Lufthansa overtakes Turkish to become Slovenia’s busiest

Lufthansa has overtaken Turkish Airlines during the first half of the year to become the busiest carrier operating out of both Ljubljana and Slovenia. The Turkish national airline overtook its German counterpart last year and held onto its number one spot until June. However, Lufthansa benefited from a 32.6% increase in passenger numbers with the introduction of its second daily service from Munich earlier this year. With the airline now offering more capacity to Slovenian travellers than Turkish Airlines, and the Turkish carrier decreasing flights due to issues with engines on select aircraft types, Lufthansa is expected to maintain its leading position on the Slovenian market for the rest of the year.

Ljubljana Airport passenger performance, H1 2024

Finnair saw some of the strongest percentile growth on the Slovenian market by handling an additional 5.251 passengers on its seasonal Helsinki service. Although the likes of Transavia from Amsterdam and GP Aviation from Pristina saw growth of over 90%, this was mainly due to a lack of flights last year. Transavia suspended its service between Amsterdam and Ljubljana from February until late March of last year, while GP Aviation commenced operations from Pristina during the last day of March 2023. Figures on flights between Ljubljana and London, maintained by three different carriers, also improved. The 11.7% growth was primarily fuelled by British Airways which has been maintaining services to the Slovenian capital over the winter months for the first time. On the other hand, Wizz Air discontinued its London Luton route in February.

Among airlines that commenced operations to Ljubljana recently, Luxair saw is average cabin load factor for the first half of the year stand at 68.3%. Wizz Air continues to perform strongly on its flights between Skopje and the Slovenian capital. The service, launched last September, registered a high average cabin load factor of 94% during H1 2024. Norwegian, which entered the Slovenian market in late April of this year, welcomed 5.032 travellers on its Copenhagen flights for an average load factor of 71.1%, while airBaltic, which also inaugurated services to Ljubljana in April, registered an average cabin occupancy of 74.6%. Meanwhile, Aegean Airlines’ seasonal Athens route saw loads average 72% up until the end of June.


  1. Anonymous09:01


  2. Anonymous09:01

    So Istanbul is still above Frankfurt, but Frankfurt+Munich wins. Also, very nice Swiss growth

    1. Anonymous09:05

      For LH cartel,the most important thing is that FRA+MUC+ZRH+BRU numbers are on top and increasing.

    2. Anonymous09:24

      + VIE

    3. Anonymous09:46

      That’s why Finnair has such a huge growth.

    4. Anonymous10:11

      Nah, last year was just abysmal for them. This is back to 2019 pax

    5. Anonymous10:21

      It is not even back to 2019.
      2019: 15.328
      2023: 6.439
      2024: 11.690

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Bravo Fraport!

  4. Anonymous09:10

    Give it a rest FFS. If flights to somewhere like London were profitable year round they would operate. As it is via LH group hubs is the only way forward.

    1. Anonymous09:32

      +1. I don't understand how people don't know simple economics. If a route doesn't make money, you cut it.
      Would you at home keep buying groceries for 4 people if you leave alone and then having to throw 3/4 of them away as they expire and get bad?
      Europe has and always will struggle with seasonality, winter is where smaller and not well known/popular tourist destinations don't get as many visitors as in summer. There's also less vacations being taken then, with exception of around Christmas and New Year. And Slovenia suffers from that. You can't compare it with Zagreb, which also suffers from it or Belgrade. Their metropolian areas are much much bigger and the countries also have a strong disapora which regularly travels. Slovenia just doesn't have that and where it does have it, they primarily travel back by car (Germany and Austria).

    2. Anonymous09:37

      Just discontinue every destination from LJU and keep FRA. We only need that.

    3. Anonymous09:44

      How come LJU used to have 2-3 daily London flights year round but now can't even get one daily in winter lol. Or double the Paris capacity in 2019. Or 3 weekly Berlin flights while now they can't even get 2

    4. Anonymous09:48

      Didn't you read how LJU is highly unprofitable airport? Especially RIX-LJU. Airbaltic had to put a two week sale on it and it even included every single destination they have just to get more passengers.

