TRIP REPORT: Lufthansa, Frankfurt - Belgrade


Earlier this week I flew Lufthansa from Frankfurt to Belgrade. I arrived from another international flight at Terminal 2 at around 7 PM, and since I had the Frankfurt - Belgrade sector on a separate ticket, I had to pick up my suitcase and proceed to check in at Terminal 1. The process was quick. There was no one at the passport check lane at arrivals and the bags were delivered very quickly. Afterwards, I caught the train to T1.

I have flown through Frankfurt many times, but this was by far my worst experience. Lufthansa has a separate area for business and first class check-in and what seems to be the only area where there are actual staff doing the check-in rather than self-check in machines. However, the process proved quite long as the check-in agent seemed to be having some system problems, even though I could not understand him as he spoke to me in German the entire time.

After check-in I proceeded to passport control at the Z departure gates. There were just three booths open, and it took a long time. The police officer that checked my passport was chatting on her mobile the entire time. Then the line for security took around 20 minutes to get to the security screening machine, then you have to wait another 5 minutes for trays to appear as they don’t have enough, then you have to queue to go through the body scanner, which is shared by two separate lanes then you have to wait for another 5 minutes for your bag to appear. It took a very long time since they manually check the majority of the bags after they are screened, and they don’t xray the others until the bags are manually checked. The only upside was that they no longer require you to take out liquids and electronics and I was lucky not to have my backpack manually searched as well. Must note that the majority of the staff seemed really rude at the security checkpoint and were yelling at people.

I proceeded to the Lufthansa lounge at the Z gates afterwards. I forgot to take a photo, but the lounge is large, has a good selection of food and drinks and wasn’t busy at all at that time of day. It was around 9PM by then. There are also nice apron views from the lounge since it is a level above the boarding gates.

On my boarding pass it said boarding for the 10PM Belgrade flight would begin at 9.30 so I proceeded to the gate. As I was walking down the corridor, I noticed a rat running down the side. At first, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it, only to notice there are rat traps all the way down the corridor. Crazy to think one of Europe’s busiest airports has a rat infestation problem and this was the best idea they came up with to get rid of them.

I noticed we were supposed to have a “Yes to Europe” painted Lufthansa jet for our flight but at 9.50PM the boarding agent announced over the PA that the plane that was supposed to take us to Belgrade would no longer be doing so and another plane was being prepared for us instead. At 10.20 we were told boarding would begin but that we would be taken by bus to a remote stand. So, we all walked down the stairs to get on the bus only to spend the next 10 minutes in a 30C corridor waiting for the bus. People were getting irritated and started knocking on the door to get the attention of the agent on the other side to open it since there was no ventilation, but he said he couldn’t open it and that his colleague had to do it from the other side. Eventually the boarding agent came, opened the door and we were bussed to the plane.

We got a Star Alliance painted A320. As we boarded, the pilot immediately came over the PA to tell us to sit as soon as possible because we would miss the 11PM curfew and would not be able to take off. We still had to wait for another group of passengers to come on another bus. They eventually showed up at 10.45 and the crew announced over the PA for everyone to sit down. They said passengers could hold their bags on their laps and that they would deal with putting it in the overhead bins after we took off. The doors closed at 10.50 and thankfully we had a very short taxi and managed to take off at 10.57.

The plane was full in both cabins. Three rows were dedicated for business class with the middle seat blocked and all seats were occupied. Interestingly, I noticed a lot of Spaniards (or Spanish speaking passengers) on this flight. Shortly after take off the crew served dinner, which was made up of some chicken salad, which was tasty and they came around with a warm selection of bread and drinks. The crew was polite and after clearing the trays they again asked if anyone wanted any drinks. They then passed around with chocolates. The lights were dimmed afterwards as we made our way to Belgrade.

This aircraft had wifi and the pricing was decent in my opinion. You can also pay using miles. As I was bored, I purchased the premium option, and the WiFi was fast and loaded pages quickly.

We landed around 35 minutes behind schedule which wasn’t bad considering the original delay. I saw Austrian, KLM and Air Montenegro parked at remote E stands, so I was hoping we would not be joining them and thankfully we didn’t. The entire B remote stand was filled with Air Serbia ATRs, many of which were boarding passengers at the time of our arrival. We parked at the A9 gate. Then came the long walk to passport control, which at a quick pace takes at least 10 minutes. There were no lines at passport control and the bags were out quickly too.

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  1. Anonymous09:07

    Very good report.
    I travel quite often FRA-BEG and you described quite well how FRA is actually not pax friendly airport at all.

    1. Nemjee09:11

      I've been flying through FRA since 2005 and I never experienced anything friendly over there, from security staff to checkin and gate agents.
      Only reason why FRA and LH are so popular is because of their network and the flexibility it offers.

      Even Z gates leave a lot to be desired. Sure the overall experience is better than at other parts of the airport but they don't have enough cafes, restaurants etc.

    2. Anonymous09:38

      Imo, it is not that FRA is not passenger friendly, it is its mere size.
      I maybe have a personal bias, as I lived in Frankfurt for some years, but I like FRA very much. Very easily accessible from the city and so many direct connection to all over the world.
      I last transited there last winter: many of the shops are not there any more. MUC has hardly changed, but FRA seems to be a shadow of what is used to be pre-pandemic.
      However, on the note of bad airports, the one that definitely tops my list is CDG- a horror of an airport.

