Macedonia investigating apparent mid-air near-miss incident


Macedonia’s air navigation service provider M-NAV has launched an investigation following reports of a near-miss incident involving two planes in Macedonian airspace on September 7. It involved a Turkish Airlines Airbus A321neo aircraft flying between Madrid and Istanbul and a SunExpress Boeing 737-800 en route to London Gatwick from Dalaman. The two narrowly avoided collision in Macedonian airspace near Skopje. Both aircraft were flying at an altitude of 36.000 fleet and were on the same flight path before one descended 525 feet, while the other climbed 325 feet some thirty seconds before their paths crossed. "A report on a security incident has been submitted. According to rules and procedures, the report was registered by the IMS (Integrated Management Systems) department and submitted to the Civil Aviation Agency. Also, in line with the valid procedures, the IMS (Integrated Management Systems) department opened an investigation to determine the actual situation and the causes of the incident. We would like to point out that such events are always duly reported and processed by all relevant departments, services and institutions, in accordance with the legal procedures in place, as is the case everywhere in Europe”, M-NAV said.


  1. Anonymous10:37

    First that fight, now this... what's going on over there?

    1. Anonymous12:08

      This is what you get when the parties representing ethnic Albanian minority interests blackmail the country’s institutions into hiring ever larger numbers of their voter base representatives.

    2. Unfortunately there will be no resolution to the problems and things will only get worse for Skopje as a result.
      Maybe this also affecting other relationships that also influenced Aegean to pull out of Skopje not just the loads.

  2. Anonymous11:04

    The fight says much about the disciplinein the "house", and safety is always minimised when disciline is out of the window.

    1. Anonymous11:08

      Speaking of discipline

  3. Anonymous11:05

    Thank God nobody is hurt

  4. Anonymous11:09

    Airlines need to start avoiding Macedonia's airspace.

  5. Anonymous11:10

    Doesn't the A321 have an active TCAS system that would warn the pilots of nearby airplanes on a collision course? Two aircrafts with an active TCAS would have reacted, too.
    By the way, the problem with M-NAV is that it is full of incompetent people who are there only because someone "pulled some strings" to get a job there. Also, corruption level in Macedonia is enormous, you can literally buy anything with money (university degree, job, passport, etc)

    1. Anonymous11:24

      Yes both of them had TCAS and i think that’s why they reacted. TCAS activates 40 seconds before the collision and thats the same moment when the TK plane started to decend. I checked this carefully on flightradar and the two planes were not going to collide eachother even if they didnt change the altitute. Their flight paths didnt cross at the same moment, TK passed first and then SunExpress, except if they also reduced the speed.

    2. Saki13:03

      TCAS again save the day!

  6. Anonymous11:46

    Oh my God, this sounds so dangerous. Macedonia really need to get its act together, their airspace is clearly not safe anymore.

    1. Anonymous12:48

      Yea, it "needs to get its act together" but to everybody in the room (including some commentators above) it is perfectly clear what should happen first. USA and EU should stop supporting ethnic Albanian minority in its outrageous demands for "equality". They have reached an apartheid status privileges unheard of even in the darkest (or maybe should I say whitest) days of South Africa. This is just tip of the iceberg. Hospitals are full of Albanian "doctors" whose diploma was obtained due to the Albanian quota requirements.
