Monday, July 13, 2015
Air Serbia's crew yesterday marked the thirtieth anniversary of the first flight of the airline's Boeing 737-300 (registered YU-AND). The anniversary was marked on a flight from Belgrade to Skiathos in Greece, with passengers given chocolates to mark the occasion. The B737-300, one of the first in Europe, is now operating under Air Serbia’s charter brand Aviolet. The carrier's predecessor, JAT Yugoslav Airlines initially ordered two B737-300s on September 1984. A year later the first, registered YU-AND, arrived on August 8 while on August 15 the second, registered YU-ANF, landed at Belgrade Airport. Under the purchasing contract for the Boeing jets, at least 50% of the aircraft’s price was covered by Yugoslav exports to the United States as well as the production of certain Boeing parts in Yugoslavia. The Boeings were deployed to European routes, with the DC9s relegated to domestic and charter flights.
YU-AND on the production line in Seattle |
YU-AND arrival in Belgrade |
YU-AND arrival in Belgrade |
Poster celebrating the arrival of the B737-300 |
YU-AND today |
What happened with registrations YU-ANA/ANB/ANC/ANE...?
ReplyDeleteThey were used by Inex Adria. I don't know why JAT continued with that registration.
DeleteWere they DC-9s?
DeleteEx JAT's B737 AND have fly in Australia during the time of the Ansett and Trans Australian Airlines crisis (pilot strike). All so B737 ANJ was in same mission. Top aircraft for those time.
ReplyDeleteThis days one of Airbus A320 is on lease in Air Serbia. Life goes in the circle... ✈Rodney✈ Sydney✈Kraljevo✈.
✈Rodney✈ Sydney✈Kraljevo✈, please take some English language lessons. I had trouble understanding what you wanted to say.
DeletePostovani Anon 6:55 PM.
DeleteUmesro mojeg doskolovavanja engleskog, prevodim vam na srpski jezik, ono malo reci koje ste tesko razumeli,
Napisao sam da su dva aviona Boing B737 AND i ANJ bili u ispomoci civilnom vazdusnom transport Australije u vreme strajka pilota bivseg ANSETT-a i Trans Australian Airlines. U to vreme sam radio za Qantas i proveo gotovo cetvrt veka. Kako li je tek njima bilo samnom, kada Vi ste imali poteskoce da me razumete. Dali ste mi povod da se izvinjavam i da ucim engleski. Sto se tice mojeg pominjanja Erbasa A320, to sam spomenuo zato sto su avionic iz Srbije leteli na letovima po Australiji krajem osamdesetih. Sada taj Australijski avion je pod zakupom u Er Srbiji. Stvari se u zivotu menjaju, izuzev ''mojeg'' engleskog. Dobrim delom nepoznavanja i srpskog jezika. Ukoliko Vi neznate srpski jezik, nadam se da ce Vam neko prevesti moje zaljenje Vaseg truda za razumevanje mojeg pokusaja da sastavim nekoliko reci na englesko. Oprostite. Prijatno leto. Vas ✈Rodney✈Sydney✈Kraljevo✈
I understood what you said perfectly Rodney. Few grammatical errors but I get your point.
DeleteOn the same topic, I can't say that I am thrilled that those jets went to Australia to "help out" the crisis. The worst thing pilots can do to one another is undercut or "scab" each others jobs..The best thing to do for any professional pilot is to let the other group solve their problems on their own. Unless that group specifically asks for help from other pilots.
Postovani @Anon 10.00h. Dragomi je da ste uspeli da protumacite moj ''native'' jibberish English. Sto se cudite kako su piloti prihvatili da budu strike brakers u doba kolapsa Ansett-a... Tada je Srbija bila u ''bratsvu i jedinstvu, ''samoupravljanju'' solidarna u radnickoj klasi... Ipak interes i zarada je zvezda vodilja. Pa zato su i prihvatili poziv sa ostalih pet, sest drugih avio kompanija iz drugih zemalja. Dali iskrenost, istina i otvorenost su nacin zivljenja ljudi koji upravljaju i vode Srbiju u zadnjih bar 70 godina. To mozda vama je bliza materija. Daleko sam blizu 50 godina od tog ''eldorada''. Ipak Srbija mi je Otadzbina. Istovremeno i Australija mi je Domovina. U njoj sam podigao dom i porod. Ali eto engleski nisam naucio, a Srpski zaboravio . Pa eto umaram ljude bezpotrebno. Svako dobro Vama i Srbiji, gde godisnje provodim izmedju sest i osam meseci. ✈Rodny✈ Syd✈Kvo✈.
