Air Serbia adds over 100 additional weekly flights in summer 2025

Air Serbia has tentatively scheduled over 100 additional weekly flights during the 2025 summer season, which begins on March 30 of next year. Based on the preliminary schedule, the carrier has added 151 additional flights per week in April compared to 2024, an extra 123 weekly flights in June and 137 weekly rotations in July. The additional frequencies encompass almost fifty existing routes, from an extra one weekly service on a number of destinations to up to ten additional weekly flights. At this early stage, these frequencies are likely to be revised as the next summer season approaches. However, at this point, these additional frequencies are currently bookable.

Based on the preliminary schedule for the month of June 2025, Air Serbia will add an extra ten weekly flights when compared to the current summer season on services from Belgrade to Athens for a total of three daily rotations. Services to Paris will be increased by nine weekly flights for a total of 22 weekly, Bucharest by eight weekly for a total of nineteen, while an extra seven weekly flights have been added to Vienna and Istanbul, for a total of 21 and 20 weekly respectively. Both Barcelona and Madrid are currently slated for an extra four weekly flights resulting in twelve and seven weekly rotations each.

Regionally, the carrier also plans to significantly increase frequencies. Zagreb is currently scheduled to get an additional seven weekly flights for a total of twenty weekly, Sarajevo will see a new six weekly night service introduced for a total of thirteen weekly rotations. Ljubljana is scheduled to operate three times per day, Skopje and Thessaloniki double daily, Sofia thirteen weekly, Dubrovnik eleven weekly, Banja Luka five weekly, while Pula will be maintained three times per week. Other routes that will see an increase in frequencies include Milan, Dusseldorf, Prague, Venice, Brussels, Ankara, Malaga, Valencia, Stockholm, Rome, Larnaca, Frankfurt, Chania, Hanover, Hamburg, Sochi, Moscow, Heraklion, Bologna, Bari, Budapest, Salzburg, Zurich, and Corfu. Upon implementing its summer schedule for next year, Air Serbia also initially published flights to Cairo (four weekly), Tel Aviv (four weekly), Shanghai (two weekly), Cologne (two weekly), Florence (two weekly), and Marseille (two weekly), however, these have since been removed from booking systems.


  1. Anonymous09:00

    Bravo Air Serbia!!! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

    1. Anonymous10:43

      They should launch MUC.

    2. Anonymous11:54

      True dat.

  2. Anonymous09:02

    0 flights from Niš, nice.

    1. Anonymous09:04

      When are you going to realize that it JU is a hub and spoke airline. It has one hub. Despite that, it maintains flights from Nis. Every attempt to introduce anything other than subsidized routes from Nis has failed, like other airlines have failed.

    2. Anonymous09:12

      INI should also get more frequencies to BEG though

    3. Nemjee09:12

      It's not JU's fault INI failed to make ZRH commercially viable. Once demand improves so will JU's offer from the airport.

    4. Anonymous09:31

      well JU now has more ATR's for regional travel and Embraer jets that are more efficient than the A319 they used before to connect INI with all of Europe and even north Africa, yet nothing from JU. No planning from JU.

    5. Anonymous09:39

      They fly 7 routes out of Nis and you still complain.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Anonymous10:39

      Air Belgrade.

    8. Anonymous11:37

      The hard to swallow pill for people from Nis and surroundings is that it is a relatively poor area with not a lot of people, which makes it hard for anyone but ULCCs to survive and make routes work.

    9. Anonymous11:42

      Even LCCs are struggling if you look at how many routes they have cut.

    10. Anonymous11:47


    11. Anonymous11:55


    12. Anonymous12:10

      Yes, it's Air Belgrade and Lufthansa is Air Frankfurt&Munich. And guess what, they don't fly from Berlin, the country's capital. Everyone is against communism but then they would all like command economy, to fullfil their wishes.

    13. Anonymous12:39

      Pathetic stories from Nis.
      They are not capable to keep one Swiss direct line to ZRH especially as there are many gastos, but every JU new destination or added frequency comment with envy.
      Mentality or what?

    14. Anonymous13:00


    15. Anonymous13:03

      If they subsidise it from taxpayer money they better introduce new routes from second biggest airport in the country and not from belgrade only.

    16. Anonymous13:05

      Taxpayers from the entire country are paying for flights from Nis so locals can travel for cheap and at discounted rates even though it makes no economic sense and there is little demand.

