Monday, October 5, 2015
The Serbian Minister for Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, Zorana MihajloviÄ, has said the national carrier, Air Serbia, will launch flights from Belgrade to New York in March next year, just a week after the Prime Minister announced that services between the two cities will operate five times per week. "Last week a meeting of the Air Serbia Supervisory Board was held and it was decided for flights to New York to launch by the end of the first quarter of 2016. Five weekly flights will be maintained. The first service to New York will operate at the end of March, 2016", Ms MihajloviÄ said. The 2016 summer season begins on March 27.
I don't think that this minister will still be the minister come March.
ReplyDeleteNewark is the more likely destination.
DeleteFor the minister to move after she stops being a minister?
DeleteNewark? Why, is Air Serbia going to interline with United?
DeleteIf we are going to pick the airport, let's go with Islip. Hamptons crowd will love it.
I woild really like to see AS launch flights to JFK, but I'd be more interested in prices and loads come next October.
DeleteWhy are you interested in prices and loads? Haters will always abuse the results to spin it their way:
DeleteA) if prices are high, haters will say: "ASL is abusing poor people with sky high prices! It's 100eur cheaper to fly TK from BEG to JFK via IST!"
B) if prices are low, haters will say: "ASL is abusing poor taxpayers to subsidize their vanity project!
"prices and loads" are what matters.
DeleteIf an airline or any other company doesn't cover its costs and year after year is loss making it will go bankrupt.
That is business.
The Serbian tax-payers will not be allowed to keep covering the losses of the political ASL project and its flight to New York.
E.U. (who becoming a member off I think is more important than loss making flights 5 times a week to NY) does not allow any more Governments giving free money to companies.
Anonymous October 5, 2015 at 3:50 PM
DeleteLike a broken gramophone, month after month, your group keeps on spinning same old attacks.
So, here goes again. Serbian government is NOT subsiding Air Serbia. It is offering free or reduced cost services (e.g. through BEG, which is also a state company) to the national carrier, in lieu of the money it owes in terms of the liability sharing agreement entered into between GoS and Etihad.
Since the services passed on are from one parastatal to another, it is deemed as direct government funding, proportionately split in terms of the agreement.
AnonymousOctober 5, 2015 at 3:50 PM: "prices and loads" are what matters...That is business.
DeleteAir Serbia showed their mettle when it comes to business side, unlike some of the last few jat managements. There was a description of JU-EY pre merger due dillignece, where JU management talkef about how safe they are, but drew blanks when asked about essential business metrics. Stunning.
AnonymousOctober 5, 2015 at 4:02 PM
Exactly, it is perfectly clear how that was done and it has been for a while. Haters are desperatly trying to cling on to that lie in hope that repeating it will make it true. Nope, it will only make haters more laughable.
DeleteSome say JU is expensive and some say cheap. During the first year it was JU will go bankrupt from cheap fares, now they will go bankrupt because it is too expensive.
Price will be dictated by basic economics - supply and demand. Transfer tickets will typically be cheaper as in all other carriers.
Random dates for BEG-JFK (10. nov - 20. nov) shows BEG-JFK return with KL/JU as the cheapest on 404€, whilst the same dates on the same KL flight AMS-JFK is 714€. That is a 76,7% difference in the airfare!
As for the Serbian tax payer, we funded crappy Jat for many years, why the problem now with Air Serbia? This time around we have 800 more jobs, that is local Serbians being payed a wage.
Jos jednom se potvrdjuje sto ja pricam odavno i jako mi je drago da je ASL uspela u tome .
To sto ti pricas znaju svi iz medija od prvog dana formiranja ASL a to sto se primas na anti ASL zezanje je detinjarija.
DeleteA od jednom je detinjarija ahhaha ;)
Naravno da je detinjarija kada kao papagaj ponavljas jedno te isto dve godine pa si se popeo na teme i ljudima koji u to veruju od pocetka.. Pored toga si iznosio gomilu fals informacija i sebe u tom smislu potpuno diskreditovao.
DeleteDa da sad pocinju izgovori .