    5. Anonymous11:35

      @09:44. Fraport brigade here. Because in 2019, ZAG had abysmal connections to London, Croatia sold their LHR slots and British had a bad schedule and low frequency route. KLU and TRS had no London flights but have them now. After beatiful Covid policies of the Slovenian government in 2020 and 2021, the operators looked for more stable markets closer to the demand.

    6. Anonymous11:41


      It seems that you always have a new explanation. First you claimed it was Brexit but then when you were shown data that no other country was impacted by Brexit when it comes to UK traffic now you have decided it was Covid policies in Slovenia. It was Fraport's job to get airlines back after Covid. It was Fraport's job to stop Slovenia bleeding passengers to nearby airports. Instead, they lost Wizz Air on London route and lost British Airways year round service. All in 2024. Must be because of the Covid policies in place in Slovenia.

    7. Anonymous11:49

      You really expect a good reason from fanboys? I have asked multiple times what is "charter hub" yet all of them can't explain it and get agressive.

    8. Anonymous12:07

      @11:41 I never claimed it was Brexit. The reason is there, explained, whether you agree with it or not.

      I do not even know why I'm replying to someone who does not know the difference between airport and airline...

    9. Anonymous12:50

      I don't know why I'm replying to someone who is just making up things. TRS had no flights to London but have them now? Ryanair had 62.815 passengers on STN-TRS in 2019. And even in 2024, since you claim how much more flights they have now, they actually had less passengers in first 6 months than in 2019 (JAN-JUN 2019: 30.718 vs JAN-JUN 2024: 29.447).

    10. Anonymous12:51

      Now do ZAG and KLU.

    11. Anonymous12:54

      Also, can you please post the source of those figures?

    12. Anonymous12:54

      As I said I will stop replying to you as you just make up things.

    13. Anonymous13:46

      >I will stop replying
      :'D The irony is real.

      So, no source?

    14. Anonymous13:52

      UK CAA and you already replied 4 times when you said you will stop. Also keep up making lies, it makes me smile how badly you try to defend Fraport yet every excuse is worse than previous one.

    15. Anonymous21:38

      So, still no source? I would like to see as well how the routes and passenger numbers progressed over the years.

    16. Anonymous22:08

      Maybe learn how to read and you will see source.

  5. Anonymous09:12

    Does anybody know why were there a few random flights by Bul Air from Sofia in the last few days? They all came to Lju, were there for about 45 minutes and went back.

    1. Anonymous10:05

  6. Anonymous09:18

    Why not start Berlin flights if they want to force Lufthansa

    1. Anonymous09:24

      LH flies from Berlin only to FRA and MUC, they don’t have a base there.

    2. Anonymous09:30

      Maybe Eurowings they are under LH group right?

    3. Anonymous09:44

      LJU also has services to Berlin, via Frankfurt of course, another airport owned by Fraport

    4. Anonymous10:13

      Anon 9.18 . Graz have direct Berlin flight with EW

    5. Anonymous13:15

      Yep, they're pretty expensive for an LCC doe

    6. Anonymous14:04

      LJU had flights to BER in the past, but they failed. Why would they work now? Transiting FRA and MUC is easy.

  7. Anonymous09:27

    Admin, if you have the data, I think for posts like these it would be good to include also LF % per route. Even better, provide it per month. I think it'd be nice to know the LF of all the routes on a monthly basis per airports in exYu.
    Something I think everyone here would love to see, so for example it'd be nice to see AF's LF to see if it's just people not wanting to fly there, or if it's due to less flights. Same for LO, it's be interesting to see the LF, so causes for bad/good performance could be more accurately explained and not leave people guessing in comments and arguing.

