Air Serbia touches down in Guangzhou

Air Serbia introduced flights between Belgrade and Guangzhou early this morning with the Chinese city becoming its fourth long-haul destination following New York, Chicago and Tianjin. It is also the second city served by the carrier in China. The launch coincides with the “Golden Week” holiday in China which begins tomorrow. Starting on China’s National Day on October 1, the public holiday is celebrated over seven consecutive non-working days. As a result, Air Serbia’s return service from Guangzhou departing later today is sold out with 268 passengers, while the outbound flight from Belgrade had some 200 travellers on board. As EX-YU Aviation News learns, forward bookings for the route are extremely strong spanning several months. The first flight is being operated by the carrier’s Airbus A330-200 jet registered YU-ARC (known as Pupin).

Check-in for Guangzhou service at Belgrade Airport

The inaugural service was celebrated with a ceremony at the gate at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport and was attended by the carrier’s CEO, Jiri Marek, the Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Goran Vesić, as well as the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia and other dignitaries. Commenting on the first flight, Mr Marek said, "The recommencement of flights between Serbia and the People's Republic of China in December 2022 was a significant step for our company and the entire Western Balkan region. At that time, Air Serbia was one of only a few airlines flying to China, so the direct link to Tianjin represented a bridge for economic, cultural, and tourist exchanges between Serbia and this Asian country. With the inclusion of Guangzhou in our network of destinations, we are expanding our presence in China, providing passengers with even more options. Guangzhou is one of the most important industrial and trading centres in the People's Republic of China, and we believe that nonstop flights to this city will be particularly appealing to the business community, not only in our two countries but also across Europe. Its proximity to Hong Kong and Macau makes this destination very attractive for tourism, especially for those wishing to experience the lifestyle, tradition, and culture of the Greater Bay Area". Minister Vesić noted the country is extremely proud of Air Serbia which handled over 3.4 million passengers by September 25, adding there is no more doubt that the carrier will surpass its all time record, set by its predecessor in 1987. According to the Minister, details regarding the airline's new service will be announced shortly.

Launch ceremony

Air Serbia will maintain two weekly rotations between the two cities, on Thursdays and Sundays. It will compete against the two weekly flights launched by China Southern Airlines on the same route earlier this week. Mr Marek said, “Going two weekly to Guangzhou, along with China Southern’s two weekly is the optimal schedule. Guangzhou is now the busiest airport in China. However, these flights are not just limited to that city. You have Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macau which are easily accessible. We are also targeting a lot of connectivity towards Australia”.

Departure from Belgrade

Arrival in Guangzhou

Air Serbia becomes only the third European carrier to maintain flights to Guangzhou, alongside Aeroflot and Turkish Airlines. Similarly, it is the only European carrier to serve Tianjin and one of fifteen from Europe serving mainland China. Although its existing frequencies to the country are modest, with just three weekly rotations, they are set to grow as the airline prepares to commence flights to Shanghai in the coming period. Out of the 21 European states that boast flights to mainland China, in October, Serbia will be ranked sixteenth in terms of available seat capacity to the country, ahead of Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Ireland and Luxembourg.

Upon the flights arrival in Guangzhou, Deng Yonggang, Deputy General Manager of operator Guangdong Airport Management Group said, “The launch of the Belgrade - Guangzhou route by Air Serbia marks another historic step in the interconnection of China - Serbia aviation, and has built a more convenient air bridge for people-to-people exchanges and economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. Air Serbia's choice of Guangzhou as its second destination in China reflects its long-term strategic vision and keen market insight. Guangdong Airport Group will provide the best service guarantee and all-round strong support for Air Serbia's operation and development in Guangzhou".


  1. Anonymous09:00

    Bravo Air Serbia 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

    1. Anonymous12:44


    2. Anonymous15:35

      Bravo 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

  2. Anonymous09:03

    We are waiting for the trip report Luka

    1. Vlad09:55

      Nice to see true aviation journalists getting the treatment they deserve 😊

    2. Anonymous10:30

      I would underline "true aviation journalists". Luka certainly deserves to be called like that.

