Most EX-YU capital airports see strong London performance

The majority of the former Yugoslavia’s capital city airports saw solid growth on flights to and from London during the first half of the year when compared to the same period in 2023. British Airways fuelled an increase in passenger numbers in Belgrade and Ljubljana, while Ryanair was responsible for the strong growth in Sarajevo.

London passenger performance H1 2024

Based on data provided by the UK Civil Aviation Authority, Belgrade overtook Zagreb to have the most traffic out of the EX-YU capitals to and from London, with 123.511 passengers handled. In addition to British Airways’ entry onto the market, Wizz Air managed to grow its passenger figures by 17%, while Air Serbia also added more flights on the London route. The British flag carrier is due to end its operations to Belgrade in September, although Nikola Tesla Airport hopes the airline will return next summer. On the other hand, easyJet has secured slots to launch flights between London and Belgrade this coming winter, however, it may choose to utilise the allocated times for another route.

Zagreb Airport saw 120.867 passengers on its London flights, an improvement of 10.5% on last year. The figures continue to be fuelled by Ryanair, which handled 66.732 travellers on its Stansted service, compared to the combined total of 52.135 travellers welcomed by Croatia Airlines and British Airways on their respective Heathrow flights. Overall, Ryanair increased its passenger figures on the Zagreb - London route by 18.2% in H1 2024 compared to last year. At the same time, the Heathrow service managed a 1.7% improvement.

Ljubljana Airport benefited from British Airways, which upgraded its seasonal operations between the two capitals to year-round. Figures on the London service increased 11.7% with an additional 7.815 passengers handled on H1 2023. British Airways and easyJet were able to make up for Wizz Air, which discontinued its Luton - Ljubljana service in February. easyJet grew its passenger numbers 16.7%. British Airways will downgrade its Ljubljana route back to summer seasonal starting this winter.

In Pristina, 50.993 travellers flew with Wizz Air to and from Luton, down 20%. Wizz Air, as the only carrier on the London route, cut capacity by 19.3% between the two cities, Podgorica overtook Skopje, registering an 8.5% increase in passenger numbers. Despite serving the Montenegrin capital from London Gatwick seasonally, Wizz Air managed to outperform Ryanair, which operates year-round between Stansted and Podgorica, during the months when they both ran flights (March - June).

Sarajevo Airport also overtook Skopje, handling 31.384 passengers during the first half of the year, with its strong growth generated by Ryanair, which launched operations from London Stansted to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s capital in April. It trounced Wizz Air performance-wise, handling 12.751 travellers between April and June, compared to its low cost rival’s 8.915 passengers. Finally, Wizz Air saw its figures decline 1.5% on the Luton - Skopje service. Capacity on the route remained mostly unchanged, declining 0.9% in H1 2024.


  1. Anonymous09:03

    Interesting that Belgrade is no1, considering the Serbian citizens need visa to enter or transit.

    1. Anonymous10:12

      Considering the UK's visa policy to most ex-Yu countries, I'm surprised by how high some of these numbers are.

    2. Anonymous10:13

      People are forgetting that there are many transfer passengers on these flights. People going to the US and Canada via London.

    3. Anonymous10:18

      In Croatia from many airports you go to London, not just from Zagreb.

    4. Anonymous10:21

      That is because everyone wants to visit beautiful Dalmatia.

    5. Anonymous10:24

      Anon 10:13 But transfer passengers also need a transfer visa, no? I would personally never choose London for transfer, it just sounds too complicated, maybe I am wrong

    6. Anonymous10:28

      You don't need a transfer visa if you are heading to the US or Canada because you either have a US or Canadian visa or you live there. Majority of transfers from this region through London are going to/from US and Canada.

    7. Anonymous11:03

      Maybe the majority are transfers to the US and/or Canada, but many are transfers to elsewhere.
      Very often I've seen good deals for other destinations with transfer to London, and the transfers visa issue is a no go, where I decide to fly via other hubs.

    8. If you hold US or Canadian valid visa, you can still transfer on Heathrow even heading to the countries other than USA or Canada, as long as you leave the airport on the same calendar day, and you don't leave transfer zone..So yes, you don't need transit visa in that case

  2. Anonymous09:04

    It would be interesting to see how this year's numbers compare with July 2019.

    1. Anonymous09:05

      *Sorry, meant to show with the same period in 2019.

    2. Anonymous09:11

      I think the only one performing worse than 2019 is LJU. The rest should be up. Agree, would be interesting to see that data though.