    17. Anonymous15:03


    18. the entire region of the balkans is relatively poor to the same level as around INI yet they still have flights. ULCC are cheap but only work with a high load factor.
      People would fly to and from INI but with smaller aircraft which JU is not using like the ATR or the Embraer which are smaller and more efficient than the a319 they were using before.

    19. Anonymous16:48

      They used ATR in the past and all flights failed.

    20. Anonymous18:54

      Honestly, Niš should look forward to high-speed railway and possibility to reach BEG in 1.5hrs - that's going to be as fast as for some less fortunate residents of Belgrade caught in traffic jams coming from eastern suburbs. Completely unrealistic to expect JU to develop another hub.

      Unfortunately, Srbijavoz (or railways in general) do not have any plans to introduce direct service to the airport - let alone have city check-in facilities.

      That said, I see no problem in any foreign airline serving INI, or a private investor turning up and creating an airline with INI as base. Expect for it is economically not viable.

    21. Anonymous21:26

      Railway to the airport is under construction and will be finished before EXPO in 2027.

    22. Anonymous03:34

      I visit Niš at least once every 2 years. Of course I’d prefer to fly to/from there but also understand that the airport is nowhere near the level it could be. A lot of that is to do with the local economy. Just being realistic, Niš will never reach the level of Belgrade. But domestic services are pointless unless they are targeted to benefit connections at Belgrade. Even with that, if the connection is relatively quick, it will work, otherwise why part extra to sit at the airport for 5+ hours. This year I went by bus from Belgrade after being there a few days since timing was similar. Plus the bus station in Niš is a 200m walk for me, whereas the airport I need a bus or taxi to get from. High speed rail will be an improvement on that front.

  3. Anonymous09:03

    Interesting. The routes with 3 daily flight are departures in all three of their waves.

  4. Anonymous09:07

    When is the third A332 coming? Everyone said in first week of september

    1. Anonymous09:08

      The CEO said first or second week of September. It will arrive in a few days.

  5. Anonymous09:07

    I guess some huge deal on leasing E195 has been made

    1. Anonymous09:09

      It is questionable if they keep any of these extra flights.

    2. Anonymous12:26

      Probably keep at least one of these increases.

  6. Anonymous09:08

    "Upon implementing its summer schedule for next year, Air Serbia also initially published flights to Cairo (four weekly), Tel Aviv (four weekly), Shanghai (two weekly), Cologne (two weekly), Florence (two weekly), and Marseille (two weekly), however, these have since been removed from booking systems."

    Indication of what will be introduced next summer

    1. Anonymous22:33

      I wish we could have flights to Florence:)Fingers crossed.

  7. Anonymous09:09

    What about those seasonal routes that were going to be upgraded to year round? Only OMO?

  8. Anonymous09:09

    Great news for SJJ, many new connections will be offered

  9. Nemjee09:18

    Let's first see what they do this winter and if they cancel the increases they planned. That will be their first test. I noticed that their night flight to Athens has been first downgraded to a mix of E90 and ATR. This has been going on for a while now. ATH is by no means a small market so they should be able to fill an A319 with all the connections they offer early in the morning.

    1. Anonymous09:23

      If ATH is operated by ATR, they could also restore WAW with ATR and try it out.

    2. Nemjee09:27

      I think slots at WAW are an issue. If they could restore Warsaw then E90 would be more appropriate due to LO's presence.

      If they do keep this schedule next summer, Wednesdays to CDG will be fun:

      BEG-CDG 06.40-09.15
      BEG-CDG 10.20-12.55
      BEG-CDG 13.10-16.05
      BEG-CDG 17.05-19.40

    3. Anonymous09:30

      Interesting about the 10.20 flight. Could this be a new wave they may create in the future? It corresponds with LHR.

    4. Nemjee09:37

      Not just LHR, there is also LCA which departs at that time. One additional weekly flight to CDG this summer also departed at that time.
      That wave makes a lot of sense as flights return with the regional wave at around 16.00 thus enabling connections to the afternoon wave.

      For example JU could easily attract passengers from Paris flying to Italian destinations such as VCE, BLQ, BRI or FCO which all have evening departures from BEG.

    5. Anonymous10:41

      Nemjee all these destinations have direct flights from Paris. Why would they chose to connect via BEG and add hours to their trip?

    6. Anonymous11:08

      Because that is what people often do.

    7. Anonymous11:42

      If the price is right, people fly all sorts of weird combinations.