      And some other certainly not.

    3. Vlad12:13

      My choice of words was not accidental 😉

    4. Anonymous13:09

      I agree. Well docunented. I follow their instagram page and they had nice stories from the launch too.

  3. Anonymous09:10

    I am somehow very proud and excited because of this.

  4. Anonymous09:15

    Congratulations! Very cool photo of the ATR and 330!

  5. Anonymous09:18

    Well done Air Serbia! So proud to see your excellent growth!

  6. Anonymous09:50

    Congratulations, Serbia, hope this goes well

  7. Anonymous09:50

    JU uses southern route like for TSN service. Unlike CZ.

    1. Anonymous13:05

      Yes Marek said they wpuld only use Southern route. Don't know why though

    2. Anonymous04:53

      Marek does like to say all sort of things

  8. Anonymous09:52

    We will see Shanghai and hopefully Beijing soon. Beijing would be very nice, because a lot of european carriers can't compete against chinese airlines on that route since they are unable to fly through russian airspace. So AirSerbia could find an oportunity here!

    1. Anonymous15:51

      Air Serbia svakako ne leti preko Rusije za Kinu.

    2. Vlad17:53

      Yes, but it also doesn't have to. For LHR and FRA the situation is very different.

  9. Purger10:32

    Zrakoplov polu prazan. Nije dobro.

    1. Anonymous10:37

      Ovo je prelose.

      Kaj su uopce pokretali tu liniju kad meni jos na 3 moja pitanja nisu odgovorili? 🤣

    2. Anonymous11:05

      Puno preloše. O moj Bože!!! Kajgot.

    3. Anonymous11:29

      ANALitičar would say: The new route is Jatovanje :)

    4. Anonymous12:09

      He became completely silent ever since CZ launched flights last week.

      Oh, they blocked his e-mail address 😂.

    5. Anonymous12:36

      Majko mila.

    6. Anonymous12:52

      Purger je u svetu avijacije ono sto su Kurir i Informer u svetu zurnalistike.

    7. YU-ARC 268 passengers (seat map)..... Strašno koliko ovaj čovek mrzi sve naše.... Strašno... A admin mu uredno objavljuje komentare...

    8. Anonymous14:16

      Sta mu je zakroplov? Jel misliš na biznis klasu ? Za prvi let ovo je više nego dobar "LF" . Svaka čast JU.

    9. Anonymous14:36

      That guy is thre Biggest joke.
      He is full of hate.

    10. Anonymous15:27

      Analiticar nevera...

    11. Anonymous16:53

      Puno previse pisete o puno previse nebitnom liku.

    12. Anonymous17:24

      His reporters have no pictures, emails, professional profiles on social networks. Do they even exist?

    13. Anonymous17:44

      Most of them surely not.

    14. Anonymous19:38

      Višepolarna ličnost. Dominantna je Maja sa opakim tekstovima.

    15. Anonymous19:43

      Ja kapiram da je neko iz zezanja uzeo njegov pseudonim:)

    16. Anonymous19:54


  10. Anonymous10:35

    Doesn't this plane have IFE screens? Or are they tucked away in the business class seats somehow?

    1. Anonymous11:03

      This plane is in the state of "poluraspad" with regards to the cabin interior. Unfortunately, no maintenance.

    2. Anonymous12:39

      Screens are in the armrest

    3. Anonymous13:04

      If they use YU-ARC on this route, there is no way they can compete against China Southern

  11. Anonymous11:07

    Belgrade now has four passenger lines operating to China. Vienna has only three. Austrian has one route, Air Serbia has two. Not including upcoming Shanghai service. Just a small indicator how things are changing.

    1. Anonymous11:13

      Comparing JU with OS lol.

