Work on Belgrade Airport rail link begins


Work on the new suburban rail line, which will link Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport both to the city and the EXPO 2027 site has begun. Route surveying of the 18.3-kilometre line is now in progress, while the state is in the process of acquiring nine Chinese-made trains which will be operating on the route. The new rail track will begin at Zemun Polje station and continue to new stations Singidunum - Belgrade Airport - Surčin - National Stadium. Trains on the new rail line, which includes the airport, will run every half an hour, and up to every fifteen minutes during peak commute times. Trains on the new track will reach speeds of 120 kilometres per hour. The new rail line will run with the following stops: Prokop (Central) - New Belgrade - Tošin bunar - Zemun - Altina - Zemun polje - Singidunum - Belgrade Airport - Surčin - National Stadium. It is estimated for construction work on the new line to be completed in eighteen months.


  1. Anonymous13:36

    It is quite stupid they didn't make the line a straight connection to the Budapest - Subotica - Novi Sad - Belgrade line.

    1. Anonymous13:39

      You can just get off that train in New Belgrade and catch the airport one.

    2. Anonymous13:39

      You can transfer to that train on New Belgrade station if you want the fastest train or at Zemun Polje if you want slower train.

    3. Anonymous13:40

      I think the same, lost chance :(

    4. Anonymous13:45

      Omg constantly complaining about something.

    5. Anonymous13:56

      First it can't be included because that international line is subject to international funding and it's objective isn't to connect Belgrade city to it's airport.

      The airport line is purposely part of the suburban train network so it can connect different parts of the city to the airport.

    6. Anonymous13:57

      Also to add, the next phase is direct rail line from Novi Sad to the airport station.

    7. Anonymous14:06

      Do you have more info on direct train from Tesla to Novi Sad?

    8. Anonymous14:14

      No, line will continue from Expo to Obrenovac. What is stupidity to make another rail track from Novi Sad. Those trains travel 200kph, can’t stop on every corner

    9. Anonymous14:53

      It isn't stupid this will be regional train station for commuter trains, phase 2, if it ever materialises, might include Fernbahnhof as in Frankfurt for long distance & HS trains.

    10. Anonymous15:03

      It was yesterday on the news that the plan is for novi sad to have direct link to our airport and sooner also nis when that work is done.

    11. Anonymous15:20

      Yes, but they will not make new tracks, it is just that the train from Novi Sad will turn right in Zemun Polje and go to the airport.

    12. Anonymous15:25

      That makes a lot of sense.

    13. Anonymous15:42

      The trains from airport to Novi Sad won't be able to use the track, as a another denivelation across the BG-NS high speed railway has to be built.

    14. Anonymous15:43

      There will be no direct train from Novi Sad to the Airport any time soon. The new line is planned so that it will ONLY be used by local trains from Belgrade. Everyone will be transfering onto those. In a far future, a new line Novi Beograd-Tošin bunar-(big tunnel under Bežanija and Airport)-Airport-Batajnica can be built, but no one even hinted at it and it would cost at least a billion euros

    15. Anonymous16:03

      Train from NS can go in reverse direction to the airport when it reaches Zemun Polje station. To make it direct link.

    16. Anonymous16:49

      Zemun Polje is only a passing station, no technical stops allowed. Change of directions is eventually possible in Zemun, which is not that convenient.

    17. Anonymous16:52

      Doesn't the regular train stop at Zemun Polje?

    18. Anonymous16:54

      There's absolutely no reason why Subotica or Novi Sad trains would ever terminate at the airport simply as most of pax will travel to the city canter and with some 15min frequency it will be very convenient to transfer. NS to airport line for example would be creating more problems than solving as it would require buying even more expensive trains to accommodate it or would have to make some of NS-BG trains terminate at airport at inconvenience to the majority of pax who are centre-bound for the sake of the fewer who need to get to airport

    19. Anonymous17:09

      @16:52 Not all of them, some trains do but they have to leave the station very fast because there is only one track per direction. No reversing would be possible there.

    20. Anonymous18:45

      Reversing would be possible but might take too long. Maybe they build additional track for dat.

    21. It's not stupid, it's an urban or as they say in this case a suburban rail line, meaning local public transit. This is how those types of trains operate everywhere.

    22. Anonymous19:24

      It is important to include major airports as integral parts of the main rail network, rather than as separate appendices. So, it is stupid, I doubt than project need one bilion €

    23. ^ Well it'll only be a 15 min ride to Belgrade central station where it connects to the main rail network. Another connection in between those seems redundant.

    24. Anonymous20:51

      Agree with anon @19:24
      Integration of main rail infrastructure with airport is the way to go.

    25. Anonymous08:16

      I'm reading comments here and I can't believe. Of course we gonna complain, mail rail line was renovated and didn't pass through the airport. Just check biggest cities and their airports. Frankfurt is great example.