Koji izgovori klinac? Pa od prvog dana Air Serbie navode se letovi za SAD i veÄ se dvije godine govori da Äe to biti 2016. Po tebi je to trebao biti mart 2015. To je bila tvoja informacija da Äe tada leteti za Peking a od leta 2015. za SAD. Ajde ne kaki sine. Svaka budala je ovde mogla da shvati da je to politiÄki projekt i da mora da se desi, pa ĹĄto koĹĄtalo da koĹĄtalo srpski buÄet.
DeleteZnate ljubomora je opasno gadna stvar .
I ĹĄizofrenija takodje.
DeleteDobro to znate iz licnog iskustva tako da mora da je istina.
Da, na zalost. Imam dovoljno godina da neke stvari prepoznam. Jos prilikom osnivanja konpanije Hogan je pricao o letovima za Ameriku.
DeleteSvaka cast gospodji Zorani, vidi se da je ona vaznija i od Daneta i od Hogana i da se ona pita za sve! Objasnila je sa ovom izjavom!
ReplyDeleteZorana je samo prenela zakljucke Nadzornog Odbora. Tako, sve odluke koje su tamo donesene su zasigurno aminovane od strane i Hogana i Kondica.
Deletejaoooo kakva drzava, gde ministar se mesa u tudja posla
ReplyDeleteI actually think ministers have something to say since it depends on them and not on Kondich whether they'll get the FAA approval
DeleteAnonymous October 5, 2015 at 12:25 PM
DeleteIzvini, ali sta si hteo da kazes sa "tudja posla"??
Air Serbia is 51% owned by the Serbian state, who is its sole majority stakeholder, and therefore it is the business of that state to be interested in the affairs of its company.
Secondly, she only relayed what was decided at the Supervisory Board meeting, Therefore, the decision was, as expected, made by that corporate body, and with the blessing of all the stakeholders.
Ako ne razumes kako funkcionise sve to, otidi na Google.
Vidi se koliko imas znanja. U svakoj drzavi minister transporta se pita a nadam se da se I nas pita posto je to veoma bitno.
DeleteSo one must assume that hey have been given clearance by the FAA? Strange you would think that this blog would have reported such.
ReplyDeleteBut never let the truth get in the way of a good story eh?
Not that we know of, but it's hard to imagine they are not working on remaining approvals.
DeleteFor those that are concerned how are they going to get approval and get a plane in such a short time, it's possible they will initially use wet lease from Etihad, so EY likely earmarked resources for March launch date. There are even Etihad FAs who speak Serbian and could staff those flights.
All in all, exciting times ahead. Bravo Air Serbia! This is an Armstrong step, for our region.
DeleteEY is looking to remove their A345's from their fleet. Also 9W has extra widebody capacity in their fleet, with a couple ac operating on lease to EY.
DeleteIt is speculated that Serbian speaking crew in EY will be rostered for JU for the new ac until JU crew is trained and familiar with the type (just as with A6-SAA and A6-SAB) not to sure of the details but is rumour for the past 2 months in EY. It is possible that other than JFK it will fly to AUH. I wouldnt be surprised with the first ac to come in A6 registration and JU crew on temp GCAA licences.
Vjerovatno ce ovo biti kraj ove kompanije, Aegean sa Balkana ima vise nego duplo vise aviona nego srpska kompanija i takoder isto tako vise nego duplo destinacija nego srpska kompanija a nisu pricali o letovima za SAD/Kanada ili uopste to spomenuli.
ReplyDeleteJadna mala Air Serbia koja nije pokrila ni jednu trecinu Evrope vec se uzdigla da leti preko bare i manje od godinu dana nakon sto se nova kompanija uzpostavila pocelo se pricati o ovim letovima.
