Air Serbia prepares to take fourth wide-body jet


Air Serbia anticipates the arrival of its fourth Airbus A330-200 aircraft at the end of November. The jet has been in Dusseldorf for some time undergoing maintenance as it prepares to enter into service. Similar to its third A330, Air Serbia’s fourth wide-body jet is ten years old and most recently operated for Air Belgium. It will also feature the Etihad Airways cabins which will be installed on the remaining two A330s as well. Cabin retrofitting of one of them, registered YU-ARC, is set to begin next year. At the moment, the aircraft has no flights scheduled after February 26, indicating it may be taken out of service then for the cabin upgrades. Commenting on the wide-body fleet, Air Serbia’s CEO, Jiri Marek, told “CAPA”, “Recently we received our third Airbus A330, with the fourth aircraft set to come at the end of November. We recently launched flights to Guangzhou in China and announced the start of Shanghai at the beginning of next year. We expect the next step will be frequency densification rather than new destinations”.


  1. Anonymous10:40

    Why is ARB flying to Chateauroux at the moment?

    1. Anonymous10:43

      Scheduled maintenance

    2. Anonymous14:46

      Is it also getting the new interior?

    3. Anonymous14:55

      "On the other hand, YU-ARB [Nikola Tesla], will undergo the retrofit either next year or the year after."

  2. Anonymous10:41

    Good news!
    Did JAT hav 4 or 5 wide-bodies?

    1. Anonymous10:55

      5 DC 10s

    2. Anonymous14:19

      Only 5 at one time for period between June and October 1989 until OO-SLA returned to Sabena after YU-AMD arrived, mainly 2 then 3 then 4 at one time.

  3. Anonymous11:14

    Marek contradicting Vucic saying no new destinations...

    1. Anonymous11:33

      Netacno. Da ti prevedem, posto ne znas engleski. Rekao je pojacavanje postojceih frekvencija, pre nego nove, ali nije demantovao da nece biti novih. Naravno da ce ih biti, jer nema logike da imas 4 sirokotrupca i i 5 destinacija!!

    2. Anonymous12:08

      Yes there is. There is the logic of increasing frequencies on existing destinations.

    3. Anonymous13:10

      Anon 11:33: Vrlo nekulturan komentar!
      Takođe, veći broj rotacija na postojećim rutama može da okupira kapacitete svih aviona.

    4. Anonymous14:27

      Anon 13:10 dečko to je lepo objasnio ali ti opet po some. Izmišljaš nešto pa moram i ja da ti odgovorim . Imaš na YouTube razgovor sa Marekom koji kaže da se razmatra Tokio a tio je izjavio i Vučić tako da prestaneš sa obmanjivanjem.

    5. Anonymous15:58

      It is unwise to fight windmills, windmills will always turn no matter how much you stop them!

    6. Anonymous17:34

      Anon @12:08 There is the logic of increasing frequencies on existing destinations.

      There's always a trade-off between launching new routes and increasing existing frequencies. Some might argue it was better to increase JFK, ORD and TSN before Guangzhou and Shanghai were introduced. On the other hand, increasing existing frequencies could be used to further postpone launch of long-delayed* Toronto and Miami services.

      * Back in 2022, AV Week said: Air Serbia Eyes Miami, Toronto And Shanghai

    7. Anonymous00:22

      The 4 aircraft have quite a bit of room for some additional flights for next summer. By May 2025 all 4 should be fully active in the fleet. Current utilisation allows room for both MIA and YYZ to be launched at 2 pw while leaving sufficient ground time in BEG for all 4 ac. If they can rotate PVG with normal ground time (less than 24 hours) then another 2 frequencies can be added (JFK).

    8. Anonymous00:28

      Why are some people on here so pressed? Jumping at every slightly negative comment related to JU even when it’s just someone expressing their opinion with argumentation

  4. Anonymous12:22

    Will the 4th A330 also get the Expo livery?

    1. Anonymous12:29

      Yes, it was already announced.

    2. Anonymous13:10

      Will the expo livery be exactly the same as the first one?

    3. Anonymous13:33

      That I don't know

    4. Anonymous14:49

      I wish it had the livery that YU-ARA had when it first came.

    5. Anonymous16:52

      Even if I find expo livery nice, I would prefer another important historical person as Mileva Marić-Anštajn as we have scientists already on them. Or to have something that could promote Belgrade landscape

  5. Anonymous12:42

    ANALiticar went offline

    1. Anonymous15:47

      Nije. Dokazuje kako je Tokio neisplativ, neće biti putnika.