  8. Anonymous09:59

    LOT losing exactly the amount of passangers AirBaltic got, says a lot

    1. Anonymous10:35

      Yep, they're splitting the Scandinavian transfers, it seems lol

  9. Anonymous10:06

    What is the traffic to Brussels? It is not a small number. What else could it be than EU institutions? BRU is not a hub. Also, Belgium is not a tourist hotspot…

    1. Anonymous10:07

      I stopped reading after "BRU is not a hub"

    2. Anonymous10:13

      BRU is a hub lol. Transferred there on a flight to Berlin from LJU once

      Granted, Brussels Airlines ain't very good hence they're cheap

  10. Anonymous10:13

    Lufthansa the new flag carrier of Slovenia. For me this is not bad, last week i have two flights from LJU with Lufthansa one LJU-MUC and MUC-LJU good service for me better than my flights last years in 2018 and 2020 with them btw like JP and their CRJ. LH is not like Lufthansa in ex yu dreams and balkan blogs.

    1. Anonymous19:00

      Indeed, great service. Their flights (apart from the early morning departure) are constantly 30-60 (or even more) minutes late. I can only imagine how many PAX miss their connecting flights.

    2. Anonymous20:10

      Let s wait for winter time schedule and interruption with weather in FRA and MUC. Again a lot of flights will be deleted for sure.

  11. Anonymous10:15

    Good results what are passengers with LH Group? My flights was around 80 percents p2p.

  12. Anonymous10:39

    Bravo LH!

  13. Anonymous11:28

    Congratulations to Fraport for finally realizing its long-standing dream of funneling everyone through the FRA/MUC/ZRH hubs. It's great to see that when Lufthansa is happy, Fraport is even happier—especially when it's all made possible on the backs of Slovenian taxpayers. Well played!

  14. Anonymous11:38

    94% respect! where is the high density expert now ???

    1. Anonymous11:43

      With all due respect 90%+ load factor on LCCs is normal. If they had below they would be making a loss. Since they sell tickets at reduced prices, they need to have high load factor to make a profit.

    2. Anonymous11:52

      @11.42 poor attempt of relativiranje. go see ticket prices for Sept and Oct !!!!!! sick of this talking nonsence

    3. Anonymous12:00

      original: "There is no market, JP carried mostly transfers on a regional jet. Flying a high density A320 would be an overkill."

  15. Anonymous12:43

    Growth in passengers to Serbia is rather modest. What could be a reason for that?

    1. Anonymous13:05

      No additional capacity was added this year between Serbia and Slovenia. So when you see growth in passenger numbers there, it means that the load factor is growing. The growth you are seeing to Germany and Switzerland are high because they added a lot of extra flights this year.

    2. Anonymous14:25

      Thanks for explanation! Hope we might see some additional capacity on flight to Serbia as well.

    3. Anonymous16:49

      Before Marathon mess JU planned E90 to LJU on some flights. Unfortunately those were cancelled later on.

    4. Anonymous00:27

      What didn't help was that Wizz started SKP-LJU flights while LJU was the most populair transfer destanation for passengers who travel from SKP. JU lost I think atleast 3000 passengers a year on this route because of Wizzair. JU network increased a lot so they easy covered these loses(Also air travel is an increasing business). But this could be defenitly a reason they decided not to increase frequencies to Ljubijana.

  16. Anonymous12:51

    What is the load factor of Aegean and Iberia in Ljubljana?

    1. Anonymous13:04

      Why not just read the article?

    2. Anonymous13:16

      Both above 90% btw

    3. Anonymous13:27

      @13.16 read the article too: "Aegean Airlines’ seasonal Athens route saw loads average 72% up until the end of June."

  17. Anonymous14:52

    The difference is that tk was serving and will probably keep serving ex yu markets consistently while others like lh decreases/cancels flights in the slightest inconvenience as we have seen many times in the past.

    1. Anonymous15:29

      Good morning!

    2. Anonymous16:01

      not even close to how lh looks down on exyu markets. 1-2 flights 14-15 flights per week for maybe a 2 month period is very minimal. Lh will runaway with their cash once they have other opportunities or problems and tk will still be there.

  18. Anonymous15:32

    For UK you mean London. No flights to LJU from anywhere north of Luton.

  19. Anonymous16:49

    94% average load factor to Skopje is amazing result , this route becomes probably Wizz airs most succesfully in the Ex yu region ... I was sure that this route will be very strong since they start last september.


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