easyJet launches two weekly flights from Liverpool to Split:
Flight number: U23431

easyJet launches two weekly flights from Liverpool to Split:
Flight number: U23431
Departure city: LPL
Departure time: 15.40 (1------), 06.05 (----5--)
Arrival time: 19.25 (1------), 09.50 (----5--)
Arrival time: 19.25 (1------), 09.50 (----5--)
Arrival city: SPU
Aircraft type: A320
Aircraft type: A320
Day operating: 1---5--
Flight number: U23432
Departure city: SPU
Departure time: 20.15 (1------), 10.25 (----5--)
Arrival time: 22.15 (1------), 12.25 (----5--)
Arrival city: LPL
Aircraft type: A320
Day operating: 1---5--
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