have national airlines controlled by or at the very least with shared interest of LH so it's not far fetched

    6. Anonymous18:02

      All global airline alliances have teamed up to stop the growth of Air Serbia!
      If this isn't one of the most Balkanic memes I didn't know what it is! 😆

  3. Anonymous10:58

    Cry me a river today both Croatia and Croatia airlines.

    1. Anonymous11:02

      Not Croatia but party apparatchiks in the Croatian CAA who are using any means possible to protect failing Croatia Airlines.

      This is NOT in the interest of Croatian passengers.

    2. Vlado11:38

      Definitely a bad sign for European Air Travel. Lufthansa has become a mere shadow from its former image. They just use foul measures. Of course, our ex-yu national carriers are also quite bad, except Air Serbia. Air Serbia is heading to a nice and sustainable growth. Thumbs up!

      However, if you see Air Serbia as the heir of JAT, than the story changes, because JAT was far more potent and had a significantly better offer and quality. Of course, they were the Yugoslav and not the Serbian Flag carrier and Serbia alone cannot match the potential of the former Yugoslavia. But there is no more Yugoslavia and we should be happy that the ex-yu countries have a period of peace.

      Regarding OU: They used to be good in 2000s, but their corrupt management made them become a feeder airline. Air Serbia shows how political advantages can be used to make yields i. e. flights to Russia, China etc.

      Croatia as an EU and western country, should have made more from its EU Membership. I think that Croatia should have connected B&H more with its network. Mostar is important, as ASL showed recently (Italian and Polish Medjugorje tourists + Bosnian Serbs travelling to Belgrade) but Sarajevo should be more respected and connected. I think that ASL should fill the vacuum, if OU refuses.

      Finally, although I am quite shy to discuss political topics I would like to say: Politics are a huge problem for the former Yugoslav republics and unfortunately, it is not only the local Ante, Jovan or Muharem, who gauge the eyes out of the citizen’s heads, it is also the global politics, not only the west but also the east.

      Cheers mates!

    3. Anonymous13:21


  4. Anonymous11:33

    DL wants to harm Jet Blue as much as possible since they fiercely compete for the New York market.

  5. Anonymous12:07

    Delta is certainly disgusting. They're also in lawsuits with Crowdstrike. Maybe they should open a law firm.

    1. Anonymous12:37

      EVERYONE should be in lawsuits with Crowdstrike! Have you forgotten what happened?

    2. Anonymous14:23

      Delta has been the most vocal. They don't loose a chance to initiate a lawsuite REGARDLESS of whether it's justified or not. That's the point.

    3. Anonymous15:09

      Delta already operates own codeshares like DL 9438 to/from ECAA country. This flight number is BEG-AMS.

  6. Anonymous12:59

    What is Codesharing? 😆

  7. Anonymous13:14

    This just tells me that JU is becoming successful. The China shift will certainly help it a lot more, as they are less litigious.

  8. Anonymous13:35


  9. Anonymous13:47

    We gotta give it to Croatia, at least they are consistent in their attempts to sabotage JU. Maybe if they spent a fraction of that time and effort in making sure OU isn't useless they would have an airline that is similar to JU. Oh well...

    1. Anonymous13:49

      Must agree with this one. In 2014 they also tried to ban JU from selling connecting flights from Croatia via BEG on their own network. Crazy.

    2. Anonymous13:52

      And before that they refused Centavia's permit to fly to ZAG, banned Jat Airways from flying to DBV and PUY and then after they tried to ban those transfers which never made sense. In the end they will just embarass themselves with this one.

    3. Anonymous14:17

      Croatia Airlines and ITA have 0 flights to Serbia. Air Serbia has more than a dozen destinations in Croatia and Italy combined. Not too difficult to understand motivation.

    4. Anonymous14:32

      Exactly. The Open Skies Agreement between EU and Serbia is there for a reason and maybe OU should think about launching ZAG - BEG because the load factor on the line is fantastic for JU, which means there’s demand and I have a feeling another carrier would fit perfectly into the mix and break up JU’s monopoly on it. Wishful thinking, though, knowing OU.

    5. Anonymous17:18

      What was the whole fuss about transfers?

    6. Anonymous17:21

      Croatian government insisted that JU does not have the right to sell intra EU transfers via BEG. For example ZAG-BEG-SOF. They could sell it for flights outside the EU.

      The EU basically blew Croatia off and they silenced them after a few weeks.

    7. Anonymous17:49

      I just dug up the article from back then. Haha so many experts saying how Air Serbia was breaking the "law", but no one provided any justification. The entire premise is weird to begin with - Croatia said that Air Serbia was not allowed to sell transfer tickets because they are a non-EU company? So Qatar and Flydubai cannot sell transfer tickets to Croatian diaspora in Australia because they are registered in non-EU countries? So so weird.

  10. Anonymous14:49

    One would assume there are more important problems in both Croatian and Italian aviation sectors than this code-share agreement. Isn't it good for passengers giving them more choice for travel?

    1. Anonymous14:50

      Law should be followed.

    2. Anonymous14:53

      I am sure it will be followed. There is nothing against it here.

    3. Anonymous14:54

      If it was, there would be no objections.

    4. Anonymous16:32

      And this is not the first time some EU countries tried to sabotage JU. Remeber a decade ago Germany started questioning EY's investment in JU. Thank God common sense prevailed and laws were respected so JU wasn't damaged.

    5. Anonymous16:34

      ^ actually it was Adria Airways that filed the complaimt with the EU.

    6. Anonymous16:57

      Because they were afraid of JU which was entering their traditional markets. Luckily they went bankrupt later on and much of the market was taken over by JU.

    7. Anonymous17:21

      Will CA go bankrupt before this ends?

    8. Anonymous17:25

      Croatia Airlines is definitely on the right road to bankruptcy, unless they change from the ground up and change the whole management at the top, it’s bound to happen sooner or later, perhaps while this complaint is being processed. You never know. Remember how rapidly Adria went under, and they were not the only ones.

    9. Anonymous17:29

      Yes but OU has a brand new shiny A220 which will solve all of its problems. JP never had that competitive advantage over their competitors.

    10. Anonymous18:11

      OU's bankruptcy, the favorite wet dream of many a poster here. Before that it was A220s not coming. Boring...

  11. Anonymous14:56

    Last month this site listed recent addition to codeshare:

    Codeshares are from/to Belgrade to/from Amsterdam, Athens, Bucharest, Budapest, Larnaca, Paris, Prague, Sofia, and Vienna

    No destinations in Italy and Croatia yet only they objected???

    1. Anonymous15:00

      Unbelievable, isn't it?

    2. Anonymous15:01

      Because they plan to add them now. That's why they objected.

    3. Anonymous15:11

      Then object to potential codeshares to/from CRO and ITA, not all those destinations in other countries.

  12. Anonymous15:37

    it's not about JU becoming a big player, but the extent to which big airlines and their in-favor countries are willing to go in bending and abusing regulations to destroy any smaller player that tries to get a foothold in the market

    1. Anonymous16:35

      JFK to Italy and Croatia (esp. the coast) is considerable in summer. DL and others don't want B6 getting a share of that market thanks to the codeshare with JU. B6 can compete for these destinations with DL since they cooperate quite nicely with JU.

      Air Serbia destinations in these two countries:

      Year-round: ZAG, VCE, MXP. BLQ, FCO, NAP, BRI.

      Seasonal: PUY, RJK, ZAD, SPU, DBV, CTA, PMO.

    2. Anonymous17:47

      That's more than many other larger airlines.