    2. Anonymous11:17

      Comparing how many lines are they operating to China, not comparing both airlines as a whole.

    3. Anonymous12:02

      You need to compare it to Budapest.

    4. Anonymous12:20

      OK, guys, we know Belgrade is much behind Budapest and Vienna. But pointing out one thing where Belgrade is better than Vienna is OK too.

    5. Anonymous12:26

      Don't you see they can't stand it?

    6. Anonymous12:58

      Well, i wouldn't say much behind Budapest (except for cargo), but definitely still behind.

    7. Anonymous13:03

      Look what happens when you actively try to develop commercial relations with China rather than doing everything to sabotage them like in the rest of Europe..

    8. Anonymous13:03

      They have similar number of destinations, Budapest has a lot more frequencies especially on low-cost airlines.

    9. Anonymous13:34

      BUD is a great airport but none of those flights to China are operated by Hungarian-owned airline, unlike BEG.

    10. Anonymous13:37

      None of this can diminish the fact Belgrade now operates more routes to China than mighty Vienna. Not just Vienna but also major tourist magnets like Venice, Athens and Barcelona.

    11. Anonymous14:13

      Their real competitor is Budapest.

      That's why they started working on Xian routes and others.

    12. Anonymous16:14

      If tourists visiting Budapest also get to visit Belgrade during the same tour, then it's not the competition but cooperation. Unlike other tourist hotspot countries in the neighborhood that have no flights to China at all.

    13. Anonymous16:49

      For the airport it's of course competition. For tourism board it could be cooperation but I don't see any cooperation between tourism offices of Budapest and Belgrade. It would be great to have more tourists from Hungary at Belgrade, to start with, and then we'll bring the Chinese from Budapest.

    14. Anonymous17:17

      we'll bring the Chinese from Budapest.??? Who is WE?

    15. Anonymous17:21

      Tourst Board of Vrapče

    16. Anonymous18:31

      Just to remind that BEG had more passangers than Vienna in late 70's. Just to temind that Belgrade was ahead of air traffic over Budapest and Vienna in the past. So, I am sure that Belgrade will return where deserve, while you oyhers in midget states can be just more and more jelaous on Belgrade.

    17. Anonymous19:34


    18. Anonymous19:38


    19. Anonymous20:11

      The world has changed since the 70s. BEG never gonna catch BUD & VIE.

    20. Anonymous20:32

      Belgrade airport just did catch and went ahead of Vienna in terms of routes operating to China. That's just one step. Read the whole thread before making incorrect statements.

    21. Anonymous20:35

      Belgrade is also ahead of BUD in terms of destinations and flights to the USA. Some people just can't handle the truth!

    22. Anonymous21:38

      I said BEG never gonna catch BUD or VIE, and they not even close, what is incorrect about that? Not dissing BEG, just the way it is.
      Not enough to read the entire thread, you have to comprehend it.

    23. Anonymous23:11

      BEG did caught up with BUD and VIE on two things. And then it went ahead of them. That's what's inorrect.

      You also said JU will never catch up OU some 12-15 years ago. OU had more passengers then, but look at them now. I told you: Never say never.

    24. Anonymous23:18

      You remember what I said 12-15 years ago! I love it.
      Full respect bro.

    25. Anonymous00:13

      Also told you starting an amateur aviation propaganda site won't slow down Air Serbia and Belgrade airport but you didn't listen either. And it didn't slow them down.

    26. Anonymous01:15

      Yous right, should have listened to you. Remember to love yourself.

    27. Anonymous02:47

      You too.

    28. Anonymous04:35

      Thanks bro.

    29. Anonymous04:37

      Every time

    30. Anonymous11:22

      A thread worth skipping

    31. Anonymous13:52

      Not the first part.

  12. Anonymous11:36

    Is this the longest JU's rotation? Block time for both legs is 28 hours.

