TRIP REPORT: Air Serbia, Belgrade - Guangzhou


I had the opportunity to fly on Air Serbia’s inaugural flight between Belgrade and Guangzhou. I purchased the ticket around the 10th of August, with the service launching on 30 September. Subsequently China Southern scheduled its flights on the same route. I checked the price after they did so, and they were exactly the same as Air Serbia’s at the time. I booked a one-way business class ticket, as I would be continuing my journey on a different itinerary.

Before I get into a detailed report, here are a few positives and negatives. The positives include a truly polite and attentive cabin crew who were very friendly, very presentable, and did a good job. The onboard “Ambassadors”, whose job is to make announcements in Chinese and assist Chinese speaking passengers is a great idea in my opinion and they did a very good job. Also, I found the seat itself very comfortable. The negatives, the aircraft in question that operated this service - YU-ARC - has its cabin in quite a bad shape. It is baffling to me the airline decided to schedule this aircraft on their inaugural flight when the alternative was not operating a different flight at the time. The business class cabin had several non-functioning seats, and the entertainment system does not work. While I understand that this aircraft is due for a retrofit soon and will not be used frequently now that the latest A330 has arrived, its state has deteriorated since I last flew with it a year ago from Chicago to Belgrade.

I arrived at Belgrade Airport rather early and check-in procedures had just begun. Air Serbia dedicated several check-in desks specifically for this route. Most of the passengers lining up were Chinese. Check-in was very quick, and I headed to passport control which has been temporarily reduced in size due to the installation of passport eGates (they are also being installed on arrivals). Security was pretty quick. The central plaza at Belgrade Airport is taking shape. I noticed that some of the clothing stores like Boss and Victoria’s Secret have been shut down and are being demolished (or renovated). I also noticed construction workers at some of the closed off areas which will likely be shops (interestingly all were speaking Spanish and seemed to be from South America).

Following a ceremony at the gate to mark the new route, boarding began at exactly 23:50 as was printed on the boarding pass. Two boarding bridges were used, meaning business class passengers had a dedicated gate.

Business class boarding

I was among the first passengers to board. I was aware of the product, as I have flown this aircraft before. It is an older style 2-2-2 configuration, although this type of configuration is still widely used on many A330-200s. I selected my seat online beforehand (third row window) and it seems I was lucky as my seat was fully functional. Apart from the recline options, the seat has a power port, and the entertainment screens are inside the armrest. In my opinion, the pitch is good with each set of seats having three windows. Waiting at the seat was a thick blanket, pillow, bottle of water and the menu, which was printed in English, Serbian and Chinese.

Immediately after boarding, the crew came around to offer a welcome drink – a selection between water, orange juice and prosecco. A refreshing wipe was also offered. The crew then came around to offer headphones, an amenity kit, and newspapers. PJs with slippers are also offered upon request.

Amenity kit

PJs and slippers

The cabin filled up quickly. It was not completely full on this leg. There was a mix of officials, as one would expect on the inaugural service, and paying customers. From what I could see several Chinese passengers and a few Serbian too. The doors were closed ahead of the scheduled departure time of 00:20 and a manual safety demonstration was performed by the crew. The captain made his welcome announcement but informed us that due to air traffic control restrictions we would be slightly delayed.

We took off at around 00:50. Immediately after take off, the crew member working on the side of the aisle I was sitting in came around again, introduced herself, and took the order from the menu. There was a full meal served after take off and another one some two hours prior to landing. The crew member also took drink orders and asked if we would like a turndown service after dinner. Again, I must say that the crew did a great job and she addressed each passenger by their last name.

This was the menu on tonight’s flight (and the return flight):

After take off, it became apparent that several seats in the cabin were not working. When I say not working, I mean they could not be reclined at all. Considering this was a red-eye flight, you can appreciate how this would be an issue. From what I could see around five seats in the cabin were not functioning. One of the paying customers had to move seats twice until a working seat was found. The crew were very apologetic and first tried to reset the seats from the galley twice. When that didn’t work, they called a male crew member from economy to manually take the seat apart to try to get the mechanism to work, but to no avail. Thankfully, there were just enough available seats for everyone to move. The situation worked out, but I can’t imagine what it was like on the full inbound flight, which is also a red-eye. To me, in all honestly, this isn’t ok. Especially for paying customers, and the fares are normally priced, they are not discounted or reduced.