DeleteI wish they repaint it in the original livery once again before they retire it. Beautiful bird :)
ReplyDeleteHeadline is not correct. Air Serbia official communication and social media did not mention this event. Some airlines celebrate retirement of last type in the fleet and Air Serbia may choose to do so when last 737 is retired.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah Dane Kondic said that would be April 2014. Oops. That didn't go as planned. I remember he called them "junk" at one point.
DeleteCheck your sources, Boeings will stay based on their airworthiness. Not much juice left in those lemons.
DeleteCalling it "junk" is relative. I would call well maintained 1985 Rolls Royce junk compared to my new luxury SUV while car enthusiasts or even brides would always choose a ride in rare RR over my mass produced hi-tech monster. JU 733 really are junk compared to new Sky Interior, LED lit, IFE equipped 737, but are perfectly safe, fun and rare experience to fly on.
Those old girls have saved Air Serbia so many times until now. However, Dane will never acknowledge it because he has an issue with anything Jat-related.
DeleteMaybe JU's PR department did not mention anything since it's PR, Ms Gedosev, was fired from her post a few weeks ago.
Kada ljudi imaju oci na potiljku, stalno putuju u proslost... Naravno to je vreme kada je sve cvetalo, blistalo. Uzivajte u ''jucerasnjem'' vremenu. Pocece i Vas da uzdizu. Znate kako se uzletalo i letelo. cach me check sa novcem poreza. Prijatan let. Prijatno toplo leto. ✈Rodney✈ Sydney✈Kraljevo✈.
DeleteAhh, brings back memories... first merger and rebranding I experienced as a new employee. On Friday everything was same old brand in the office, but when I showed up on Monday every single thing, from outdoor sign down to mailroom supplies had a new brand on it! That's how rebranding is done - old is kicked to the curb overnight.
DeleteOh, Maja got fired? I thought she was now head of Corporate Affairs or something like that.
DeleteI can hardly see any reason to celebrate. Anybody with some minimum of common sense left, wouldn't mention that he's flying one of the oldest metals in Europe.
ReplyDeleteNova preregistrovana aviokompanija obelezava 30 god. leta aviona koga je kupio JAT.
ReplyDeleteTo je kao da je recimo iznajmljen ili prodat npr. Montenegru, a Montenegro u ime JAT-a proslavlja godisnjicu.
Aero Putu je promenjeno ime u JAT 1947 godine, da ne poseca na kapitalizam. "'Radnici, seljaci i postena inelegencija'' su zavrsili uspesno sta su hteli. Ostali su u proslosti. ✈Rodney & Son✈ Sydney✈Kraljevo
DeleteAeroput su natjerali da se ugasi, de ne bi bio konkrencija novoosnovanom Jatu. Isto tako, ako se ne varam, i danas postoji Jat iako Air Serbia proslavlja godisnjice..... Jatovanja....
DeleteObozavao sam 737 - 'bez boje" sto je licilo na American Airlines, mislim da bi i dan danas to izgledalo super
ReplyDeleteJU 321 for years every day in ZRH as ZRH-ZAG-BEG operated with the 733, ETD 1530h. Saw it probably 1000 times as we had the office just next to the takeoff area of RW 28.
ReplyDeleteNice painting for that time. And right, even today this would look great
first flight on it was in Jul 1987 when I took my cousin fm LJU to BEG. At that time domestic flights were cheap and i could even afford to invite him to a 1 day trip to BEG, where we lunched in the Intercontinental. At that time an impressive hotel. At that time it was also the crew hotel for Swissair since SR 456 had every day a crew change in BEG
does anybody remembers Erwin Michel, now retired but former BEG station mgr of SR?