    3. Anonymous09:14

      H1 2023: 75k
      H1 2019: 115k

    4. Anonymous10:12

      It is a real shame that Ljubljana's potential is not being used on this route. I mean, there used to be flights between Maribor and London!

    5. Anonymous10:24

      Now compare London numbers from surrounding airports between 2019 and 2023/24.

    6. Anonymous10:29

      ^ they are all way above 2019 levels.

    7. Anonymous10:48

      is that a guess?

    8. Anonymous10:57

      So you are guessing all airports have less passengers to London?

    9. Anonymous10:59

      There are loads of Brits in Croatia these days, living permanently in Croatia. No exact noumber on noumber of brits with permanent residence in Croatia, but on eve of brexit, 3600 Brits had right to live and work in Croatia with further 2200 Brits in process of attaining residence rights due to their application being made before official brexit day. So atm, there could be as many as 8000 brits that live and work in Croatia year round. However they might not have significant impact on London numbers out of Zagreb as majority live outside Zagreb, in Dalmatia and Istria/Kvarner. Croatian passport holders don't need visa to enter the UK, same goes for Slovene passport holders.

    10. Anonymous11:03

      Bravo Hrvatska!

    11. Anonymous11:09

      Bravo Fraport

    12. H1 2019 passengers figures to/from London (all airports)

      Ljubljana - 113.352
      Belgrade - 74.150
      Zagreb - 66.952
      Pristina - 37.868
      Skopje - 29.444
      Podgorica - 23.341
      Sarajevo - 0

    13. Anonymous12:55

      Bravo Fraport for big decrease!

    14. Anonymous12:58

      These are not all airports. What about Split, Dubrovnik and Zadar?

    15. The article, as mentioned in the headline, focuses on capital cities.

    16. Anonymous13:13

      Every airport increased numbers. BEG and ZAG doubled them compared to 2019. Only exception is LJU. Sad

    17. Anonymous13:18

      LJU did double it, but only in the opposite direction. Bravo Fraport!

    18. Anonymous13:20

      So much for Brexit...

    19. Anonymous13:24

      It is just fanboys trying to find excuses for incompetency. SJJ that had zero passengers will this winter have 7 weekly while LJU will have 3/4 weekly. Twice as much.

    20. Anonymous13:28

      Bravo Vinci for big increase!

    21. Anonymous15:17


      Why not to write about all airports?

  3. Anonymous09:06

    This winter LJU will have the least flights to London out of any capital airport. From best to worst. Bravo Fraport!

    1. Anonymous09:08

      And I think LJU used to have the most flights to London in ex-Yu. And it actually had nothing to do with Adria since they didn't fly there.

    2. Anonymous09:09

      LJU had flights to 4 airports with 3 airlines. It's going from bad to worse.

    3. Anonymous09:12

      What's the Slovenian diaspora in the UK like in size?

    4. Anonymous09:13

      Not to mention according to SiStat in H1 2019 there were almost 115.000 passengers on UK-Ljubljana routes. So huge reduction that has nothing to do with Adria or transfers that many fanboys like to use it as an excuse.

    5. Anonymous09:14

      Fraport d.o.o., the operator of Ljubljana Airport, is excited to announce a special collaboration with a renowned transport provider to establish a direct connection between Ljubljana and Zagreb. This new service will ensure seamless travel for passengers from Slovenia, offering a convenient link to London.

      According to unofficial sources, the collaboration is with a company that operates under the Go-Opti brand, known for its reliable and efficient transport services. Further details will be provided soon.

    6. Anonymous09:14

      I think their excuse for this one is Brexit haha

    7. Anonymous09:16

      Sure because of Brexit LJU is the only airport with less passengers while every other has more. Bunch of delusionals and nothing else.

    8. Anonymous09:55

      Guys guys, LJU needs more passengers on all London routes so that couch commanders on Ex-Yu can feel important. Fraport do something about it!

    9. Anonymous09:58

      The Fraport brigade has arrived.

    10. Anonymous10:04

      Call the police.

    11. Anonymous10:11

      Second half of the year will be especially poor for LJU on this route without BA and W6.

    12. Anonymous11:28

      The main issue for lju numbers on london route is Ryanair

    13. Anonymous12:54

      The main issue for LJU is Fraport doing absolutely nothing.

    14. Anonymous16:07

      The main issue for LJU are the people who think only Fraport is responsible for the low figures.