The meal service began shortly after take off. The crew firstly gave out the ordered drinks as well as a very large ramequin of warm mixed nuts containing cashews and almonds. Afterwards the meal was brought out. The entre was “sutlijaš”, for the main I ordered the gyoza and the desert option is fruit. The meal was OK. I would say it has slightly improved on before but is still miles away from what it was like when the airline had in-house catering, both in terms of presentation and taste. The crew were very proactive in offering drink refills.

After dinner, I took out the TV screen. Everything looked ok until one attempts to press any option, from movies to the flight path map, once clicked a message pops up saying “This service not available”.

Unfortunately, this was not unique just to my seat but to every other person I saw take their TV screen out in business class. So, the entertainment system did not seem function in the entire cabin, and more likely on the entire plane. I wasn’t bothered about it too much because it was a night flight and I slept for most of it, but since this is a known issue, the airline could have found a way to address it, if it can’t be easily fixed, which I assume it can’t. For example, last year I flew with Qantas and some 3 hours before the flight got an email that the entertainment system would not work on the aircraft (in the end the flight was delayed an hour as they swapped it for a plane with working IFE). While it is annoying, I think knowing ahead of time is much less of a nuisance because it means you can download movies, bring a book or prepare another way to entertain yourself. Keep in mind, this Belgrade - Guangzhou flight was over 12 hours and there is no wi-fi on the aircraft either to pass the time.

Qantas example

Before most passengers went to sleep, we were given a certificate to mark the inaugural flight and a delicious Orasnica cookie.

As mentioned in the beginning. I found the seat to be very comfortable. I know it is not a cutting-edge new generation seat, but it reclined fully and most importantly was really well padded. Also, there is a lot of legroom when fully reclined and there is a compartment in front where you can put your shoes which I find really handy. The bedding provided by Air Serbia was also really good. Both the pillow and the blanket are very plush, and I managed to get a few hours of sleep. The crew made sure to close the window blinds so passengers wouldn’t wake up upon sunrise and they switched off the cabin lights. Without light from seat back TVs it was a very comfortable environment to fall asleep. As a comparison, I recently flew Air China’s A330-200 which had almost the same seats, with exception for the screens being at the back of each seat. Unlike the seats on Air Serbia's YU-ARC, they were very hard and uncomfortable.

The second meal was served around two hours before landing. The crew previously asked passengers if they wanted to be woken up for the meal if they were asleep. For this option, I chose the spring rolls, which came out jumbo sized. The meal was ok. Again, I do think more has to be done with the presentation but overall I think the catering is a bit better than it was before. Offering a breadbasket with several warm bread options would go a long way and I don’t think it would be too expensive for the airline’s catering provider to implement. If I remember correctly, this was provided by the airline back in the day.

Before landing we were offered a fortune cookie, which was nice touch, and were distributed entry cards for China. We touched down in Guangzhou a bit late as the flight took longer than expected. Immigration procedures were a breeze although it took a bit longer for the baggage to come out. Ironically, the business class bags tagged with “priority” came out last.

Once again, I want to highlight that I understand the aircraft in question will soon get a makeover and its utilisation will be reduced in the next few months. I am also aware that Air Serbia’s other long-haul aircraft YU-ARB offers a much better experience in terms of the hard product and that the incoming A330s will be better than YU-ARB, but in the case of YU-ARC and this flight, its biggest downfall are the nonfunctioning seats and entertainment. In terms of the soft product, I have no complaints. Some improvements can be made but overall there are no major issues. I think the airline has made some very positive developments in the last few years, but as a paying customer there are some standards that should be met and the airline should really try focusing on improving the overall onboard product. If I found myself on a longhaul business class flight and got a nonworking seat with nowhere else to move on top of non-working IFE, I would likely not choose to fly that airline again.


  1. Anonymous09:08

    Great report. Its clear the business class they provide is of the basic variety. Hopefully they take note of the importance of comsistently functioning hard product and improving that extremely basic food - esecially now as they are a truely inter-continetal airline.

    1. Nemjee09:26

      That said, their prices for this product don't match what they are offering.

    2. Anonymous15:18

      Why is that Nemjee? I think they are not that expensive. Look at TK, 3000 more for what? I know it it os not perfect, but which airline is it? JU is in the process on upgrading that tail and that is all that matters .

    3. Nemjee15:49

      TK might not offer the best hard product but its soft product as well as their IFE is extremely good. That is why they can charge a bit more.
      However, when it comes to JU, I heard really bad experiences from good friends who are regulars on ORD-BEG.
      They absolutely have to take better care of their cabins. When I flew from SOF in August, the ATR on the way back was not in the best shape either. Same applies to some of their older A319s.