    3. Vlad10:11

      FRA and CDG share the exact same issues, as they were never planned to handle the amount of traffic they are handling today, and so the airports sprawled in many directions without being able to offer a quick and efficient transfer experience in many cases. Both airports will often require you to take airside shuttle buses/trains and/or long walks, and often re-clear security even if you come from a "clean" country. That said, if you're actually based in Frankfurt or Paris, the experience is completely different, and the point you made about connections with public transport and the variety of direct destinations served stands. I just don't see how FRA is better than CDG in any way.

    4. Anonymous10:45

      I am based in Frankfurt and there is nothing nice I can say about them.
      LH does not have check-in counters for economy, you have to complete all by yourself using machines.
      Passport control is nightmare. In hall Z few days ago only 1 passport control counter was open out of 10 and behind automatic control there 2 officers doing absolutely nothing, but sitting (once you go through automatic control you dont have to show police officer your passport anymore).
      Security - the same story. They keep minimum of counters open in order to reduce costs and on T2 they often put JU flight on the same security counter as EK A380. What a party!
      Unfortunately, I need to use FRA as I have no other choice, but honestly saying they are terrible and not only for connecting passengers.

    5. Anonymous12:28

      Security was always a problem at FRA, it's problem they don't care to fix. Also they can't find enough people to work there because you are making very little money.

  2. Anonymous09:08

    Lol at rat traps. What a joke of an airport FRA has become. There are so many delays this summer that they had to allow planes to take off after 23.00.

    1. Anonymous12:22

      Been to nyc? It's full of rats 🐀

    2. Anonymous12:28

      Yeah but there are no rats running around JFK.

  3. Anonymous09:13

    "They said passengers could hold their bags on their laps and that they would deal with putting it in the overhead bins after we took off" aviation standards are going every day from bad to worse

    1. Nemjee09:25

      Imagine if, God forbid, the plane overran the runway and needed to be evacuated. Those bags would cause absolute chaos inside the cabin. Why? Well, all because the Green party expects FRA to close at 23.00.

    2. Anonymous09:38

      Fully agree!

    3. Anonymous09:56

      Not because of the Green party, but becouse of unpunctunal Lufthansa.

    4. Anonymous09:58

      It's because of Green Party which is destroying aviation with curfews and all sort of crazy taxes.

    5. Anonymous11:56

      Yes, the green party is the main problem, not the incompetency of the staff and the management. Maybe you noticed people living around the airport? Ever tried to sleep while 777 or a380 flies over? Try it once, you will understand the 23h curefew.

    6. Anonymous12:30

      So why did those people move in next to an airport? What did they expect? FRA was there before all those houses. From all the areas in Frankfurt you chose next to the airport and then you wonder why you can't sleep when an A380 shows up out of nowhere.

    7. Anonymous13:17


    8. Anonymous18:32

      Did it ever crossed your mind that houses may be there already ? Ever lived 10km away from airport but on line of take off and landing?

  4. Anonymous10:22

    Nice report.

    In regards to your comment about rats, not only has the Fraport management not dealt with the issue but the rat infestation has been going on for over a year (and becoming worse). But hey, maybe one day when those rats bite someone or chew through cables and the brainstrust at Fraport will get off their backsides and do something about it. Thank god they are exporting their knowhow throughout the world.

    1. Anonymous10:33

      What's causin this rat problem?

    2. Anonymous13:35

      Bravo Fraport!

    3. Anonymous16:26


  5. Anonymous10:38

    I wish ASL would offer on board WiFi again.

  6. Vlado14:57

    It is sad to see the airport in such a bad condition. I used to travel often to Frankfurt. One of my favourite airports.

    Always liked it far more than MUC. Your opinion would be interesting: Is the Belgrade airport better than these two?


    1. Anonymous15:54

      Most European airports are better than FRA. MUC though is the best airport in Europe.

    2. Vlado16:18

      Interesting. Had the opportunity to fly vom MUC to Hannover and Frankfurt. It was good before the pandemics, now it seems a bit struggling, in regards of the appearance of the shops. But that is only my opinion. Have not taken a flight from there for few years. Just went last year via train there.

    3. Prepelica19:51

      Whenever I was able to choose should I fly via MUC or FRA, it was no brainer to choose MUC.

  7. Anonymous21:01

    In the December I missed flight there due to long line for security and there was no possibility to skip the line due that one machine was working for last 4 flights that day. Every time bad experience at that airport

  8. Miroslav NY23:53

    I have connected through Frankfurt eight times in the past year and it has been a horrible experience every single time.
    I am surprised you mention that Lufthansa served food on a flight to BEG. Is this something new or did you purchase your meal? We usually got a bottle of water.

    1. Anonymous23:58

      He was in business class

    2. Anonymous07:07

      I thought so. Hala

  9. Anonymous00:40

    I can only imagine the comments on here and the articles in the media if Belgrade Airport had rats running through the terminal and rat traps lying around. But since its Frankfurt, Germany it's cute and cool.

    1. Anonymous06:53

      Plus if JU forced its passengers to hold their luggage in their laps. It would be the end of the world.


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