    1. Anonymous13:47

      Yes it is. Well ahead of Chicago, which is longer than Tianjin

  13. Jos jedna destinacija Er Srbije! Jos jedna mogucnost za dolazak u Otadzbinu iz Sidneja preko Kantona do Beograda.
    Ostaje jos i Sangaj i Peking. Davno sam jedamput do Beograda leteo i preko ova dva grada. Jos kada se svemu doda da ce Er Srbija premasiti sve rekorde u broju putnika koji su ikada leteli na godisnjem nivou. Bravo Er Srbijo.
    Dostojno nosi ponosno ime SRBIJE.🇷🇸✈🇦🇺✈🌐🛬😀✈ .

    1. Anonymous15:08

      Bravo Rođo. Pa di si, nema te neko vreme?

    2. Zdravo Anon 15:05. Hvala za Vase interesovanje.
      Posle 14 godina, od cega vise od pola sam proveo u Otadzbini Srbiji. A 55 godina je od kada sam prvi put otisao iz Srbije. Doslo je vreme na pragu devete decenije da posmatram Otadzbinu i ljude u njoj preko YouTube's. Iz za mnoge, dalekog Sidneja. Posle mojih
      180 letova izmedju Sidneja i Beograda i nazad. Dodajuci tome da sam sa suprugom i troje dece doleteli do Otadzbine i nazad do nove Domovine Australije, ukupno 410 puta. Ne hvalim se. Vec svedocim o skromnom zivotu. Nije mozda malo. Ukoliko mi se moze verovati. Mnogi su danas odstupili od vere.
      Hvala Bogu. Ja nisam. Sa Duhovne strane pripadam Svetoj Trojici u veri i delu. U fizickom delu mene, pripadam Civilnoj Avijaciji i Komercijalnom Vazduhoplovstvstvu. Provodeci oko 7.500 sati leta kao putnik. U podnebesju Gospodnjem. Sirom ove nase nemirne planete. Da li cu ponovo doci do Srbije? Bog zna.Ako se bude moglo.
      Ostaje mi drustvo sa suprugom i desetoro unucica. Ovde ispod Juznog Krsta. U Sidneju gradu.
      Zeleci Vam svaki uspeh i dobrotu. Uz ljubav prema Vazduhoplovstvstvu posebno. 😀☦🇦🇺✈🇷🇸🛬🌐✈
      Radovan Marinkovic. Aviation Enthusiast West Ryde, NSW Sydney Australia

    3. Anonymous15:22

      Hvala Radovane što ste nam to ispričali. Da nam još dugo pišete ovde. Topli pozdravi.

    4. Hvala i Vama Anon 15:22, sto sre imali volje i procitali.
      Ako Bog da zdravlja, a dobre volje mi ne nedostaje.
      Naravno da cu se povremeno javljati. Na ovom veoma
      uspesnom blogu, EXYUAVIATION. Koji redovno pratim.
      Jedino bi predlozio da se promeni ime ovog Bloga.
      U neko prikladnije ime. Mozda bi pratioci ovog Bloga mogli da ucestvuju u "kumovanju" novog naziva bloga.
      Ako postovaoci postojeceg naziva bi zalili za sadanjim imenom, moglo bi se pronaci resenje.
      Uz novo ime, da staro bude malim slovima u zagradi pisano u produzetku naslova. Tako da ljubitelji trenutnog naziva nebi bili povredjeni. Bio bi kako stara Srpska poslovica kaze. "Sit vuk i ovce na broju".
      Dodao bih jos da je buducem Habu, na Beogradskom Aerodromu neodlozno graditi hotel. Veliki aerodrom je nezamisliv bez hotela. A hab nemoguc. Ja bi jos dodao i podizanje platforme za onlookers...
      Za posetioce i putnike te Prve Srpske vazdusne luke.
      Mnogi pre su pisali. Eto i ja i o tome progovorih i Dusu spasih. Hvala.
      Iskreni pozdravi iz prolecnog Sidneja. 😀✈🌐🛬

  14. Anonymous12:41

    Is it just me or did the flight take much longer than scheduled?