    4. Anonymous04:46

      Non-working BC seats are a regular thing on this plane. AirSerbia is aware of this but instead of refunding the overpriced tickets, they are sending illiterate emails and delete comments on social media. I wish them all the worse, especially to their “international” management.

  2. Nemjee09:25

    Thank you for an honest review. I remember some time ago Marek went on how they were going to work on improving their onboard premium product. I guess it'll happen about the same time as the launch of a competitive corporate program.

    JU needs to understand that here they are fighting for premium passengers with China Southern, Turkish Airlines, Emirates, Qatar.. this isn't a fight for gastos with Wizz Air.

    1. Anonymous10:03


    2. Anonymous10:46

      If i remember correctly the current plan is to scale back yu-arc usage and send it to cabin retrofit early next year during D check. As for why they got the plane in the first place, they likely needed a bird in the sky to support the ops.

    3. Anonymous10:52

      A lot of their planes have worn out cabins, it's not just A330. JU is not doing a good job, Marek as the CEO should take the blame.

    4. Anonymous10:55

      They should 've gotten another bird to support their ops then. And they should have fixed the seats and IFE when they realized they were broken. Seats and IFE systems brake down all the time in every aircraft and every airline on the planet. But they do bother to fix them!

    5. Anonymous11:01

      Flights to CAN are close to 12 hours. Imagine paying all that money to sit on a broken seat with no IFE. This is not Cebu Pacific with low prices and low quality service. Air Serbia is a legacy airline and these things are unacceptable. Government should investigate this and question CEO why he allowed this. Dane would never allow this to happen.

    6. Anonymous13:45

      Don't know what you're romanticising about. It was Dane who
      - removed dedicated business class on short haul
      - discontinued Air Serbia catering
      - introduced charges for airport check-in
      - culled half of the network
      - leased YU-ARA at absurd price

    7. Anonymous14:03

      It wasn't him, it was a directive that came from Etihad at the same time when their own product became trash like when they served a small snack on a 16 hour flight from LAX to AUH.

    8. Anonymous14:04

      Etihad got them YU-ARA with a large brokerage fee.

    9. Anonymous15:22

      For most of you FYI, 97% of Chinese people on that flight used their own devises and watched movies from China. They only ever use TV screen to watch an interactive map . You guys need to stop crying about it as we are living in New area where people do not care about an environment system on the plane. They just want some decent food and comfort.

    10. Nemjee15:51

      I don't know how true that is for the Western world. AA pioneered the removal of IFE from narrowbody aircraft hoping people switch to using their own devices. UA and DL did not follow suit and I think even AA decided against continuing with this practice on their newer planes.

      I think people care very much about these things as the flight gets longer.

    11. @Anon 14:03 I flew from LAX to AUH in late 2017, they didn't serve any edible food, and not mentioning snacks....They only had indian food on board, one small potrion of extremly spicy goulash type dish, which I couldn't eat, and that was it for the whole 16,5 hours flight..I landed down in Abu Dhabi with my stomach eating itself..They didn't even have simple crackers to offer..My worst experience onboard one plane..

    12. Anonymous19:39


      Is that so? So a non Chinese passenger should guess that IFE won't be working on their flight right? A person that pays 1500 euro ticket for a service that is advertised on Air Serbia's website should download movies and maybe they should also bring their own seat as there is a chance the one they get won't work. How can you make up these sort of excuses?

    13. Anonymous20:22

      People nowadays do tend to bring entertainment with them. I walked the length of the plane on my two recent longhauls and saw significant percentage of people playing games, reading a book, working on laptops or watching their own devices.

    14. Anonymous20:50

      So it's ok then that Air Serbia has no IFE on a 12 hour flight because you walked up an aisle on a long haul flight and many people were watching on their personal device? So that's absolutely an excuse for Air Serbia selling business class tickets with no IFE and no Wifi even though it advertises IFE when you select your fare and it lists what's included. Nice.

    15. Anonymous21:07

      If people don't care about IFE then why are airlines investing more and more in it?

  3. Anonymous10:00

    Fantastic trip report!
    I am also baffled why JU accepted leasing YU-ARC and putting it into service in such a dire state.
    Hopefully mechanically is as it should be.

    1. Anonymous10:15

      It is the obligation of the operating company to maintain the aircraft once leased. Unfortunately Air Serbia does a very poor job and basically doesn't have a proper maintenance crew that repairs / maintains cabins. Over time they just deteriorate to the state where a cabin complete retrofit is required. That is why interiors / seats / carpets / overhead bins of each plane are not welcoming and clean.