Dva dnevna leta za ZAG i LJU nisu dovoljna treba tu barem 4 leta dnevno da bi se mogao popuniti jedan A330 i treba biti letova za takve destinacije u regionu po cijeli dan jer ako let iz SAD zakasni u BEG naprimjer i let za ZAG/LJU i pogotovo SJJ koji je samo jedan dnevno i to je daleko od dobro ako zelis letove preko bare i da privuces putnike iz BiH i sa SJJ (tu trebaju tri leta dnevno kao i prije rata) odlete sa BEG onda putnici iz SAD koji zele dalje putovati imaju let tek dan kasnije i uporedeno sa Lufthansom nece moci putnike staviti na drugi let pa da istog dana dodu tamo gdje je njima cilj i ako ce morati mjenjati let negdje usput.
Treba uvesti jos dosta puno Evropski destinacija i mislim da bi Air Serbia trebala pogledati gdje Aegean leti i da mozda na neki nacin kopira njihove destinacije jer je po mom stavu grcka kompanija dobra i imaju veoma dobru mrezu destinacija ali da vam bude jasno Air Serbia nece nikada biti na nivou Aegean. Air Serbia je prosle godine imala oko 2 miliona putnika dok su grci imali 10,1 milion putnika. Imaju mnogo vise aviona a takoder Grcka kao drzava ima mnogo veci potencijal sto se tice putnika jer ima mnogo mnogo vise turizma (vise od Hrvatske) i imaju more i to vise mora od Hrvatske i cijene su jeftinije. A takoder grcki narod ima vece mogucnost za putovanje i tu je i velika dijaspora.
A opet eto Aegean nije ni spomenuo SAD/Kanada letove. Jos ima tu puno posla kod njih da bi bili spremni za takav veliki korak. Jer je velik korak krenuti preko bare a Srbija i njezina kompanija su daleko od grka i od toga i mogli bi samo pasti i izgubiti mnoge pare zbog politicarski snova i zelje da budu veliki i da bude kao i prije raspada Jugoslavije.
Ako Hrvatska ili Srbija budu ikad imale letove za SAD, to jedino ako americka kompanija uvede letove za BEG ili ZAG, a ovako treba svatiti mozak odredeni ljudi da nema realni mogucnost za male kompanije kao Croatia Airlines ili Air Serbia.
I ako ZAG ima dosta americki turista, to nije garancija za uspjesne letove preko bare za SAD, i Budapest ima mozda i vise americki turista a opet su se American i Delta povukli sa BUD i nije uspjelo ni sezonski. A ako BUD nema uspjeha, nisu bas vece mogucnost za jednog mnogo manjeg ZAG i za jednog Zagreba koji sigurno ima manje turista nego Budapest.
Ok je sanjati, ali umisljati u sebe i svaki dan spominjati letove za prvo Chicago pa sada za JFK pa sutra za ono i kasnije za ono drugo nije logicno i nije realno. Za kraj, nece biti letova sa BEG dugo godina, ako ikada bude, ako bude trebat ce dugo godina i vremena. Nije ni ZAG garancija, pogledaj samo na BUD.
G Purgeru sto se brinete toliko :
AnonymousOctober 5, 2015 at 1:54 PM
DeleteBravo! +1000
Ja sam samo realan, naravno bi i ja volio da bude letova za JFK sa BEG, ali uporedeno sa "INN-NS" ja sam ozbiljan covjek i realan sam. Da iskren budem, ona vremena koja su bila u regijonu i dok je bila jedna drzava, vise nece nikada biti i nece se nikada vratiti. Mislim na ekonomsko stanje, posao i radna mjesta, takoder i nekadasnji zajednicki JAT koji je kupovao nove avione i placao njih uporedeno sa danasnjim leasingom i narudbe koje propadnu i ispadne da Hrvatska nema para za 4 A319 i Srbija nema para za 10 A320 pa zato idu pod Etihadom. Mislim da i nema mjesta i trzista za nekoliko kompanija u regiji i da bi najbolje bilo da je jedna kompanija kao naprimjer u Skandinaviji gdje Danska, Norveska i Svedska dijele jednu kompaniju koja eto bas nije profitabilna ali nema to veze sa drzavama koje nju upravljaju vec zbog drugi razloga ali izgleda da se i SAS polako popravlja jer su poceli dobivati novu verziju A330-300 aviona kao prva kompanija u Evropi ako nisam pogresno svatio tu vijest.
