Croatia Airlines' numbers improve

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Croatia Airlines has seen a modest increase in passenger numbers so far this year. Over the past eleven months, the carrier handled 1.746 million passengers, an increase of 1.6% compared to the same period last year. The average cabin load factor stood at 70%, up from 69.5% in 2014. The airline's revenue passenger kilometre, a measure of sales volume of passenger traffic, increased 2.5% to 1.3 billion. Freight tonne kilometres, which measures actual freight traffic, amounted to 729.000, which is down 28.9% on last year. Croatia Airlines welcomed 1.825.063 passengers on board its aircraft for the whole of 2014, which represented an increase of 1.6% on the year before.


  1. Anonymous15:30

    Bravo Hrvatska!

    1. Anonymous17:21

      ajde bre vise stim "bravo ..." glupostima. To je jedna obicna firma a ne reprezentacija u fudbalu!!!


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