    2. Anonymous10:32

      Paying for a complete cabin retrofit must be very expensive. Imagine doing so for a plane that is not your own!
      The lease rate they are paying for such an aircraft must either be reaaaaaaly low or someone should have looked elsewhere to lease an A330.

    3. Anonymous10:36

      It was said the lease rate is very low but I don't know how much low it has to be to fix the reputation demage and lost customer (just read the last sentence of trip report)

    4. Anonymous10:51

      What costs you more? To retrofit it to and have a good product or have bad product reviews? Who will trust them again? People will try to avoid them on longer flights.

      Why would someone chose JU over CZ when flying to China?

    5. Anonymous11:03

      Well said. Probably JU would have to lower their ticket prices in order to compete with CZ's product on the route. Especially since the big majority of pax will be originating in China.
      Now if the offered wifi on board things would be different. A lot of people would prefer it over IFE and particularly for a 12 hour flight.

    6. Anonymous11:06

      I can only imagine what kind of things people experience in economy class if JU is treating business class passengers like this. Ouch.

    7. Anonymous12:18

      Economy is just as bad, if not worse. I flew on Pupin NYC-BEG in August and it had IFE problems with many seats. Luckily the load was about 50% so myself and others moved to different seats to find one that worked. Returned on Tesla a few days ago and low and behold no IFE on a lot of seats. Flight was full with crew rest seats taken in rear so no place to move. I went through my music library during the flight, even heard some song I had forgotten I had. The crew apologized, stating there were no spare parts to fix issues.
      The use of duct tape in the restrooms is also interesting. Hopefully with the two new leased A330s coming they will be able to fix the issues and provide the minimum expected experience. Flimsy wood utensils have replaced the metal ones, have you tried cutting with the knife? it is only good for spreading the butter. I could go on and on.

    8. Anonymous12:29

      For routes with no direct competition, simple choice.

    9. Anonymous12:40

      No direct competition but there is a lot of indirect competition with flights via major hubs. Air Serbia is not cheap so this kind of behavior is not ok. Especially if you read dozens of interviews by Marek where he makes JU sound like EK.

    10. Anonymous14:53

      Time is money...I also experienced same issues. Purchased a tablet and downloaded content to watch 5 movies in offline mode. Entertainment issue is solved. Much rather do that instead of spending time at a hub somewhere in Frankfurt or Vienna or elsewhere

    11. Anonymous21:10

      I'd rather watch the moving map, can't do that on your tablet.

    12. Anonymous01:53

      I would rather connect in a hub and not get 3 to 6 hours of my life back. I love that moving map lol 😆 😂 Who cares about a map, your not getting there any faster

  4. Anonymous10:04

    Great report thank you

  5. Anonymous10:13

    They don’t offer „any time menu“ anymore?

    1. Anonymous10:23

      Nope and it is because the crew protested. They said that it exhausts them more to serve each passenger when they want to. It's easier to give them food when they want to and to get it over with. It's a shame though.

    2. Anonymous10:34

      Next news: The crew protested very long rotation to XYZ so JU decided to cancel the route? Cmon...

    3. Anonymous10:35

      In fact, it’s a shame

    4. Anonymous11:05

      It is a service offered only to business class passengers. How can be exhausting?
      Why the cabin crews of the other long haul airlines don't get as exhausted as JU crews?

    5. Anonymous11:06

      No idea, they got their way. Maybe because it's easier to do it all at once?

  6. Anonymous10:41

    It's always this fruit salad for me...

  7. Anonymous10:58

    Where to start…

    The product is downgraded so much in certain aspects that it makes me angry how the company is prioritizing profitability over customer experience. If you’re so proud of your profit, invest it in the product.

    First of all, having no IFE is unacceptable, they clearly offer it when buying ticket, so you have to provide it and fix it, instead of flight attendants doing the electricians job.

    Second, no WiFi on long haul is slowly becoming a rarity, very wrong move by JU.

    Third, two meals for a 12-13 hour flight is not appealing, business passengers should have a third meal option. Same goes for economy product, more variety is needed and they should stop serving these goddamn sandwiches and presenting them as a meal, only hot meals should be provided for all passengers.