    15. Anonymous16:15

      Tbe main issue for LJU are delusionals that blame Brexit for decline while every single airport has more flights.

    16. Anonymous17:11

      Or maybe, just maybe, big portion of the London passengers from LJU has moved to ZAG/TRS and KLU.

    17. Anonymous17:16

      ^ and Fraport should be applauded for that?

    18. Anonymous17:46

      @17:16 sure just close LJU so everyone can use other airports!

  4. Anonymous09:06

    "while Air Serbia also added more flights on the London route" which flights are these?

    1. Anonymous09:07

      It started 9 weekly flights to London from the beginning of March rather than June as it usually does.

    2. Anonymous09:08

      ^ sorry meant to say beginning of summer season (end of March)

  5. Anonymous09:13

    Interesting that Wizz is doing better than Ryanair in Podgorica. Is it because of the airport? Wizz oddly flies from Gatwick to Podgorica rather than Luton.

    1. Anonymous09:21

      Gatwick is much more easily connected to London compared with Luton.

    2. Anonymous09:23

      Makes sense. Thanks

    3. Anonymous09:31

      Agree plus if you fly to GTW you can then connect to dozens of destinations to all over the world.
      Luton on the other hand is just LCCs.

    4. Anonymous10:17

      The airport code is LGW.

    5. Anonymous10:43

      Gatwick ia no better connected to London than Luton. Totally subjective view. luton is very very well connected to central London. Using wizzair to connect via Gatwick is definatly not why they fly there. Wizzair have a lot of flights out of Gatwick to holiday destinations which montenegro is considered.

    6. Anonymous11:11

      Heathrow and City are by far the best connected, but Gatwick is still decent. It takes only 30min to get to Victoria Station as opposed to 50 from Luton and over an hour from Stansted (which is the worst one to fly to)

    7. Anonymous13:29


    8. Anonymous15:26

      Luton is perfectly located for large areas of norh London. So the bashers of london airport locations are among the dullest comentators on forums. The great thing about London is the diversity of airport locations for those who live in it.

  6. Anonymous09:24

    Very interesting data. Thank you

  7. Anonymous09:24

    Are Zagreb and Podgorica the only two capitals in ex-Yu with flights to another UK city besides London, in this case Manchester?

    1. Anonymous09:31


    2. Anonymous09:31


    3. Anonymous09:52

      Montenegro keeps winning!

    4. Anonymous10:17

      It used to be Ljubljana too.

    5. Anonymous11:17

      Slovenia used to have services to Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, Southend and Luton. Now it's just the former 2

  8. Anonymous09:39

    I really hope Luton-Ljubljana returns either with Wizz or easyJet.

  9. Anonymous09:40

    It's about time BA to return back to Skopje...

    1. Anonymous09:41

      They are leaving BEG, they have cut Ljubljana over winter, yet they should start SKP...

    2. Anonymous09:52

      Did they ever fly to SKP?

    3. Anonymous09:53

      Yes, in the 90s

    4. Anonymous10:10

      In 2010 they were interested in Skopje. They even held talks with the government. But it didn't work out.

  10. Anonymous09:40

    Nice to see Sarajevos numbers growing in all categories :)

    1. Anonymous09:45


    2. Anonymous12:33

      Which airlines is operating to Gatwick from SJJ?

    3. Anonymous12:37

      TUI Airways, winter seasonal.

    4. Anonymous12:48

      but it has the worst LF. 75% for lowcost is nothing ...

    5. Anonymous12:51

      Probably because of the TUI flights.

    6. Anonymous13:34

      why whats wrong with them?

    7. Anonymous13:36

      Nothing, it is likely they have a lower load factor, especially towards the end of the season where flights are empty in one direction.

    8. Anonymous13:39

      those seasonal one weekly flights have very little impact on H1 results. The low factor is probably because of overcapacity of the big two (Wizzair and Ryanair

    9. During H1

      TUI: 47.8%
      Wizz Air: 68.4%
      Ryanair: 96.7%

    10. Anonymous14:18

      thank you for the numbers!

    11. Anonymous14:56

      wow that Ryanair load factor in Sarajevo is awesome!

  11. Anonymous09:52

    So LCCs rule London-ex-Yu markets.

    1. Anonymous09:53

      Yep, beggars can't be choosers.

    2. Anonymous10:10

      LCCs generally rule most ex-Yu markets regardless of the route.