  2. Slav.Man13:38

    Za 18 meseci je fantastično. Mnogo će da znači to

  3. Anonymous13:46

    Does anyone know, where the airport train stop is going to be located? Is there any space at all adjacent to the terminal? Any shuttle bus solution should be avoided at all cost in my opinion.

    1. Anonymous13:49

      shuttle bus already runs every 10 mins

    2. Anonymous14:07

      Think he means shuttle bus from the airport to the airport train station.

    3. Anonymous15:12

      It will be the same shuttle. Train station will be one stop on the existing shuttle loop, probably beyond Cargo terminal.

    4. Anonymous16:04

      But where at airport will station be?

    5. Anonymous17:01

      Behind the NIS fuel reservoirs, next to the local road 266.

    6. Anonymous09:47

      It's really inconvenient to not be able to just walk to the train station. Such lack of planning, they could have built an underground station like in AMS for example.

    7. Anonymous09:55

      ^ they haven't even built the train station, or released any plans for it and the person above is purely guessing where they might put it and you are already complaining that you can't walk to it.

    8. Anonymous14:26

      There are detailed plans published. It will be a groud level stop (not station) located beyond cargo terminal whete the new terminal will be built in the future. Kilometer post 10.970 from Zemun polje. In the plan there is also a mention of a shuttlr bus, for which I personally sent a complaint saying that a underground passage should be a priority. but it was refused.
      They are in a rush to build this until EXPO.
      +No trains will be able to terminate here withoud adding additional tracks since it will only be a stop woth 2 tracks.

    9. Anonymous13:32

      Any links with more info?
      What does; 'Kilometer post 10.970 from Zemun polje' mean?

    10. Anonymous19:02

      It means it's 10970 meters from ZP station.

    11. Anonymous21:57


  4. Anonymous13:49

    Is the new railway planned as a single or double track?

  5. Golub15:00

    Ako zanemarimo one koji idu na novi Beograd i u Zemun, ostali kad dođu do Prokopa - šta onda?

    1. Golub15:01

      Or, in English - once you reach Prokop, what then?

    2. Anonymous15:22

      Then you go wherever you want to go in Belgrade:)

    3. Anonymous15:27

      У Прокопу стаје Беовоз тако да се може пређи на њега и он иде ка Вуковом споменику па онда ка Панчевачком мосту итд.
      Ко хоће ГСП он може сићи код Тошиног бунара или на Новом Београду. Ту има јако пуно линија градског саобраћаја.

    4. Anonymous15:31

      Decades ago, smart people proposed a metro station on the new Prokop train station.

      However, according to the new project, the proposed metro line will bypass the main railway station, which is the most delusional decision ever made. Hundreds of passengers will have to use buses, and to make things only worse, only one bus line terminates at the main railway station.

    5. Anonymous16:54

      More like thousands of people. Very stupidno decision not to have metro station at main railway station.

    6. Anonymous20:11

      Wasn't that recently changed, that a metro station will be built at Prokop?

    7. Anonymous20:47

      Who knows with this government, and also past governments no better.

    8. Anonymous22:15

      They said Prokop would be connected to Clinical center station, something like big stations in Paris, Chatlet for exemple. U need some time to get from one end to another, but there is tapis roulant to make it shorter.

    9. @15:31 На челу овог града је био Арх. Богдан Богдановић. Када је требало да се гради метро у Београду '80-их он и остали градски челници су избацили паролу трамвајем у 21. век. Да ли мислите да су тада хтели метро станицу у Прокопу? Па човече, они нису ништа урадили по питању те исте железничке станице све те године, а сад кажете да су предлагали метро станицу у Прокопу.

    10. Anonymous09:48

      Infrastructure decisions in Belgrade are something else lmao

    11. Anonymous10:46

      Ovako ide putanja: sletiš, pa šatlom do voza, pa vozom do Prokopa, pa onda busom do centra grada.
      Još samo neko rečno prevozno sredstvo nedostaje.

    12. @dd It wasn't like that. There was a vote wether to build the Belgrade metro or not and the participants were all states. Slovenia and Croatia voted against it and the project was stopped.

    13. Anonymous18:07

      Sorry, if you’re lugging suitcases, you’re not going to take a bus to Prokop, but a cab. Shuttle lines will be necessary to Prokop from different parts of town. And the airport station should be underneath the airport itself, not require a separate shuttle.

  6. Great, even more rolling stock. They can't even maintain what they have properly.

    They should have just kept with FLIRTs.

    1. Anonymous15:30

      Dude Flirt are not as reliable as the Chinese, waiting time is longer and they are more expensive.

    2. Anonymous16:02

      "Dude Flirt are not as reliable as the Chinese"

      Dude the Chinese trains haven't received the European certification yet. Flirt is the most renowned European Inter City train. If you're not familiar with certain topic, please do not comment it.