    In the end, I can only hope that they won’t rush with PVG launch and reach for profit (again), instead they should remove this poor Pupin out of service as soon as YU-ARD starts its service. Remember that ORD was supposed to run 4x weekly this summer but I guess not so many passengers are impressed by the product and found alternatives. This is not how you want to introduce your company to the new passengers and new long haul destinations.

    1. Anonymous11:03

      When you fly DL or KL from AMS to West Coast (10 to 11 hours) you get in economy two meals plus a snack in between. They also have snacks in the galley. Don't know if JU has those snacks in the galley?

    2. Anonymous11:15

      I wouldn’t be surprised if they removed snacks as well…

    3. Anonymous14:06

      Same here

    4. Anonymous15:19

      So does anyone actually know?

  8. Vlad11:35

    Great trip report, thanks.

    JU has an uncompetitive long-haul J product even in ideal circumstances. No meaningful FFP participation, no direct aisle access on all aircraft, the meal & presentation look rather basic, and the choice of wines is hit & miss (Extra Dry Prosecco in J, really?).

    In short, they need to improve both hard & soft product (and quickly), because as it stands, P2P passengers have every incentive to choose CZ over JU, whereas connecting passengers in J have vastly superior options at disposal.

    1. Anonymous16:29

      I wonder who is crazy to fly JU, they are constantly delayed, their cabins are in bad shape, 1/3 of the fleet is outsourced and they provide a miss and hit service. For all that they are even not cheap.

  9. Anonymous11:59

    They should refund you the ticket after this experience.

    1. Anonymous14:23

      That would be the right think to do. But sadly it feels like the company is being completely run by accountants...

    2. Anonymous15:28

      People on here are soo negative and seems like they have never flown before. To me everything is exactly the same as most airlines . Good job JU and looking fwd to see reconfiguration completed next tear.

    3. Nemjee15:53

      If you think most airlines offer this kind of product on long-haul then you my friend have not travelled much.

    4. I really don't understand how people can write things like - everything is the same as most airlines!? Everyone who ever had long haul flight in the last 20 years knows that this is not true..Me personally have flown probably more than 100 times on long houl flights in the last 20 years, and I never had a plane where IFE didn't work..Its even hard to imagine that something like that doesn't work in entire plane, and that that plane takes off at all..Few seats not working, yes it happens, but entire plane - no no and no!

  10. Anonymous12:02

    Really great report. Very balanced with a lot of photos and interesting details. Thank you.

  11. Anonymous12:43

    The report is well prepared, and with a lot of facts which should be useful for JU and for future passengers. Thanks!
    From the other side, this review is too much about broken seats that even didnt affect the author, and if I understood correctly all affected passengers were moved to the seats that work good enough.
    So, I like the overview, but don't like overemphesizing the issues that are publicly said by JU that exist and will be fixed.

    1. Anonymous12:54

      No one knows when it will be fixed, we only know that it will fly less (Pupin). There is still no date when this plane will go to get a new cabin.
      Problem is that many planes have similar problems, not just A330. Air Serbia is very aljkava when it comes to these things.

      Seat is important. You have to sit on it for over 10 hours.

    2. Anonymous13:05

      Author was impacted by no IFE and the author wrote about positive and negative. Air Serbia continues to sell broken seats to all passengers. CAN-BEG on 30 September was full in business. Must have been lovely. You seem to be frustrated that your favourite airline offers subpar product in all aspects.

    3. Anonymous14:26

      @13:05 +1000
      12:43 seems upset that people notice and mention JU's deteriorating hard and soft product.

    4. Anonymous18:46

      Hard product on this and only this aircraft is basically going out of service as soon as third one gets paperwork ready in a matter of days, but I have a feeling you already know that. Third A330 has superior hard product - I have flown business in identical product - so the hard product is actually improving. Soft product was lauded in the review - great cabin crew for example.

    5. Anonymous18:58

      The issue is, they have been flying with this product with non working seats and IFE for some time and they keep flying it. How do you think passengers feel when they pay business class and on a full flight there is nowhere to move and when you have no IFE on a 12 hour flight? I like Air Serbia too but defending them for everything and making excuses is really crazy. If they have passengers like you and you keep defending them for everything next time you fly with them they will offer you a bag of chips for a 12 hour flight because you would probably defend them on that too.

    6. Anonymous20:39

      I had no IFE on JAT DC10 to Australia and I survived :D There were couple of projected movies and pneumatic headphones so I prepared personal entertainment devices called books :D

      Thing is, I knew what to expect and perpared for it. Air Serbia passengers didn't and that's not excusable, same for seats. But what's really disturbing is you ignoring the fact YU-ARC is being replaced in a matter of days. Stop making excuses, you already know that.