DeleteOvako je sve malo, Air Serbia, Croatia Airlines, Montenegro Airlines, Adria Airways i BH Airlines koja ne bi se mozda trebala zvati "kompanijom". Mnogi kazu da Hrvatskoj zbog mora i turizma treba kompanija, ali i OU ima samo manje od 2 miliona putnika i to nije uopste puno ako pomislis da eto mnogo turista dolazi u Hrvatsku po Ex Yu standardu. Neko je napisao da Hrvatskoj treba kompanija a da naprimjer Austriji ne treba.
Pa Austrija ima mnogo vise aviona od OU i ima mnogo vise putnika, po takvoj logiki Austrija ima vise potrebu nego Hrvatska sto se tice kompanijom.
Ali eto, nek je tu jedna mala (po Evropskom a i svjetskom standardu) kompanija koja pokriva jedan dio Evrope i ponudi putnicima sa Hrvatski aerodroma non stop letove po jednom dijelu Evrope.
Takoder i Air Serbia, nek fokus bude na Evropu i da se spoji BEG sa Evropskim gradovima.
Ako "INN-NS" zeli vidjeti velike avione u BEG, nek ude na Airliners ili nek gleda stare slike preko ovog bloga, pa ce vidjeti DC-10 i B747. Sada su nova vremena i sve se promjenilo od 1991/1992. Mozda kao u ZAG dode Air Transat sezonski i obavi nekoliko rotacija i mozda neki carter za Dubrovnik iz SAD ali to je sve.
BUD koji je hub je imao American i Delta ali su se povukli i nije ni sezonski bilo profita a Budapest je jos atraktivniji grad od Zagreba i sigurno ima vise americki turista a opet nema profita za non stop letove a jos su manje prilike i mogucnost za ZAG.
Zelim samo upitati, ko bi letio sa eto tim fiktivnim letovima za JFK iz BEG? Flota i letovi koje Air Serbia nudi danas nije dovoljno za dosta transfer putnika jer treba znati koliki je A330 za srpski standard. Ja koliko znam Srbija nije bas atraktivna destinacija za americke drzave zbog neki razloga, i dal stvarno ima toliko dijaspore iz Srbije u Americi? Treba znati da su tu i velike kompanije kao Air France, British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa, Alitalia, Turkish Airlines i Austrian Airlines koji imaju veoma dobre ili dosta dobre (naprimjer Austrian Airlines) veze i letove za SAD i koji mogu sa dobrim cijenama i ponudama odtjerati malu Air Serbia od Americkog trzista. Treba znati da su tu i American Airlines i Delta koji isto lete za Evropu.
Jedno su snove i Flight Simulator i igrice virtualne, a realnost je nesto drugo. Ja mislim da svako od 20 godina zna za realnost i mislim da bi bila bolja prica na blogu kad ne bi bilo dijece od 14-15 godina koji previse fantiziraju kao nas djecak ovdje.
A sto se tice politicara, nemaju oni pojma o ovoj industriji i bolje je da puste Kondica da vodi racuna o ovakvim stvarima a ne da Vucic i Mihajlovic pametuju i prodaju maglu koju "INN-NS" svaki dan proguta dok se politicari smiju i raduju jer su uspjeli uraditi svoj posao.
To je ko kad bi Merkel, Hollande ili premijeri drzava Danska, Norveska i Svedska mjesali gdje ce SAS da leti i da oni kazu da ce SAS ili Lufthansa ili Air France poceti letiti tamo ili tamo i jos to nakon svega ponavljati svaki dan i svaki dan objaviti novu destinaciju u naprimjer SAD.
Anon 4:44
Ne prodaje meni niko maglu necmgo ce se to desiti.
DeleteA vi ste jako ljubomomorni samo .
INN-NS is 15 years old, please ignore him.
Delete18 .
+1 INN :D
DeleteAir Serbia Long Haul Fail
DeleteAŃrologic non stop fail!