    8. Anonymous11:51

      On my recent flight from Paris to Belgrade there were 9 transfers to Istanbul (that I know of). And there are how many nonstop flights between CDG and IST?

    9. Anonymous11:59

      A plenty.

    10. Anonymous12:09

      That means JU continues to offer super cheap tickets for connecting itineraries.

    11. Anonymous12:22

      For connecting flights relatively cheap, not super cheap.

    12. Anonymous12:45

      No one will fly JU from CDG to VCE/BLQ/FCO via BEG when there are plenty of legacy and LCC direct flights every day. BRI might be an option. But the benefit to CDG pax is primarily their Balkan and Eastern European network.

    13. Anonymous12:51

      I just told you there were people from CDG to IST flying JU even though there are multiple nonstop options.

    14. Nemjee17:15

      Good grief, of course people will fly via BEG if it suits them and if the price is right. Flights from CDG are not cheap and airlines tend to be quite pricey. That doesn't mean JU is dirt cheap but rather that they are more affordable than the nonstop option.

      When I flew from BEG recently, a couple in front of me was flying on LH to CPH despite both JU and W6 flying there nonstop.

      If you logic was valid then Lufthansa Group would have collapsed in BEG once JU launched JFK and ORD. They didn't and that's because there is a variety of reasons for that.

    15. Anonymous20:16

      @anon 12:51

      Do you understand the difference between transferring to IST at the midway point and backtracking across half of Europe in order to fly to BLQ which is 1h15mins away from CDG/ORY?

    16. Anonymous20:47

      Not everyone wants to pay €500 to fly CDG BLQ on AF.

    17. Nemjee07:12

      Anon 20.16

      Are you aware that carriers such as TK carry numerous passengers who backtrack on their way from Europe to the Americas? For example, almost all Serbian tour packages to Cuba are with TK which includes a backtrack. Lufthansa carry a lot of Chinese passengers who, most likely overfly their final destination on their way to MUC and FRA.

      People will fly a certain airline if their timetable or price suits them more than the direct option. As some wrote on here, Air France is many things but cheap isn't one of them.

  10. Anonymous09:18

    No mentioning of Cluj, Chisinau or Baku...

    1. Anonymous09:19

      How can it be mentioned when these routes are not on sale

  11. Anonymous09:19

    That's pretty huge. I assume they expect to add several Embraers by then.

    1. Nemjee09:20

      I sincerely hope they will also add more A320s, they desperately need them when summer comes.

  12. Anonymous09:32

    Impressive. Hope it happens

  13. Anonymous09:33

    They still haven't officially published the 2024/2025 winter timetable that starts in about 1 month from now and here we are discussing 2025 summer schedule. Interesting approach to say the least!

    1. Anonymous09:45


    2. Anonymous10:38

      They probably don't know what to cut first for this winter.

  14. Anonymous09:44

    This would be exciting if it actually turns out this way. But knowing JU they will probably cut around 70% of their planned increases.

    1. Anonymous10:42

      Unfortunately yes.

    2. Anonymous15:00

      By knowing JU we can expect more flights and destinations. Thex are not stopping . Always more flights anf destinations. Keep going . Love it .

    3. Anonymous15:37

      Ok brah.

  15. Anonymous09:46

    What will be the increase for Frankfurt please?

    1. Anonymous09:57

      For now, stays at 13pw.

    2. Anonymous10:01

      It was 12 weekly this June. So it increased by 1 weekly flight.

    3. Anonymous10:32


  16. Anonymous09:57

    Let's get through winter first.

    1. Anonymous10:00

      Air Serbia is only thinking in advance about the future!))) They should be NOW getting additional resources to be able to deliver the summer plan but knowing them they will start doing so in February- April period.

  17. Anonymous09:59


    1. Anonymous10:01

      Prvo skoci pa reci hop!

    2. Anonymous11:43

      Jealousy is not a good look on you honey

    3. Anonymous12:07

      @11:43 So realism is now jealousy? It is not allowed to be sceptical even after all the cancelled increases in the past? (I am not anon 10:01)

    4. Anonymous12:17


  18. Anonymous09:59

    Seems like the regional network is being strengthened for long haul.

    1. Anonymous13:54

      Exactly. More frequencies to make it easier for regional destinations to provide convenient feed for long-haul. Some of those frequency increases should continue in the winter to help with highly seasonal destinations:

      "We kept it [Chicago] through the winter, which was much softer, as we expected, but we will work on improving it because we would like to keep it as a year-round destination"

  19. Anonymous09:59

    Madrid being daily would be ideal!