    7. Anonymous20:46

      It is not being replaced. The plane is very much in use and will be for many months to come. And what's worse has been in this state for many months. Your comment is even more sad because there were more entertainment options on JAT in the 80s than on Air Serbia's YU-ARC in 2024.

    8. Anonymous21:12

      Pupin flew to Rome yesterday, Zurich today and Guangzhou tonight. JU is really promoting their fantastic product all over the place. Lolz

    9. Anonymous22:04

      Those who flew Belgrade-Rome expected IFE and flat seat on a regular A319? What a downer, will they be able to survive downgrade from A319 to A330?

      Anon 20:46 it is going to be replaced. YU-ARD is scheduled to start next week. Once flying, Romeo Delta will displace Romeo Charlie. ARC is only going to be used for backup. If ARD was delivered months ago as planned, ARC would rarely be in use. How is your investigation going into reasons for possibly deliberate delay of YU-ARD? Oh you don't care about that.

    10. Anonymous22:10

      That is crew education flights, do not panic

    11. Anonymous05:18

      "Deliberate delay". You need help.

  12. Anonymous13:54

    Compare the meal choices and the fact that you have two dessert options from Guangzhou. Tells you everything you need to know about Belgrade Airport catering.

    1. Anonymous14:29

      Exactly! Catering standards from BEG have really gone downhill.

    2. Anonymous15:33

      How come they cannot find a decent caterer out of BEG?

    3. Anonymous01:58

      How many profi katering misliš da ima u Beogradu?

  13. Anonymous14:28

    Very interesting review, thank you Sir!

  14. Anonymous14:50

    This is what a trip report should be like!
    Thank you Sir for the very interesting read.
    I wish company management would read this too.

  15. Anonymous14:56

    I am sorry Air Serbia but now you do not have my support.

  16. Anonymous15:31

    Well, with this being a J trip report, criteria should be a little higher than having your belly full and a functioning seat available - that's as regards many comments.

    For me, three key aspects of J travel are the most important - privacy, comfort and food. I think JU does well in comfort (provided that the seat reclines), but everything else, not so much. Then, contrary to many, I could do without IFE - just give me a working route map which can be accessed via local IP. In the era of iPads and other devices, expecting someone to provide me with a better tablet than I own, with more interesting content (in any aspect) to what I have just doesn't make much sense to me. Their pilot IFE with BYD was great for me - what has happened to that?

    1. Anonymous23:12

      What does J trip mean?

    2. Anonymous05:18

      J is business class.

  17. Anonymous16:59

    Thank you for your report. It’s sad and almost unbelievable that they are using the aircraft in that poor state. If you are paying the ticket with your own money (and not as some state financed passenger) it is almost crazy to choose Air Serbia.

  18. Anonymous17:45

    Why no champagne in J class?

    1. Anonymous21:13

      Probably too expensive, it's a cost cutting measure. They used to have it years ago.

    2. Anonymous21:31

      J is a very underwhelming experience on JU.

  19. Anonymous17:49

    Solid report as always, with tons of pics and balanced review. Balanced means both positive and negative experiences, unlike some comments that, predictably, only talk about negative and amplify if to extremes. For anyone following ExYuAviation for a while, it is not a mystery where those comments come from.

    Reviewer pointed out that hard product will be changed soon. Qantas example shows the deficiencies would be manageable had the airline been proactive in addressing them by notifying users about the lack of IFE, by blocking sales of inop lay-flat seats etc. Lack of empathy for paying passengers, lack of proactively communicating and addressing issues from flight delays to lack of service seems to be recurring theme with current Air Serbia management.

  20. Excellent trip report, calm, balanced, precise yet not over the top. Thank you for your time.

    Most recent trip reports and my own flight experiences leave me wondering how Air Serbia management plans to make Air Serbia remain competitive with Turkish, Austrian, Aegean offering the same or far better service and similar pricing. It does not have much to hold on to. ATR hard product is virtually the only thing that has actually been improved. Crews went from superb to bleek to nice, but it is still hit and miss. Everything else deteriorated.

  21. Anonymous21:18

    Just do what I do, avoid JU on longhaul. On shorther flights they are just ok. Don't have any expectations and you will be fine.

  22. Anonymous21:54

    Thank you for the pretty cool tripreport

  23. Nenad23:32

    So nice report with so any photos. Pity that there is no signiture or at least a nickname.


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