DeleteSa "mog" glavnog aerodroma Delta sezonski nudi 5 letova sedmicno u jednom pravcu za JFK, United Airlines za Newark leti sezonski, SAS leti za Newark, Chicago i za LAX, Norwegian leti za Fort Lauderdale cijele godine i takoder cijele godine za Las Vegas i za JFK a sezonski i oni lete kao i SAS za LAX.
Tu su i Air China, Emirates i Qatar i Thai Airways.
Znam, absurdno je uporediti ARN sa BEG a ARN bas ima dosta veliku interkontinentalnu mrezu i izbor destinacija izvan Evrope zato sto je mnogo bogatija i razvijenija drzava od Srbije i zato sto ima mnogo gradana koji mogu sebi kupiti kartu (dole je bijeda i siromastvo a plate su niske uporedeno sa zapadom) a takoder ima i transit putnika barem po Svedskoj a dosta putnika sa Baltikuma.
Ovdje je domaca mreza letova i kompanija veoma dobra, SAS pokriva cijelu Svedsku uglavnom a tamo gdje nije SAS tu su manje kompanije koje nude letove za Stockholm.
Nemam razloga biti ljubomoran, ovdje sam isao u vrtic i krenuo u skolu i osjecam kao da sam u svojoj drzavi.
Ali znam da SJJ nikada nece imati interkontinentalne letove ako srednji istok nije pod toj kategoriji a to je i normalno jer je BiH u tom smislu maleno trziste i jedino bi St Louis dosao u obzir mala BiH u Americi haha a i malen je aerodrom a takoder kroz historiju nikada nije bilo takvi letova nego uglavnom Boeing 737 i Airbus A319/A320 i propeleri.
A kao sto sam rekao, za sada nece nista biti od SAD sa BEG, necu jos jednom objasniti jer sam sve napisao. Prosla su ona vremena i standard u Hrvatskoj i u Srbiji je skroz drukciji danas kad se raspala Jugoslavija.
OK, ARN je dobar aerodrom i daleko ispred svih ex yu aerodroma. Zasto onda neko ko je iz Svedske, i verovatno poreklom iz Bosne, komentarise let BEG-JFK? To je kao da ja komentarisem da li ce biti letova izmedju Tunisa i Meksika. Cak i da imam svoje misljenje, nije moje da se u to mesam.
DeleteNije bas kao Tunisia i Mexiko, ja sam zivjeo dva sata od Zagreba sve do decembra 1992 godine kad su nas tadasnji sprski cetnici protjerali i ja nisam pobjegao vec sam bio protjeran i zato smatram da imam pravo imati stav o drzavama u Ex Yu i biti zaintresovan i diskutovati.
DeleteKakve veze ima gdje ja zivim, sve do 1991 smo zivjeli u istoj drzavi i zato nije korektno reci da ja koji sam iz BiH nemam pravo pricati o letovima sa BEG preko bare ili o ZAG i letovima na isti kraj sa ZAG. ZAG je svakako bio dva sata od nas i nije to kao Tunisia i Mexiko.
Da, ARN je veoma puno ispred svih Ex Yu aerodroma i uvijek ce biti, ali nije uvijek imao +20 miliona putnika i nekada je sigurno bio mozda jednak sa BEG BEG koji je bio veci od BUD i jednak sa Becom 80-ti godina. Da nije bilo raspada Jugoslavije i da nije bilo ratova vjerujem da bi BEG mogao biti kao ARN danas, ne mozda iste brojke, ali ne bi bio toliko daleko od ARN. Vec bi bilo Airbus A319/320 koji bi bili kupljeni a ne leasing i bilo bi veliki aviona kao A330 i razvijena interkontinentalna mreza.
Uvek sam se pitao da li su oni koji ovde pisu protiv ZAG ili OU zapravo ljudi koji su proterani iz Knina ili drugih mesta, isto za one koji svaku dobru vest iz JU i BEG komentarisu negativno? Intenzitet mrznje sa raznih strana ne moze se lako objasniti drugim nacinom posle dve decenije.