    1. Anonymous10:00

      Spain was extremely popular this summer.

    2. Anonymous10:00

      True. Barcelona is constantly growing

    3. Anonymous22:02

      Both BCN and MAD offer good connections with AA to the US, I was surprised to see how many transfers AA is willing to offer with JU given their primary partner is B6 for that market. Good luck JU.

  20. Anonymous10:09

    Athens 3 daily and Thessaloniki 2 daily while also increases in CFU, HER and CHQ. Greece must be performing pretty good for them huh?

    1. Anonymous03:11

      SKG was constantly sold out this summer. I flew 6-7 times during this july and august. 90%+ LF with couple of flights completely sold out

  21. Anonymous10:13

    Any new routes for Spain? Alicante Tenerife and Sevilla i waiting for you

  22. Anonymous10:42

    Admin, how much is that percentage-wise?

    1. It differs by month

      April: +41.4%
      May: +29.4%
      June: +28.1%
      July: +22.8%
      August: +22.5%

    2. Anonymous13:36


    3. Nemjee17:17

      April is key because it would help them in reducing seasonality.

    4. Nemjee17:32

      Btw April should be wild in BEG. First we have JU increasing flights by 41.4% then we have Lufthansa going six daily to BEG (21 from both MUC and FRA) and Aegean increases BEG to daily. Should be a busy month for the airport.

  23. Anonymous10:47

    Banja Luka from 2 to 5 weekly is nice, but it would be better to have at least one daily connection (one flight in the morning and one in the evening/afternoon), for P2P passengers (business, for example)...

    1. Anonymous10:59

      Are the times they have next summer all the same?

    2. Anonymous11:04

      No, some flights will be in the morning, some in the midday and some in the afternoon.

    3. Anonymous13:03

      If you cannot make a round trip (BL-BG-BL or vice versa) within a day, most of the passengers would choose to drive instead of fly. Overnight costs are making it more expensive and longer, so driving a car within a day remains cheaper, faster and more efficient than even the cheapest flight with an overnight stay, not to mention if two or more passengers travel together.

    4. Anonymous13:18

      Parking is expensive in Beograd.

    5. Nemjee17:33

      Plus parking in zoned areas is becoming more expensive.

  24. Anonymous11:15

    It seems the JU scheduling department is sending dummy slots to the non-coordinated airports to ensure flexibility in scheduling and all these dummy slots are count as operational. Otherwise JU has to add 6-10 new units (excluding wide-bodies) to its fleet compared to this summer season.

    1. Anonymous11:44

      They wouldn't be selling seats if these were dummy slots, of course this increase will be accompanied by a major fleet expansion.

    2. Anonymous13:38

      Anon 11:44 Why not, perhaps JU learned something from Wizzair since the pandemic: Put the flights on sale regardless of the operational facts and collect money from pasengers, then cancel them 2 weeks prior without any obligation (especially on the routes where there are existing daily flights, so rebooking is the first option without losing the income).

    3. 100% correct!!

    4. Nemjee17:18

      Pilots are still leaving from what I heard so they will either improve their work conditions or add even more wetleases.

  25. Anonymous11:18

    So if those aditional flights happen ( my opinion if they keep 50% of them it will be a succes ) , more wet leases ? More whities ? I can't bare this !

    1. Anonymous11:45

      More dry leases.

  26. Anonymous12:03

    So realistically:

    -5 more E195s
    -2 more ATR72s
    -5 more A320s

    In my opinion they really should start thinking about E175s

    1. Anonymous12:46

      E175 is a crap plane with virtually no decent use case outside of regional routes in the US.

    2. Anonymous13:37

      We have Mostar and Porec for that crap.

    3. Anonymous14:45

      LOT is using them, KLM is using them.

    4. Nemjee17:20

      Having a few E75s makes sense as it could be deployed on some routes where the A319 is too big and Atr too slow. You have routes such as HAM, NUE, MRS...
      They could also use them to OTP and SKG on days when the Atr operates. Like that they could schedule flights so that connections work on both ends.

    5. Anonymous19:56

      Cost per seat is very high on E175. It is nearly the same capacity as ATR, however jet engine makes big difference.

    6. Nemjee07:14

      Costs might be high but if the E75 has a specific mission then it can make sense. What is better for JU, carrying (for example) 55 passengers on the E75 or on the A319? Which will make them more money or lose less money until the route develops.
      That is why there are carriers out there who still operate this plane. LO is thinking of replacing it only now once their network matured enough.

