Belgrade Airport sees record profit

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport has recorded a net profit of 17.1 million euros during the first five months of the year, which is seven times more than the same period in 2014. According to the airport, expenses were down over 166.000 euros, while the amount of total income increased 65%. Belgrade Airport welcomed 1.675.999 travellers through its doors during the first five months of the year, up 9% on the same period in 2014.


  1. Anonymous11:36

    But how can they be making record profits and carrying record numbers of passengers, if Air Serbia is not paying anything and airlines are leaving BEG airport ??

    1. Anonymous11:43

      A) Airlines no longer get discounts B) Air Serbia itself doesn't pay for SOME things (not everything) but they are paid for by the government C) if you passenger numbers increase by over a million in a single year (like it happened) revenue from passengers using airport services will significantly increase.

    2. Anonymous12:59

      So it seems that Air Serbia is not the merchant of evil that so many people on this blog have made them out to be ....

      If it wasn't for the govt's decision to make the deal that it did to bring in Etihad, then today, the tax payers of Serbia would have 2 dud assets in the airline and the airport. With this, they now have 2 assets that are on the road to recovery, with the airport seemingly booming and in a position to net the govt a handsome windfall gain should they decide to privatise it ..... Something for which they would have rec'd significantly less in the pre Air Serbia days

    3. Fully functioning airport with scheduled flights and very little in terms of competition is never a dud asset.

    4. Anonymous14:45

      Remember how they increased the charges for YM? ;)

      There we go.

  2. Anonymous12:59

    Unisti Air Serbia aerodrom.

  3. Anonymous14:36

    Zahvaljujuci ASL ostvaren je toliki profit .

  4. Anonymous18:27

    Funny thing that the journalist hasn't mentioned that Serbian government paid 15.7 millon euros to the airport for Jat's outstanding debt accumulated for years. According to the airport's financial report for the first quarter 2015 this payment took place on 31st,March and this was the second and final payment for that purpose.Without that payment the profit will be many times lower.

    1. Anonymous21:11

      +1, there has been a big discussion on this here on the blog last month.

  5. Anonymous18:35

    ozbiljan falsifikat realnosti !

    1. Anonymous11:46

      apsolutno! ali to govori koliko misle da je prosecan gradjanin glup. Ali posto takvi trikovi prolaze mozda su i u pravu. Na zalost..

  6. Anonymous19:06

    U finansijskom reportu za prvo tromesečje 2015. godine objavljenom na beogradskoj berzi piše da je neto profit već tada bio 1,9 milijardi dinara, to je valjda oko 15.700.000 EUR. To je zaista ogromno i verovatno potiče od prebijanja starih dugova. Zar se ne može proveriti o čemu se tu radi ?

  7. Iskreno profit i investiciji srazmerno razborit covek nebih imao
    mnogo vise zahtevati. Ali dovodjenje investitora, partnera jeste
    prolongiranje pravog preporoda Aerodroma Nikole Tesle. Ako je nastojanje vas koji odlucujete da putem profita od Aerodroma, godisnje ili periodicno investirate, onda se razvoj pretvara u dgu, dugu sagu. Mada u vasoj viziji nastoite da ni cent ne ode na stranu, ipak vise od par decenija jeste cena da smo vi budete Boss. Jer nemate novac da odmah radite i aktivirate aerodrome. Povrh toga onaj ko bi ulozio novac brinuo bi se i ostvarenju profita. Povecan ju letova, putnika i Iirobe. Isto sto Aerodrom i sada radi, ali sporo i na duge staze. Mnogo se novca izgubi sto duze traje projekat. Uz najbolje zelje za kapiju Srbije A.N.T Beograd I malu neotvorenu ✈MORAVU✈ topple pozdrave i leto prepuno aviona i putnika, zeli vam iz Sidnejske vazdusne luke, Rodney✈ & Friends. .


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