DeleteJa mislim da je ovo kraj nekih regionalnih avio kompanijica poput Croatia Airlinesa. Oni jednostavno nakon ovoga nemaju sta da traze na trzistu, ili ce se utopiti u sastav Air Serbiae ili ce nestati.
DeleteAir Serbia samo treba da drpi 20% od miliona i miliona vasih turista koji dodju na vase krasno primorje svake godine, i eto popunjenih aviona. Samo uvedu popuste na Dubrovnik, Split i Pulu, za one koji lete preko bare, i opa bato, pa da vidis ti kako ce da vrti para gde burgija nece.
ReplyDeleteNisu OU i JU vise u istoj katetgoriji kompanija, pa da vuces paralele izmedju njih.
Skoro sam procitao negde, da je jedna kanadska firma radila analizu tokom 2013 godine za prostor EXYU i ustanovili su da bi jedino letovi iz BEG i ZAG bili ekonomski izdrzivi YYZ, dok bi letovi za ostale gradove SAD bili izrazito sezonskog karatkera. Mislim da je analza radjena na analzi celog trzista EXYU
ReplyDeleteFlying transatlantically with only one airplane is a very bad idea...
ReplyDeleteYup. But, there will be a contingency plan.
DeleteSky Greece is ASL's model!
DeleteI agree with you totally. One plane cannot do the job, especially if they are to fly 5 times pw as stated in this blog. Have to take into account, aircraft delays due to weather, mechanical issues, times allowed for crew to be in air etc. If passengers start be affected by such delays and inconveniences, passengers will lose confidence. Somehow talking about delays reminds me of JAT Just Any Time. Maybe it won't happen this way.
Deleteno where is it mentioned how many ac will join the JU fleet. Since you say it is 1 ac joining, do share us your source and which type, which also is not confirmed.
DeleteFor 5 flights per week you only need one aircraft. If it's more than 1 widebody joining ASL fleet, they need at least one more destination to serve. Toronto has 3 times as many passengers than JFK from Belgrade and it could be the next destination.
DeleteMr. Vucic and Mrs. Mihajlovic should know that such annocuncements are the job of Mr. Kondic. Everything without him is diplomatically speaking an "affront" against the management !
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know which gates on BEG will ASL use for these flights?
ReplyDeleteI guess one wide-body is less than enough, so how will BEG handle 2 wide ones at the peak time like this??
C1A, C3A and C5A stands can handle the ac as well as the B1-B7 stands.
DeleteThat is 3 air bridge gates (C1A, C3A, C5A) and 11 remote stand positions (C7, C8, C9, C10, B1-B7)
Im not sure how they did it with QR the past 2 times it was in BEG on the C stands, but I assume C2, C4 and C6 can connect to L1 door, just not sure if C1, C3
and C5 bridges can connect to L2 door, which would speed up boarding and keep economy pax from the premium cabins (business).
BEG altogether has A1-A10, C1-C10 and B1-B7, that is 27 parking stands.
This morning, (morning being one of the busiest peak times), between 0540 and 0800 we have 14 departures, 2 from A4a (BUD, VIE). 13 of the 19 gates are used for this mornings departure, or 13 of the 27 stands.
Adding more remote stand gates could be done in a couple of months. There is also a plan to extend the C wing from C7 to C10 as well as a satellite terminal. GVA for example has a couple satellite terminals and I believe 8 narrowbodied ac were able to use the positions at the satellite terminals.
Turn around times on a B737/A320 is roughly 35-40 minutes and for the A330 75-80 minutes.
I hope this helped.
Turnaround for an A330 is 75-80 minutes?
DeleteIs it possible for an A330 to operate a round trip BEG-JFK in 24 hours and then operate another round trip in the next 24 hours?
Looking at the flight times for A330s from JFK to FCO, PRG, IST, and KBP, it should take about 10hr45min BEG-JFK and 9hr45min JFK-BEG.
That should be 20:30 of flight time. That only leaves 3:30 for turn arounds at both airports and for any delays.