    1. Anonymous12:52

      Yeah it was supposed to land at 11.10 Belgrade time.

    2. Anonymous12:53

      12 hours flight.


    3. Anonymous13:08

      Maybe weather related or routing?

    4. Anonymous13:08

      And when I say weather I mean headwinds.

    5. Anonymous13:25

      That was one long flight. Would it have been quicker if they went via Russia

    6. Anonymous15:03

      Dought it will be much quicker through RU airspace. There is also an issue with sending spare parts to RU if, for some reason, plane has to land there. Who would gamble with this.

    7. Anonymous15:10

      * Doubt

  15. Anonymous12:43

    Plane just landed! :)

  16. Anonymous12:43

    Loads are very good

  17. Anonymous12:48

    Nice stories on ex-yu insta page

  18. Anonymous13:12

    Shanghai next!

    1. Anonymous13:21

      I wonder if they will launch it this year. They have gone quiet about it

    2. Anonymous14:48

      Probably next year.

    3. Anonymous16:54

      It's likely due to a shortage of aircraft. ARD is yet to arrive, ARE is no where near final preparations for delivery, ARC is expected to leave for reconfiguration first quarter 2025, ARB should be off for maintenance in the next couple of months. 2-3 A330's will be operating JU's long haul routes this winter.

      GDS had PVG starting 1st April at 2 pw (Tuesdays and Saturdays) but China seems to be a market that can be launched "last minute" so I wouldn't be surprised to see it launch around Chinese New Year once ARD and most likely ARE are in the fleet.

  19. Anonymous13:24

    Smart they launched these flights ahead of the massive holiday in China

    1. Anonymous13:44

      That's why China Southern launched several European roites last week (including BEG).

    2. Anonymous13:51


  20. Anonymous13:38

    Well done. For an airline from our region to have 4 long haul routes is an achievement

  21. Anonymous13:51

    I'm really surprised that more European carriers don't fly to Guangzhou. I looked at the list of airlines serving the city and it has so many foreign carriers. And all flag carriers from the Middle East too! From Iraqi Airways to Kuwait Airway, Gulf Air etc

    1. Anonymous14:49

      Big European carriers actualy downsizing/canceling China operations.

    2. Anonymous16:53

      They have different geographical position comparing to Belgrade and it costs them more to avoid flying to Russia then it costs to JU.

    3. Anonymous20:13

      * than

  22. Anonymous15:15

    Nice welcome in CAN!

  23. Anonymous15:29

    Yes, I am surprised they wrote Belgrade in Chinese and in Serbian (cyrillic alphabet!), but no in English.

    It is nice to see it in Serbian, but avoiding English is a bit strange these days...

    1. The display alternates between English and Serbian.

    2. Anonymous15:49

      Thanks admin!

  24. Anonymous15:56

    Loving the pics!

  25. Anonymous17:19

    Idemo dalje...

  26. Anonymous19:12

    Return flight is almost full, only 9 seats in economy left!

  27. Anonymous19:49

    Thank you Chinese friends for respecting the official Serbian alphabet.

    1. Anonymous19:51


    2. Anonymous19:51

      ... unlike some in Serbia.

    3. Anonymous09:48

      I have been to Belgrade last week and it was again a bit shocking to see both alphabets everywhere. It is weird imo

    4. Anonymous11:30

      Bro shocked by seeing two alphabets at important regional airport, ok man.

  28. Anonymous19:03

    I dont get it. Where are the screens in the business class. Someone said in the amrest. Is there a picture somewhere how does it look these screens in the amrest?

    1. Anonymous00:12

      If someone said they are in the armrest, then they are in the armrest. You have photos here.

    2. Anonymous09:50

      Thank you very much for the reply.


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