  27. Anonymous12:15

    The region will be on fire next summer with triple daily for LJU & ZAG. SJJ finally twice daily.
    BUD also gonna be triple, right?

    1. Anonymous12:20

      BUD 17pw, not triple daily.

    2. Anonymous12:35


    3. Anonymous13:16

      The region has never been this well connected to BEG before.

    4. Anonymous14:49

      Thanks to JU.

    5. Anonymous16:25

      LJU has already three times daily on specific days.

    6. Nemjee17:21

      LJU going triple daily is what makes me the most happy. There is so much room for growth over there. So on some days there will be 4 flights by JU (+2 INI)

  28. Anonymous12:24

    If the world will still be standing by the end of March 2025 yes, it will be an epic season.

    1. Anonymous19:12

      Bro, what you scared of?

  29. Anonymous12:36

    We would have had those type of frequencies this summer if it weren't for the Marathon incident.

  30. Anonymous13:22

    Good news for far future.

  31. Anonymous13:43

    Would it be possible for Air Serbia to also include thr E190 in their fleet in the future? Or are they only sticking to E195s?

    1. Anonymous13:50


    2. Anonymous14:16

      Wouldn't it be reasonable to get a few E190s as well since the Marathon E190 was used on plenty of routes?

  32. Anonymous13:46

    No surprises, we expected that long time ago. October 2023: "Air Serbia will primarily focus on adding frequencies to its existing network in the coming period...the main focus will be on densification, that is, improving the connectivity...we used to have 25% to 28% transfers but now we are reaching almost 40%. Therefore, any new destination will naturally get feed from the network"

  33. Anonymous14:03

    No one is mentioning Russia? I know they avoid announcements for Russian flights, but can someone look it up in the system? Will Russian cities be increased?

    1. Anonymous14:05

      Maybe just read the article?

    2. Anonymous14:19

      Read what? They mentioned Moscow once under other routes that will be increased without any detail. Considering Moscow is their cash cow, I would expect a big increase, but no one mentioned anything specific.

    3. Anonymous14:20

      Both Moscow and Sochi are mentioned. You wrote how no one mentioned anything regarding Russia. So obviously you didn't bother to read.

    4. Anonymous14:51

      I read the article, but from it I cant tell anything about Russia. As usual, anything related to Russia is not addressed properly. I dont blame them though, I just want to know what increases are planned.

    5. Anonymous14:58

      I said what I said

    6. Both destinations are increased by one weekly flight, which is why they are mentioned but not specifically highlighted. Those destinations with notable increases have their frequencies highlighted in the article.

    7. Anonymous09:35

      So after Turkish, which foreign airline has the most seats out of Moscow?

    8. If all of Moscow's airports are taken into account, the largest foreign carrier in 2024 is Turkish Airlines, followed by Emirates, Pegasus Airlines, Belavia, Flydubai, China Eastern, China Southern, Azerbaijan Airlines, SCAT Airlines, Air Arabia, Qatar Airways and then Air Serbia.

    9. Anonymous20:53

      So basically Air Serbia is the second largest European carrier to serve Moskva, behind Turkish.

    10. Anonymous08:45

      Very good result for JU in Russia.

    11. Anonymous11:21

      If you don't count Pegasus and Belavia as European then sure, JU is second.

  34. Anonymous16:23

    Does anybody know how much increased is Prague route going to be?

    1. Anonymous16:29

      Extra 3 weekly flights. It goes to 12 weekly.

    2. Anonymous20:38

      Wow, that's great for Prague. Transfers or P2P?

    3. Anonymous18:35

      Thanks a lot

  35. No increase for KRK?

    1. Anonymous19:54

      It seems that route will stay at 4pw both this winter and next summer. Yes, I know that Marek said KRK will be operated daily, but it is not scheduled so far.

    2. I guess no change for WRO or GDN then.

    3. Anonymous09:33

      It's great they finally fly to Krakow.

  36. Anonymous23:03

    Even when lower end of those growth estimates are taken into calculations, Belgrade airport will easily have more than 10 million passengers next year.

    1. Anonymous00:07

      Wow. Tremendous growth.

  37. Anonymous23:54

    BEG-BCN will have 8 flights in November. Anyone remember last year? Was it 7?

    1. Anonymous12:34

      It was 9 weekly in November 2023.


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