@ Aleksandar
DeleteI hold a licence to fly on the A330. It is possible to turn around the A330 in the above times. But it also depends on the efficiency of the airport staff at both ends, ie how quickly they can do the cleaning, catering, handle disembarkation and boarding, as well as many more factors.
Jat had a schedule for its planned JFK and YYZ in 2006 when it intended to lease a B762 from Polet.
JU500 BEG 1000 JFK 1400
JU501 JFK 1610 BEG 0730+1
JU560 BEG 1000 YYZ 1300
JU561 YYZ 1505 BEG 0630+1
The B762 then was supposed to have a config of 18/198
BEG-JFK could be done on 1 ac however it doesnt leave room for error. It is speculated that EY crew will be assisting JU crew with ac familiarisation. AUH is alot of the times overbooked in the summer months for both flights (EY71/72 and JU800/801). It is possible that the ac will operate AUH as well, enabling a rotation of the EY crew in AUH, just as we saw when the first 2 A319's came to the fleet (A6-SAA and A6-SAB).
It has been speculated many times here that AUH will be reduced to 1 daily, with JU to take over the EY slot. That would make sense if the A330 takes over.
AZ and AB dont have late afternoon/evening departures to JFK and this is where JU can complement.
JU### BEG 1700 JFK 2000
JU### JFK 2140 BEG 1300+1
This schedule connects to SKP, SKG, SOF, TIA, BNX, TIV, TGD and SJJ. OTP will have 20 minutes in both directions - possible when boarding pass given at origin and security is done at gate, but no room for error. Also SKP, SKG, SOF and TIA is 20 minute connection upon landing in BEG to JFK, with above timings.
If they do start in march 2016, booking could start by the end of the month, and increase in regional ops could be known as late as february 2016 just as they announced 2 daily ZAG.
JU### BEG 1700 JFK 2000
DeleteJU### JFK 2140 BEG 1300+1
Problem with this schedule is contingency plan if aircraft goes AOG at 21:00 at JFK. Who is going to take 250 passengers that late? If it's 2pm, it makes it easier.
DeleteAOG can happen to any airline, any ac, any where. Could be minor technical, smoke, bird strike, many things. JU wouldnt be alone in JFK, from EY alliance is AB, AZ, EY and 9W, as well as KL, VS, AF and SU who work with JU in some form. AOG is rare lets not forget. LH turns around their B748 in 2 hours in JFK (LH404).
Qatar A330 was turned around pretty fast at BEG recently and with both jetbridges.
DeleteWhen ASL aircraft departs for JFK it is gone for the day and can't do AUH. However on two days when it doesn't go to JFK they can send it to AUH, and capacity is enough to replace two daily A319. That means daily A319 to AUH except twice weekly with A330 or what have you.
DeleteVery interesting info on Jat's attempted schedule and aircraft config. Thank you.
I think that it is quite possible that ASL is considering launching JFK first rather than YYZ or ORD because JFK is slightly closer so the chances of being able to do a round trip in 24 hours is increased.
ORD is about 2 hours longer for a round trip I estimate. Very difficult to do in 24 hours.
March is six months away, ASL has time to strengthen the ATR fleet and increase the regional network. I think a good goal should be an additional 3-5 ATR 72s
Not only that. It is first of all about the presence of other carriers from the Etihad family and about possibilities of having a feeder/partner to the rest of the US network.
DeleteYYZ and ORD might have more direct O&D demand (diaspora etc.) but JFK definitely has more indirect demand and connecting options, including those cities.
^^^ anonymous
Deleteno where was it mentioned the amount of ac. All was said is A332. It could be 3 or 4 A332 ac coming in, it could be 10. No definite number was ever specified, unless you have a source.
@ Aleksandar
YYZ is closer and Canada is a market where Emirati carriers only have 7 weekly slots, that is 4 x EY and 3 x EK. In 2006, Canada intially gave JU charter rights but the US denied JU the flights, so both were canceled and the ac never came to BEG. A bilateral was later signed but I cant find more info as to the extent. JU back then wanted to start JFK 3 weekly and YYZ 2 weekly. Plan was to later open ORD and YUL. There is a study from back then the economics of the flight. If I find it I will post it for you.