    3. Anonymous18:45

      They do it in Portugal as well, just look at the Ryanair and easyJet network over there, same with Spain where Vueling also takes place and Air Europa, Italy as well mostly covered by Wizz, Ryan and easyJet as well as Vueling and Volotea, same with UK easyJet, Ryan, Wizz, Jet2, TUI, same with Ireland where Ryan has very big base, same with Germany, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Malta, Cyprus, Greece, Romania even Turkey.

  12. Anonymous09:52

    Where else in ex-Yu did British fly to in the past that they don't fly to now?

    1. Anonymous10:09

      Skopje, Sarajevo and Pristina.

  13. Anonymous10:11

    Ryanair should definitely increase Zagreb-London to double daily

  14. Anonymous10:12

    Any chance Air Montenegro will start flights to London?

  15. Anonymous10:16

    In Croatia from many airports you go to London, not just from Zagreb.

    1. Anonymous10:39

      Yes! It would be interesting to know those numbers too...

    2. Anonymous10:45

      so what, from ZAG we have the best and lowest price options :)

    3. Well, this is an article on capital cities.
      That said, it's really great that Zagreb literally doubled its passenger numbers compared to 2019., given the fact that there are direct connections from London to virtually all other airports in Croatia...with some of them being connected by 2 or 3 carriers as well.

  16. Anonymous10:46

    Interesting EasyJet have slots assigned for London to Belgrade over the winter period. Hope these are to Gatwick. Then all 3 airports (excluding City/Stansted) are covered for people who need to go onwards and not want to have to go into London to go out again to get somewhere south of London.

    1. Anonymous12:50

      Easyjet have slots to Exyu from many EU airports but rarely any of them materialize in flights

    2. Anonymous15:29

      One can go onward from Stansted too. Cambridge and Norwich are connected by train. I would LOVE stansted being linked to Belgrade as it opens up those of us in East Anglia who visit BG. But any extra flights would be great. But i think there is almost 0 chance they'll start BG.

  17. Anonymous10:55

    As an aside I think Air Serbia will benefit from TAROM selling their Heathrow Slots to Qatar. I know from Bucharest there are options to fly to other London airports but for some reason Heathrow is seen as the one to go to and so think Air Serbia is well placed to receive some benefit.

    1. Anonymous11:18

      JU would've only benefited if it acquired some slots from TAROM. Nine weekly frequencies is not enough to be competitive at LHR.

    2. Anonymous15:46

      BA flies to LHR from OTP

  18. Anonymous12:30

    The average LF for SKP is the third best in ex-yu which only shows that if there are more flights, more people will fly. Thankfully Wizz will increase the flights to LTN on four weekly this coming winter season and will become the third route with most seat capacity of Wizz in Skopje since they are using A21N on the route.

    1. Anonymous12:31


    2. Anonymous12:51

      no its third

    3. Anonymous13:14

      Its not. Basel, Memmingen and Dortmund will all be daily. Malmo is five times a week but with A320 so LTN has more capacity.

  19. Anonymous13:00

    Does anyone know why only Bosnia has visa-free airside transit in the UK while other WB countries don't?

    1. Anonymous13:15

      Probably goes back to the 1990s and the wars and they just never updated their policy. Mind you during the 1990s, the UK did not require Yugoslav passport holders (and this was during the 90s) a transit visa for those flying on British Airways between Belgrade and Gatwick. There was a special shuttle bus just for passengers from this flight that would take them to Heathrow for connecting BA flights.

    2. Anonymous13:36

      100% because of politics.

  20. Anonymous13:44

    Wizz getting taught a lesson by Ryanair in Sarajevo, serves them right. Won’t be surprised if they pull out again.

  21. Anonymous15:05

    does anyone have information, will the direct wizzair Stockholm-SKP route return during the spring?

    1. Anonymous15:43

      no idea, they change the schedule constantly. suddenly we have daily to BER in sep and oct, 4x to Malta

    2. Anonymous18:48

      Malta is four times per week for the whole summer season. Berlin will be increased by adding flights on Mondays and Fridays with a jet from BEG base which will operate in W rotation. NYO, CPH and BRE are all expected to be returned next summer season.

    3. Anonymous11:38

      @18.48 od kade znaes za ovie Stockholm i kompanija? fala za info

  22. I thought TUI had dropped Gatwick to Sarajevo for winter? Great if not!

    1. Anonymous11:37

      dont see BiH in their destination list at all

  23. Anonymous20:18

    UK should abolish visas. It is ridiculous how complicated obtaining that visa is. It is much easier to get USA visa.


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