Sarajevo Airport unveils new gastronomic zone inside terminal


Sarajevo Airport has unveiled a new gastronomic zone within its terminal building, featuring a variety of food and beverage outlets. Situated on the second floor, this zone includes the “Skybar Caffe”, where guests can enjoy a selection of forty different wines, coffee, and a designated smoking area. Additionally, it features the “Food Terminal”, a self-service restaurant with seating for 160 people, as well as “Toro Toro”, offering an à la carte dining experience. Over the past year, Sarajevo Airport has opened a number of shops, cafes and new premium and business class lounges inside its expanded terminal building.


  1. Anonymous13:44

    Great. SJJ has developed into a really nice airport. The only issue is that the expended/new terminal was built without any vision because they will soon be operating at over capacity.

    1. Anonymous16:39


    2. Anonymous17:34

      ...just like 95% of other airports all over Europe and the world, especially the larger ones.

    3. Anonymous18:22

      ^ the issue is the expanded terminal was opened last year.

  2. Anonymous22:54

    I honestly hope they move that airport from sarajevo because fog and smoke are causing a huge problem, also it isolates the southern sarajevo from north and the last probem is that there is no place to expand it… Its a huge investment but sadly the only solution….

    1. Anonymous23:51

      Absolutely agree! But I don't think they will do it in the near future since it costs a lot to build a new airport. Right now the airport is positioned in the middle of the metro area and further serious expansion seems to be limited...Even if they start building the new one tomorrow, the construction won't be completed until 2030. In case the airport goes under concession, which is highly likely to happen, again the problem might be further expansion...The capacity is 2M and this year the airport will probably reach more than 1.7M passengers...

  3. Anonymous07:42

    SJJ is sabotaging Tuzla from adding more flights for years. They just can't stand Tuzla having more tourists. Roads from Sarajevo to Tuzla are terrible while rest of the country is well connected

    1. Anonymous20:10

      Poredis Tuzlu i Sarajevu po turizmu, nešto najgluplje sto sam ikada čuo. Pa Tuzla je najružniji grad u BiH

  4. Mayor of Sarajevo East is trying to stop extension of airport's runway


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