ASL has plenty of time to add capacity in its regional network. Having said that, there could be crew issues with the fact that theyre all on 1 year contacts and a quite a number are looking at other options, even using the JU experience to seek employment in the ME3. The motivation to work in JU simply doesnt exist, plus wages have just gone down drastically for the crew on top of it all. The past 2 years there has been a lack of ATR's and it seems the 3 ATR72-500's came as the -200's have poor reliability.
DeleteIf you ever find that study, I would be very interested in reading it.
I don't know exactly, but according to Great Circle Map, YYZ should be about 85 nm further from BEG than JFK is.
I agree that finding suitable ATRs to lease is the easy part, what is much harder is to find the crews for them.
A big problem is that there are few new pilots in Serbia I believe. The military is probably only training a few per year I bet, and the civilian route is prohibitive almost everywhere except for in USA because of the costs.
ASL must make itself a more attractive place to work, especially for pilots as they are the least replaceable. It is much cheaper to convince Serbian pilots to work for ASL than it is to bring pilots from outside.
JATBEGMEL: There is a study from back then the economics of the flight.
DeleteI got it:
Very interesting how ASL fanboys calculate which would be the best departure/arrival times in BEG for ASL US flights (hahahaha). They forget or "forget" that it's not BEG which is the problem : Let me remind you that Skygreece was given JFK slots at 08:00 am to arrive to JFK and 22:00 to depart from. But, Zoka would definitely get better deal for ASL. Hahahahahahahaha....
DeleteCompare the resources and support that Skygrease and ASL enjoy.
DeleteOne has the support of an entire ruling party and Etihad, including at least a bit of money and investment.
The other has the support of a few unknown businessmen.
So maybe now you can understand why it might be possible for ASL to buy/trade/lease/acquire some more favorable slots.
Just by the fact that individuals insist on comparing these two airlines shows how out of touch they have gotten just so they can do anything besides admit that ASL is anything but a complete failure.
What I agree with you is that ASL enjoys the support of an entire ruling party. Not only enjoys support - it's actually a result of propaganda that ruling party needs. I can agree with you that ASL enjoys support of Etihad as well. Actually, not only that it enjioys support, but is controlled by Etihad. And maybe you are the one who needs to understand that serbian ruling party cannot trade/lease/acquire slots at disastrously congested JFK, neither can Etihad which has much more need for slots for its own flights, especially in view of current "war" between USB3 and US Gvt and MEB3
DeleteThe Government of Serbia can't get some slots at JFK? What, is there some type of embargo? Everything can be acquired if you have the money or you know the right people, even slots at LHR. Since ASL and Etihad are both political projects they do not have permission to fail.
DeleteThere is no war between USB3 and MEB3.
Delta and ALPA are fairly upset with the MEB3 and Norwegian, but that is about it. Etihad has codeshares with American and Jetblue.
As i said previously, i would be more enclined to look towards the A333.
DeleteOk Aleksandar Stojanovic, let's just wait and see would there be any JU flights to JFK (or elswehere within the US) next year. I assure you once again there wouldn't. But then again, I might be wrong, and in about a year time, we'll both know who were right
DeleteWhat does your message mean? Are you implying that I told you that these flights will happen?
DeleteNije problem ni u avionima ni u dozvolama. To moze da se obezbedi. Problem nastaje u organizaciji i obavljanju posla. U ASL, na zalost NE postoji prava organizacija da to iznese i pored svih napor Etihada da nesto uradi. Sve sto urade sistematski se urusava i opstruira. Jedina sluzba koja je dostigla evropske i svetske standarde je cabin crew pa su i coveka koji je to napravio odpustili. Kadrovska politika koju vode nasi ljudi je katastrofalna i sistematski radi u korist svoje stete. Zasto, samo oni i Bog znaju, ali sigurno nece stici daleko.
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