Limak extends Pristina Airport concession


The joint venture between Turkey’s Limak Holdings and France’s Aeroport de Lyon, which runs Pristina Airport, has extended its twenty-year concession agreement by twenty months. It comes as a result of force majeure compensation for the two years of operations which were severely impacted by the coronavirus pandemic - 2020 and 2021. During the twenty-month extension, the concession fee will increase to 55% of gross revenues, from 34% in 2020 and 37% in 2021. Concession agreements for Belgrade, Skopje, and Ohrid airports have similarly been extended as compensation for the period affected by the pandemic.


  1. Anonymous14:09


  2. Anonymous14:12

    When does it run out?

    1. Anonymous14:15

      concession agreement was signed in 2010 so in 2030. Well now its 2031

  3. Anonymous16:10

    Classic Cashcow. 22 years of 70% profits in exchange for a Warehouse-looking Terminal.

    1. Anonymous17:45

      I couldn't agree with you more. Milk it until it's dry

    2. Anonymous17:58

      Yea, not the world's most luxurious airport but fully fits its purpose....lowest possible airport charges for lowest possible price of tickets for poor guestarbisters to visit home. Until Kosovo gets reacher, if it ever does, this is the most sensible business model. Passingers are OK with this terminal.

    3. Anonymous21:14


      Lowest ticket prices? 😄
      PRN is among the most expensive in the region!

    4. Anonymous09:18

      Couldn't agree more. I worked at this airport for 8 years before I was pushed out and now live abroad. The terminal looks very good and appears to be modern, BUT limak has hissed that they cannot handle an airport. Many of the check-in counters were taken from the old terminal building into the new one and are not reviewed, the baggage belts are also old from the former airport. There are not enough luggage trolleys if you have many suitcases. Inside the terminal, there is NO fast track, even if business class tickets are sold where you are entitled to it, and no lounge either. Limak promised an investment of 120 million euros, but according to engineers who did research, only around 70 million euros have been invested. There is potential for opening the old terminal building with some renovation that can be given out to LCC airlines but limak are not interested to do that. At the same time, they also received an extended conssesion to extend the runway from 2000 meters to 3000. This is only discribed with one word- Corrupted cow and SADNESS

    5. Anonymous11:20

      "Limak promised an investment of 120 million euros, but according to engineers who did research, only around 70 million euros have been invested"

      Oh wait this sounds familiar to me ... TAV and SKP/OHD

    6. Anonymous18:39

      I dont know about you and TAV BUT limak are an chesting company. This report from dutch engineer company was released at famous investigating tv serial) and shows that there was never invested 120 million euros as promised during consession bids. Last scandal came thru the extending of runway where limak got extendet its concession period.

  4. Anonymous20:03

    Complete disaster of concession. Pitty that so many passengers endure this. No business lounge, no good service, all crouded.

    1. Anonymous11:39

      On webpage, the airport mentions that they have one lounge named "17/02 Lounge". Is this one not available anymore?


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