Skopje Airport passenger decline continues into July


Skopje Airport handled 296.981 passengers in July, representing a decrease of 5.5% on last year. It comes as a result of Wizz Air’s network and capacity reductions, caused by the grounding of a significant portion of its Airbus A320neo-family fleet. During July, Wizz Air, as the airport's largest airline, decreased its overall capacity at Skopje by 12.4% or just over 27.400 seats. During the January - July period, Skopje Airport handled 1.661.552 passengers, up 7.5% following a record first quarter, which were unaffected by Wizz Air's fleet issues. In August, Skopje Airport’s scheduled capacity is down 1.9%, while in September, the number of available seats on scheduled services will grow 3%, as Wizz Air temporarily boosts its number of flights.

Skopje’s largest airlines by scheduled seat capacity, July 2024


  1. Anonymous10:48

    Air Serbia needs to fight more for the market in Skopje, both Croatia and Austrian have higher pax numbers than JU.

    1. Anonymous10:56

      I guess yields are not worth the extra fight

    2. Anonymous10:57

      Those are not passenger numbers it is CAPACITY. Last year Air Serbia had more passengers in Skopje than OU!

    3. Anonymous10:58

      Well they increased SKP to 14x weekly. The difference results in smaller aircraft type, but the frequencies are good.

    4. Anonymous11:11

      LOT is almost there

    5. Anonymous12:25

      The timing of their flights to SKP are very bad. They need, departure , like 10 am from SKP to BEG...and then SAFE margin of 4 hours layover at BEG (insurance against delays) then flights too European capitals from about 15 00 onwards...much of Europe would be accessible from SKP , with arrival evening, best in early evening. Of course that is in the IDEAL world...

    6. Anonymous12:37

      that 4.10 departure is bit harsh I agree :D but you also have OS at 4.20

    7. Anonymous12:41

      They also have an afternoon departure. JU needs a morning flight from Belgrade to offer connections from night flights.

    8. Anonymous12:48

      As usual, SKP fan boys living in a parallel world. JU has the same schedule to many neighbouring capitals with early morning departures and afternoon ones and has been working for them. The tendency here is that more Turkish carriers are serving SKP and this trend is likely to increase simply because there is demand. Possibly lights to Adana and Ankara are possible.

    9. Anonymous12:57

      12.48 and what has that to do with JU

  2. Anonymous11:19

    I cannot agree that the drop in passengers is due to less capacity. You can always buy a ticket for wizz, so it is not 100% filled, the number of passengers is decreasing due to the high price of air tickets

    1. Anonymous11:43

      Who lied to u that u can always book a ticket with Wizz? Maybe one or two seats are left but it is has happend many many times that the flight is sold out and that even some pax are left at the airport.

    2. Anonymous12:11

      when my flight to SKP was cancelled my only rebooking option was PRN, SKP was fully booked for the whole week

    3. Anonymous12:12

      From A321 to A320 is around 50 pax less per flight. Check before you write nonsense here. 100 less pax per flight is alot

    4. Anonymous14:11

      Flights to Luton and back to Skopje were all sold out for this last week of August, and I looked at them around the end of July.

    5. Anonymous16:19

      Lack of pax will continue. Tickets are sold on triple price. Many empty seats on 320 and 321 out of summer season and w6 will try to fill in the empties with ALL YOU CAN FLY or move to A319 :D

    6. Anonymous21:31

      You lost the plot completely

    7. Anonymous10:35

      What BS, I have flown 10 timss from SKP on wizzair flights this year and it has always been full, without a single empty seat.

  3. Anonymous11:55

    Fraport should be expropriated. All airports are growing and we have this? Oh wait, wrong airport…

    1. Anonymous11:58

      Issue is Skopje's growth compared to 2019 is over 40%. It is also known why there is temporary decline. But I'm glad you are happy with Ljubljana's terrible performance. If you are satisfied, why they should even try. Charter hub for the win.

    2. Anonymous12:52

      Here we go again with the Fraport brigade..

    3. Anonymous13:40

      It makes sense last Anon given the damage they made to LJU. SKP is better run despite the market being poorer

  4. Anonymous11:59

    Interesting to see that OU still has a big share, or at least is in the top 10 in SKP.
    I thought LH entry would cannibalize them the most.

    1. Anonymous12:11

      oh yeh i remember what they said for Austrian ...

    2. Anonymous12:43

      That's the capacity OU has, loads are a different thing. They are not full at all from SKP, around 65% but they have cargo.

    3. Anonymous12:56

      source: trust me bro

    4. Anonymous13:41

      Last Anon, stupid comment. Ex YU publishes those numbers, maybe pay more attention in the future

    5. During the first five months of the year (January - May), which is the latest available data, Croatia Airlines handled 21.583 passengers on its Zagreb - Skopje route with an average load factor for the five-month period at 51.9%. As this is data from Croatia itself, there is currently no up to date data for other carriers at Skopje for this year.

    6. Anonymous16:18

      EX-YU you should be that quick answering with other topics. Let's say Belgrade cuts etc....

    7. I don't really understand what you mean. EX-YU Aviation News is the only website where you can access capacity changes for all capital city airports, and they are published on a monthly basis, whether positive or negative. There have been several articles about Wizz Air's capacity cuts in the region, the latest published on August 18, where it is outlined how many seats have been removed for the fourth quarter for all airports where they have a presence in the former Yugoslavia, including Belgrade. There was also an article published on March 27, under the title "Belgrade Airport faces traffic slowdown in summer", where it is outlined that passenger growth will slow based on planned capacity levels for the summer months. You can easily access these by clicking on the appropriate tags on the left hand side of the site.

    8. Anonymous17:03

      Exactly! Let's was it for the apology now

    9. Anonymous07:57

      I noticed that there is quite a lot of hate for BEG on here. Why of all airports single that one out and use it as your major argument?

  5. Anonymous12:14

    Alot of Macedonians use Tirana flights to Dubai and Barcelona. Family and friends are all using Tirana now because of the prices and the destinations. Skopje needs to be better...hope it gets better since the tourism in growing every year and the diaspora is growing too

    1. Anonymous13:17

      There may be some from the border regions who would travel to Tirana, same to Sofia or Thessaloniki, but to say a lot do that is not true. And this is the case to every country in Europe actually.
      At least from Skopje, which is more or less a 3rd of the population I srsly doubt anybody would drive at least 4hrs to Tirana to catch a flight to Barcelona. Just makes no sense

    2. Anonymous13:43

      Ok chill sir 13.17

    3. Anonymous15:18

      Anon 13:17 you are so wrong. Sometimes you see more than 20 macedonians on flights to Spain or Italy (like Catania or Brindisi).

    4. Anonymous23:08

      Yeah, and just because there are 2o Macedonians sometimes (as if you really count them)
      it means there are a lot of them flying from Tirana.

  6. Anonymous12:39

    SunExpress almost takin over TK

  7. Anonymous12:40

    its not bad: July capacity was 325.094

    which means flights in total were 90% full

    1. Anonymous13:56

      It is not true. That capacity is without charters.

    2. Anonymous14:35

      most were on Pegasus and Sunexpress anyway


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