Montenegro’s airports to reduce fees to secure LCC flights


The Montenegrin Ministry for Transport has said it has reached an agreement with operator Airports of Montenegro to reduce fees in order to retain existing low cost carriers (LCCs) and attract new ones. Maja Vukićević, the newly appointed Minister for Transport, highlighted that the decision by the operator’s previous management to raise fees had a “highly negative impact”. As a result, Ryanair will maintain a single route from Podgorica this winter, suspending all others until next summer. Ms Vukićević said, "In addition to losing some routes, our airports have become less competitive compared to others in the region. Unfortunately, many from Montenegro are now opting to fly from neighbouring airports. Following discussions with Airports of Montenegro CEO Roko Tolić and Board President Jelena Maraš, an agreement was reached to reduce fees. As a result, the operator will have a new pricing policy aimed at LCCs. The goal is for low cost carriers to continue flying to Montenegro year-round while attracting new ones”.


  1. Anonymous13:33

    Ljubljana... See and learn

    1. Anonymous16:20

      Tbh Fraport would only need to have reasonable fees and LCCs would flock in. But instead we have higher petrol prices than most major hubs and higher handling fees than most airports thrice our size

    2. Anonymous18:25

      learn what? moving in this direction Montenegro will just pull a tirana and let the lcc fly for free and the taxpayer to cover the costs.

  2. Anonymous13:44

    Montenegro keeps winning!

  3. Anonymous13:47

    Extremely important reason why in small economies and small markets, government ownership and operating if airports is vital. Slovenia should nationalize its airports and lower its fees to rock bottom. Well done Montenegro!

    1. Anonymous18:21

      No thanks. We dont need cheap mass tourism… we need profitable and sustainable business models

    2. Anonymous23:29

      If Slovenians are happy with passenger numbers, then everyone should be happy. Fraport and Lufthansa group the most!

  4. Anonymous16:01

    Welp they folded

  5. What about non LCC carriers? No discount for them?


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