Ljubljana Airport sees strong July performance


Ljubljana Jože Pučnik Airport handled 161.783 passengers in July, representing an increase of 8.1% on the same month last year. However, the figure is still down 22% on the pre-pandemic 2019. During the first half of year, Ljubljana Airport welcomed 812.907 travellers, up 18.6% and down 23.8% on 2023 and 2019 respectively. The airport anticipates handling 1.4 million passengers this year.

Ljubljana's largest airlines by scheduled seat capacity, July 2024


  1. Anonymous10:34

    Bravo Fraport!

  2. Anonymous10:40

    Good result! But I never could have immagine that Sarajevo will have almost 2 x more pax than LJU Crazy. Good, Sarajevo metropolitan area is more than double size of Ljubljana once, but still...

    1. Anonymous12:53

      Everyone knew that when Sarajevo finished the new terminal and got Ryanair. Without the P&W issues it would probably hit 2M this year, now it's gonna be 1.75-1.8

    2. Anonymous14:01

      I dont know how SJJ is impacted by P&W engines since no airline has a base in the city nor any airline reduced its planned operations.

  3. Anonymous12:02

    Total scheduled seat capacity was 129.046 in July 2024, PAX 161.783 ???? How is this possible ?

    1. Anonymous12:05

      It had 164.650 on sale.

    2. Anonymous12:09

      Also I don't believe that charters are included in the scheduled capacity.

    3. Anonymous12:11

      It was 164,650 without charters. Makes sense.

    4. Anonymous13:10

      I still don't get it. If there were 164.650 scheduled seats without charters and 161.783 pax, both in July 2024, this would mean the average load factor was 98,2%. This can't be true.

    5. Anonymous13:13

      Its not, airlines are flying empty according to commentators here and analitičar.

    6. Anonymous13:18

      I still don't get your surprise. 164000 scheduled capacity plus over 20000 seats on charters. Keep in mind charters are 100% full in both directions. On top of that it is July and scheduled flights are full as well.

    7. Anonymous15:54

      I've flown from LJU twice this year, to RIX and HEL. Both were over 95% full

    8. Anonymous15:58

      Analitičar says LJU-RIX is doing badly.

  4. Anonymous12:13

    I think it should be closer to (or just under) 1,5mio by the end of the year. 1mio will be reached in the first few days of september (one month sooner than in 2023) and the remaining months should see about 120k pax on average with both autmn and christmas charter peaks coming. Hopefully in 2025 they can get at least one carrier to open a base in LJU.

    1. Anonymous16:43

      So passenger "growth" comes from charter flights and Fraport (and its CEO) is the loudest how much effort they have made to facilitate the growth. That is just hilarious.

    2. Anonymous16:52

      But didn't you read how Fraport brought us 5 airlines in just one year from a commentator below? It is because of huge discounts they give. Government subsidies are insignificant compared to this.

  5. Anonymous12:17

    Funny how LJU CEO mentions on her Linkedin that Wizz, Luxair, Airbaltic, Norwegian and Iberia all came to the airport because of hard work done by Fraport.

    1. Anonymous12:25

      I don't know why this is never talked about, but Fraport does offer their own incentives for new destinations which are significantly greater than what the government offers. It's a simple calculation - first Fraport applies 50% discount for all new lines and only after that the government applies additional 50% in subsidies (at that point that's only half as much).

    2. Anonymous12:30

      And yet more airlines came because of government and not Fraport despite incentives being "significantly greater than what the government offers" which I do not buy.

    3. Anonymous12:41

      The carriers came because it made financial sense for them. And if you "don't buy" that Fraport's incentives had something to do with it, then I can't help you. These are just the facts. Also Fraport's incentives are actually better for carriers since they don't have to pay that initial 50% in the first place, while they still have to pay the government's part and they get it repaid months later.

    4. Anonymous12:48

      It must be because of the fantastic Fraport's incentives that easyjet ended Berlin, most of its London flights, Wizz Air discontinued London, Luxair downgraded its route to seasonal, Air France reduced frequencies, Iberia flying for a month, Aegean cancelling plans to fly year round, British downgrading route to season and Norwegian operating just seasonally. Like you say, these are just the facts.

    5. Anonymous13:02

      I would just ask you to look back at the time when we still had Adria. How many foreign carriers were flying to LJU back then? 4 maybe 5? Attracting foreign carriers to fly into a small oversaturated market with lots of competition is a hard job. When airlines find better financial oppurtunities elsewhere they will leave. No subsidy would help in that case. Your simplistic view of the situation just doesn't fly. But of course, as with most problems in life, it's easier to find someone to blame than taking time to fully understand the complexity of the situation.

    6. Anonymous13:07

      So many amazing incentives that LJU will have less capacity this winter than last year. Bravo Fraport and fanboys!

    7. Anonymous13:17

      You really are a simple guy aren't you haha. Well then be my guest and continue trolling, having an intelligent conversation is obviously not possible.

    8. Anonymous13:20

      Can't talk with delusional people like you. Also how is "charter hub" idea going on? According to CEO it is very succesful. First in the world! Bravo Fraport!

    9. Anonymous13:46

      It's funny calling someone delusional while at the same time simplifying a complex situatioin into a single factor and not taking any effort to dig deeper into the problem. You are giving an impression of a very simple minded individual which is only exasterbated by exlaiming primitive "Bravo" calls here and there.... Ok, I will finish this discussion.

    10. Anonymous13:49

      Ok Fraport good company, happy?

    11. Anonymous14:04

      Wizz Air came to LJU because of the hard work of SKP TAV Airport, LJU did nothing except that they gave permit for W6 to fly there from SKP.

    12. Anonymous14:09

      How dare you say that Fraport didn't do anything! Didn't you read how big discounts they give!

    13. Anonymous16:47

      If it was Fraport´s decision, they would tell you to fly to SKP via MUC or FRA (you can also go via ZRH or BRU if you really insist) and make their mummy $happy$.

  6. Anonymous12:47

    its funny. first they were targeting 1.6, than it was 1.5 now its 1.4 ... till the end of the year it will be 1.3

    1. Anonymous12:53

      Are you just making up these numbers or do you have any source to prove them?

    2. Anonymous13:05

      It's a guesstimate. My question would be who even looks or cares about this?

    3. Anonymous17:16

      Its (almost) impossible to understand why the GOV does not do anything with Fraport. Take them out of the airport, expropriate them, do whatever needed to assure the airport is run properly and alligned with interest of slovenian economy.

    4. Anonymous17:25

      How would you feel if the government expropriated you from the house you fully paid for?

    5. Anonymous17:44

      You dont expropriate someone because he didnt pay for the house, but because the public interes prevails over the private interest. Maybe Fraport doesnt read Slovenian constitution, but it should read at least the German, art. 14.

      However, I see that people at Fraport work extra-hours, just to post comments on this forum, instead of spending this precious time negotiating new routes.

    6. Anonymous17:58

      It seems like we are talking here more about your personal interest than the public interest ;)

    7. Anonymous18:14

      Sure, thats why every single country is fighting for air-connectivity, only Slovenia does not have such interest. Its in the best interest of the country (public interest) to make people fly from the neighbouring airports, paying taxes to neighbouring countries, loosing investment opportunities because of horrendous air connectivity (Isnt Slovenia the worst air connected country in Europe?).

  7. Anonymous09:38

    Nice numbers, but let's be honest. Months of July and August are traditional vacation months and there are many charter flights with almost 100% LF. After vacations will end, all number will drop to the usual. It is not only the LJU issue. All small airports have such rise in both months.


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