    3. Anonymous20:12

      Don't be stupid.

    4. Anonymous20:52

      Europeans need to certify Chinese trains??? Dude, Chinese trains travel more than 500Km/h, while Europeans will take another 50 years for that.

    5. Anonymous21:10

      Leo Express, Westbahn, not certified after years of testing...


    6. Anonymous22:02

      The certain train type from China has to pass the tests in Czech railways before coming to Serbia.

    7. Anonymous22:16

      Only because it is supposed to go to Budapest. Otherwise, we don't give a about EU train regulations.

    8. Anonymous09:51

      Serbia uses ETCS more than all of its EU neighbours by now so yes Serbia cares a lot about European train standards

    9. Anonymous10:48

      Yes Serbia is far more advanced in a train technology than any former ex yu neighbours.

  7. Anonymous15:23

    Tbh the location of the station is completely wrong, it should have been under the terminal. But I think people will still use the train.

    If it wasn't for the EXPO, it would be many more years before this project is realized.

    1. Anonymous15:45

      It will be under the new terminal. And it can be linked to the current terminal with an underpass

    2. Anonymous15:54

      No, the station is above ground and 700m far from the terminal building. That means, when you get off the train, you have to walk that distance or use the shuttle bus.

    3. Anonymous16:11

      Instead of talking about train station underneath the airport terminal and other ideas that were discussed years ago, the focus should be on the Belgrade Airport bypass road. Published plans show a new road west-southwest of the Museum, with roundabout that would be used by traffic going from the highway to the village of Surcin without the need to use internal roads at the airport. That road should be done at the same time as this new railway but officials don't mention it.

    4. Anonymous16:57

      The airport rail station MUST be very close to terminal. Walking distance of no more than 100 metres.

    5. Check walking distance to train at Cagliari airport...

    6. Anonymous17:08

      If the train is over ground entirely than it's probably the most economical decision to not dig and drive up cost and construction time to save less than 10 minutes of walking. It's not ideal but it's fine

    7. Anonymous18:50

      When you building infrastructure to last 100 years you build the best possible solution no matter cost.

    8. Anonymous19:32

      True dat.

    9. Anonymous12:38

      If we're speaking on a 100 years infrastructure scale this proposed route makes no sense anyways. If we're splashing cash it's not just an underground station, but a route that goes through Surcin, Ledine, Bezanija, rather than a scenic route through farmlands. Pretty much nothing built in Serbia is ever built having the next 100 years in mind, but rather with a 'that'll do' attitude so let's be realistic. The options unfortunately aren't if the station is under or 100m from the terminal, but rather if it's built or not, so it's better something than nothing

  8. Anonymous18:55

    Check walking distance to train at Schipol Airport. Like one minute. Train station is directly under central terminal, you just take escalator down one level.
    Incredibly convenient.

  9. Congrats Belgrade! In Zagreb the airport rail link only ever becomes a topic right before the local elections. Once they pass, the city government - whichever it is, conveniently forgets about it.

    1. Anonymous19:32

      Typical politician behaviour.

  10. Anonymous21:05

    So should be the connection with the airport:

    1. Anonymous21:07

      And the EXPO in the city, using the current fair infrastructure, of course with some extentions

  11. Miroslav NY07:30

    Thank God I dont live in the concrete jungle so I dont have to worry about taking a shuttle to the train, to another train, to a bus, just to get where I want to go. Volim ja moj Beograd. Ali grad je grad.

  12. Anonymous09:55

    Has somebody found a map with the exact line layout? Just found Vučko's PowerPoint presentation

  13. Anonymous10:11

    Yes Novi Sad would be good connection. Also Vukov Spomeni station connection to New Belgrade more important than Prokop - nobodoy knows where it is anyways. Should have kept original old station just for trains to come in centar. Also could make another station in Trg Nikole Pasica.

  14. Anonymous11:22

    Infrastructure projects such as this have a very poor record in the region sadly. The idea it will be operational in 18months is literally laughable.

    1. Anonymous11:26

      It won't be operational in 18 months, the track will be completed in 18 months after which they do testing of the track. The track will be in use 6 months before start of EXPO in May 2027.

  15. Anonymous11:12

    What's the point of the train that goes close to the airport when you have to take the bus after the train anyway... just take the bus that goes to the airport entrance and avoid the hassle..

  16. Slobodan18:09

    Why it is just to/from Prokop? Can not the line be extended at least Karađorđev Park or Vukov Spomenik?

    1. Anonymous21:56

      You can take BeoVoz, or whatever they call it, to those stations from Prokop.

  17. Anonymous14:16

    Guys just add the section after Block 45 (west end of Novi Beg) all the way to Surchin + Beg airport. Then provide bus 600 & A1 all day/night long.
    That’s it, you have a good system, cheap and efficient. No need to create a project for “friends” and overcharge.


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