    2. Anonymous16:21

      analitićar with a hole xD

    3. Anonymous17:44

      Pre nekoliko godina dokazivao je kako ZAG ima potencijala i za Tokio i za Osaku :)))))

    4. Anonymous18:27

      Sad prekraja komentare
      U redu je da je neko pravnik bez pravosudnog ispita koji organizuje mažoretkinje, ali to što se predstavlja kao stručnjak koga treba uzeti za ozbiljno je potpuno druga stvar.

      Novinar treba da bude objektivan, a ono je mešanje podataka kako kome odgovara

    5. Anonymous19:17

      Ipak je najbolje kada je dokazivao kako je srbin iz Republike srpske pucao na avion OU koji je sletao u Sarajevo prosle godine.

    6. Anonymous21:53

      Ovaj cetvrti A330 nece preziveti.

    7. Anonymous16:21

      Kako neće preživeti?
      Pa videćete tekstove kako je to u stvari mašina za cepanje para i kako ti avioni nisu dovoljno iskorišćeni.
      Pri "analizi" bi stvarno bilo korisno ne koristiti isključivo vreme koje je avionu potrebno da preleti između dve destinacije. Ali ko to šiša, slotovi, vreme potrebno za taksiranje, restrikcije kontrole letenja, eventualno obilaženje lošeg vremena, prihvat i opsluživanje aviona, ukrcavanje putnika, optimalno korišćenje posade je stvarno nebitno jel da?

  6. MiroslavNY13:06

    Four of a possible eight. Probably before the expo in 2027. Great news.

    1. Anonymous14:40

      Made my day! Yes, 4 will fly accross continents like once per week to ORD, three per week to JFK + 5 flights weekly to China while the other 4 will be flying BEG-INI-BEG and BEG-TIV-BEG.

    2. Anonymous14:51

      anonymous 14:40
      You do realize that the bird flying back and forth toN would make the most money.

    3. Anonymous15:02

      No, other four will fly to LAX, NRT, ICN, YYZ, MIA, DEL. Do not worry

    4. Anonymous15:13

      With those frequencies it's 3 ac. 1 aircraft will at certain times be out for maintenance such as ARB currently, YU-ARC early next year. When all 4 are in BEG frequencies according to current, preliminary schedules will be:
      * 5-7 x JFK
      * 3 x ORD
      * 2 x TSN
      * 2 x CAN
      * 2 x PVG
      Total = 16 pw

      JU have hinted additional frequencies for JFK, while I wouldn't be surprised to see both JU and CZ adding an additional flight pw each if the joint venture/code share goes ahead. Plus YYZ and MIA have been talked about quite a bit lately implying we could hear some news on that part in the next couple of months.

    5. I think they are gonna rather increase PVG than go to 3 with ORD..Maybe only in July-August, but April, May, June, September no way...CAN can also go to 3, they are even approved that frequency by Chinese authorities..

    6. Anonymous15:50

      ORD is 2-3 pw max in couple of months period. In a winter, 1pw.

    7. Anonymous15:54

      It is one weekly just 2 months, not entire winter

    8. Anonymous19:02

      PVG capped at 2 weekly by Chinese Government

    9. Anonymous00:11

      As mentioned above, PVG is capped at 2 pw. CAN is capped at 3 pw. However, things could change quickly as in roughly 2 years we have gone from 0 flights to 9-10 pw to 4 destinations on 3 airlines. With European airlines pulling out of China bit by bit, and BEG's ideal location to have the advantage of using the Southern corridor without major deviations, I wouldn't be surprised to see some additional slots given for frequency increases.

  7. Anonymous16:59

    How long does it take to "retrofit" YU-ARC? And after that JU-ARB. In my opinion they need to dry lease another A330 if they want to sustain expansion in time.

    1. Anonymous19:04

      Why? All they need to do is not leave planes on the ground in China for 24 hours after each flight to “rest the crew”. I have never seen any other airline do this.

    2. Anonymous20:38

      Iceland Air does it regularly in the US. Aircraft stays on ground for 12+ hours for minimum rest and for flights to fit their waves. JU isn't unique in this.

    3. Anonymous21:56

      I presume it will take up to 2 months to finish new cabin layout. So, until May sholud be back in business. Right on time

  8. Anonymous22:40

    Are there more A330-200 ex-Etihad, that were previously stored?
    A330-300, obviously, they are not interested into.
    Mostly, now they are acquiring ex-Etihad birds, so it is much more easier to be tracked.

    1. Anonymous23:59

      These are the youngest ex EY ac that were available. The rest are mostly 2007 build.


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